The End of Western Civilization

Jesus, you havent hit a nerve. I just find this tedious, you are on your own crusade against China, fighting for Uncle Sam and missing all context. Its like talking to a patriotic radio. Its just tedious.

Yes, Im well aware of the amount of technology China steal. I just said that. Well well well well aware. Cheers for enlightening everyone

Funny, sometimes I feel like I’m talking to CCP radio. But I know, you’re the most anti-CCP person you know.

“China does something good, maybe we should understand it and see if anything can learn from”

Captain America
“NO IMPOSSIBLE, you shill, you apologist, everything they do is shit. HAHAHA in your face Commie-Lover, go and live in your beloved dystopia”

Captain America puts on Gun’s & Roses and sips on a good old glass of American bourbon

In my face,… hahahaha

Another victory for Uncle Sam against the evil commie plot to understand some things that are happening in China from an objective standpoint

Well, the music and liquor in Murica is far superior to that in China. L’chaim!

Yep- just like America did when it was trying to catch up with Britain…or Germany did with the same…or Japan with America (those sneaky Asians- they can’t innovate, just copy)…Taiwan…

Like, uh, Japan?


Have you joined the Nihilism Discussion Thread yet?

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That says more about the US.


More like it is easier to innovate when you have freedom (your freedom and your stakeholders and customers freedom)

Asians are not free?

Not in China. Singapore is doing very fine at innovating and not copying, Taiwan as well, so are asians in the US, creativity is well correlated to the environment one is living in.

That is just not true. Its not even slightly true. Its not even one small iota true.

I deal with Chinese telling me how they are the most innovative and gushing over their tech and the speed they do things. In reality a lot is guff and nothing to the extent they say, but in so many sectors China is leading the way right now.

Honestly some of you guys should just spend a few moments actually understanding what is happening in China and then you can make more valid and reasonable arguments

I think modern Western society is unsustainable. Stratification of society/ extreme individualism. Declining community and civic engagement, family… Basically a desire to rid oneself of any social bonds that were not chosen. Increased mobility and an unwillingness to be rooted to one place - my theory is that because people do not stay in one place for one time people become less willing to engage and make connections with those around them. Anyway I could go on. My point is there’s an increasing lack of common identity, tradition/myth, community, belief etc
Even in the 20+ years I’ve had to observe my city, the difference from when I was a child to now is marked.
I believe such a society is doomed to fracture and ultimately fail.

Just for an example, Tiktok is one of, if not the most downloaded apps in the US

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I understand why one would think this way, but I disagree. When you set to tight limit they stay too tight…

It’s the long game they will loose…

Use Taobao for a few days, look at all the features, the recommendation algorithms, the video and streaming support, the ar support, the logistics network etc.

Now use Amazon, and you will feel like you have gone back in time

Economist just published an article on this

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Right taobao…they are good at stuff that promotes copying…

Erm, I am talking about the application itself. There is a lot of really good products on Taobao these days, a lot of Chinese manufacturers went through the copying phase and are now doing really good stuff.

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