The Great Amnesty

The only thing I’ve perceived is a bunch of anonymous posters on the internet with no apparent medical training have been squabbling with trained medical professionals over pandemic control measures and I had to choose.

Yap, your shoes, you walk in them.

Things are really going to get interesting when the next pandemic hits.

The interesting bit is going to be hospitalizations due to mRna in people’s systems. I’d bet the farm that overloaded healthcare facilities due to “vax” injury won’t be as loudly screeched about as "the pandemic of the un-“vaxxed!”.

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Do you get flu shots yearly or are they life-threatening too?

Your body, your choice.

Compensation first, then amnesty.

Peace is an option. But you don’t get to tank the world economy, poison a ton of people, then walk away with your hands in your pockets, whistling innocently.

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So what do you think would be an appropriate punishment for Dr. Fauci, the mastermind of the global conspiracy of healthcare providers to poison humanity?

Them trying to trend “forgive and forget” is a partial white flag.

  • You don’t necessarily have to prosecute the top dogs. They may have a degree of immunity… but even then, I wouldn’t count on that.

  • You could go after middle management. They have very little protection. You don’t want to sue the clerk in Familymart who asked you to wear a mask, lol, but there are plenty of local council heads who people are mad with. I wouldn’t do any of this in Taiwan, but it could be done in the West.

  • Why would lots of trials be impractical? It only takes 10 people in each country to start things off. It doesn’t have to be televised either. This is not so much about public trials, but cash compensation. Going after local bosses would not cause social division, as a lot of the rank and file would love to see their bosses put on trial. You are really focusing on 5% of the population, not 50%.

They could make things easier on themselves by releasing travel restrictions and getting rid of Xi. This would put people in a more jovial mood…

Interesting times!

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Life imprisonment ?
A billion dollar fine?
Stripped of his title…
200 hours community service…

The possibilities are endless.

Do you have any recommendations?

Should we all just hug and sing Auld Lang Syne?


Yes. Get some real, formal medical training before you start imprisoning medical doctors based on something you read on the internet.

Thank you for the advice.

Do you have any recommendations for Medical schools?

I heard Julliard was good.

Tbf I’ve had none and the only side effect so far is I haven’t contacted Covid. Maybe just lucky
I had a crappy flu (rapid test negative) 6 months ago. But mostly cleared up

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Maybe that’s a benefit of being in Taiwan where people wear masks and vaccine resistors are few. Staying Covid-free here in the U.S. – the global epicenter of vaccine resistance where no one wears masks – is more of a challenge.

Oh, the exact same place you yourself read or heard admitted misleading and false information, written or spoken by Bourla, Fauci, et al?

Bloody internet! Can’t trust it :wink:

I guess you should grab your own medical degree next time round to make sure you’re not cheated by the “medical experts?”


I’m not aware of a single public or private healthcare organization on the planet which agrees with your position on Covid vaccines so I don’t need to get a medical degree to decide who to believe.

The whole premise of this thread is a bit silly, isn’t it?

Which is? :thinking:

No need for medical degree. A low level bs meter would’ve worked fine.

It appears that you have not been doing sufficient internet research. Get tapping!


I would say the main reason it’s impractical is that the judiciary is compromised in many countries. They’ve already made some really embarrassing rulings and they’ll probably have to double down the same way the politicians have. The police in the UK have acted disgracefully - they’re still denying that anybody did anything wrong - and their public image is at an all time low. Even bringing middle managers to court - which I agree is an interesting idea - would turn out to be pointless unless you can be fairly certain the legal landscape is shifting back to the horizontal plane.

There also seems to be another problem: taking people to court doesn’t elicit any remorse. There was, for example, the Australian case mentioned yesterday where COVID fines were thrown out wholesale. There was no apology. Instead, they said “We were right all along, but because of some woke judge it looks like these law-breakers will get off scot free”.

There’s an awful lot of that sort of thing going on. Oster’s article was a typical example. Which means the crucial function of social healing isn’t going to happen. We’ll know they weren’t sorry in the slightest, and if they’re imprisoned or fined there will just be a vast number of (additional) people feeling resentful.

I was pondering on something you mooted a while back in a different context (sworn affidavits). There might be possibilities there.


Exactly. “Are you a doctor?” is a red herring. You don’t need a medical degree to figure out that the government is pissing down your back and telling you it’s raining. Most of the issues connected with COVID had nothing whatsoever to do with medicine, epidemiology, etc - that was just the curtain that the Wizard of Oz hid behind.

Welcome to forumosa!