The Great Reset

Dugin is not a Russian world ideologue like mainstream Russian press (RT) writes.
Putin has never quoted Dugin. Dugin was much more of a big thing in the West, not in Russia where most never took him seriously or even were influenced by him.
Putin’s ideology is more like Ivan Ilyin and/or Alexander Solzhenitsyn, but not Dugin.

Of course, this won’t detract from either side saying that it’s a huge thing (the car IUD), especially as it was his daughter.

There are enough videos out there of the supposed killer roaming through Estonia and another EU country. If she is the one, she most likely won’t live very long.

I believe this and far worse has gone on behind closed doors for decades:

You have a problem with helpful science? They want to create a supply of healthy organs. We grow shit in labs all the time. It’s grotesque for certain, but I don’t find it to be unethical. I know a few folks who needed and fortunately had a transplant performed. It’s not a shopping mall. Although it could create a genre of horror movies where people deliberately put their eyes out for a gorgeous new hazel-tinted pair on USUKR female blorp-878 which they saw on the shopping channel for three thousand bucks.

The article does not explain how growing human embryos without heads would “avoid ethical dilemmas”, leaving the reader needing to figure it out on their own.

Right away people will think “Kill it,” if they ever actually saw a headless human parts grow lab. It’ll never wake up, but that won’t stop us from imagining that it can feel and think and suffer.

Could the public then grown their own? You know, business and competition and all or would it be a government controlled apparatus?

I say go for it. Mars needs organs.

Grayt ! Technology can replace conspiracy theorists and right-wing religious wackos . . . I am all for a lot less crooked world killers like Putler, Dugin and Trumpone, Le Pen, Chunky Kim Chucky and Desantis, too!

But practically… Growing replacement organs for the genetically flawed may be dandy, but methinks that rich elderly Ozzies, Eltons and Micks would corner the market instead. Oops… :speak_no_evil::grimacing::speak_no_evil::grimacing:

Wouldn’t it be more clever to concentrate on growing smarter brains to replace the dumb-bad ones we already got way too many of?

Yeah, I think the concept has been mooted for several years now. My gut feeling (haha) is that it won’t be possible. Your brain - or various parts of it below the cortex at least - is a critical part of your physiology and the embryo simply won’t develop properly without it. Even ‘anencephalic’ babies aren’t truly brainless. Sounds like the whole project could be another Theranos.

In any case doctors seem to have had no problem just ignoring ethical issues for the last couple of years, so I suspect they’ll just find some reason why it’s perfectly OK to dissect a normal fetus for spare parts.

I see the WEF along with that other disgraceful group, the UN aim to fight ‘conspiracies’ on the web.
No doubt they will have their ‘factcheckers’ deciding what is or isn’t a conspiracy.
According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, misinformation on the internet is an “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and requires a “cure.”
The WEF will have their bots online, à la the 77th Brigade and 13th Signals in the UK, feeding the information the government and corporate socialists deem as non dis or mis-info.
They don’t like the pushback.

Also saw this. WEF apparatchik Turdeu - who else.


How come it is always Canada and Holland doing this stuff? Banning fertilizers and digital IDs etc.

Politicians there in power are WEF goons and answer to Davos elites.
In Holland an MP produced a letter in parliament from the PM to Herr Schwab I recall.
And then there is Totalitarian Turdoh who needs no introductions.

Re: Your insect agenda memes
You may be too optimistic about the future.

The lizard people who really run the world need to ensure a steady supply of their favorite food source, easily done if we start farming insects en masse for “human” consumption. MSM wants you to think those food insects are for people, but they’re not

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The Grauniad’s pet clown, George Monbiot, explains why pastured, organically-raised meat is the worst thing you can possibly eat:

He’s been doing this for years. I can remember a hit piece he wrote about 20 years ago on Allan Savory - one of the world’s most successful and experienced experts in re-wilding, reforestation, rotational grazing, and pasture/wildlife management in general - using spurious arguments he’d dredged up from his copious experience of desk-jockeying. He recycles a whole bunch of similar nonsense in this article.

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Mass farmed insects is the goal. They care about insects in the wild as much as the useless eaters.

He is a gopher though and could probably run a bath without help. Also needs an optician:

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Wrong it’s only the worst thing if we are so many humans… Go down to 500 million or so - and everyone can eat organic grazing fed animals. Humans will be better of for each of them, if they are less in numbers.

Just think about what would happen if we used all that area for grain and vegetable production? We could likely be 20 billion or more humans in that case and the pollution we cause would kill us very soon. Humans need to start prioritizing measures to get high quality living conditions, not quantity in its species which will only cause collapse.

But yes, so many things of what green politicians are trying to tell us are actually based on conservative ideals, not green according to their ideology. Green parties are not dangerous because of their ideals, they are noble, they are dangerous because they don’t look at the whole picture, are in many areas science averse and reactionary, and cause a belief of that we just need to stop emitting whatever and it will reverse our pollution - instead of proactively go onto cooling our climate and saving resources for future generations.

Just like virologists largely failed to grasp the whole picture of what their lockdowns and vaccines did, greens are in their similar own bubble. And no we don’t need even more children to save our pensions - we can just cut bullshit jobs or take workers from countries that still haven’t managed to stop their population from exponentially increasing - which will give us a better way of stopping overpopulation there too.
The great reset sucks because just like in most cases people are lied to about the motives and trajectory. We live in a world mostly made up of lies to make us feel comfortable and then some people like Schwab who think just lie to the people instead of telling them the truth. The great reset is like parents lying to their children about Santa Claus.

In particular, they will still have an adequate food supply, while those nearer to the equator will be seeing their agriculture collapse. That’s what will start the refugees moving in their millions – and 70 per cent of the world’s population lives in these vulnerable regions. The only places for them to go for safety is to the richer countries farther north or farther south.

The mass movement of climate refugees from poor, hot countries to rich, temperate ones is the political dynamite that could destroy global cooperation on stopping the emissions and the warming. Everybody who has been paying attention knows that, but Gaia Vince has a suggestion for dealing with it.

So the UN estimates 1.5 billion climate refugees moving to the north mainly (because as we know the south doesn’t have many rich places which aren’t hot) within the next 30 years.

Well I guess it will start much sooner. And they won’t come because of the climate but because right now their food chain supplies are breaking down…

Within 50 years numbers could double - so 3 billion as large areas around the equator become uninhabitable…

The big question is - why don’t the elites finally start climate engineering. I guess they look forward to the chaos we are creating right now. Costs for climate engineering to cool down the planet to pre industrial temperatures are estimated at 1/10 of the cost that were used to fight the covid cold. So it’s not about money, it’s about that they need a crisis.

The global warming/climate change/coming ice age/rising oceans is just another scam.
Their next plan as told by Klaus himself is the climate.
They don’t give two hoots about the climate as they fly round in their jets and buy ocean mansions.

The movement of people in the Sahel area has been going on for years.
Just a coincidence that Islamic nut jobs started appearing in the areas, which has driven people away.
They of course are moving to Europe, but equal numbers are moving South.
It is nothing to do with the climate. It is to remove people for the natural recourses in that area.
Psychopath and Reset devotee Tony Blair wrote about the opportunities in that area in 2017.

No idea if it is true, but I saw a claim that the world’s population would fit in Texas and live like they do in Hong Kong.

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Worth a watch or listen.
Interview with him at the end too:

Aug 31, 2022 At the Amsterdam Science Summit 2022, professor and best-selling author Richard Werner lectured the audience on the CBDCs and the 2030 Agenda. Afterwards, Tom interviews him about the fundamental historical background and the reasons of what is yet to come upon us: the conspiracy of the Fed, the BIS, the EU, BlackRock and the RAND Corporation to enslave all citizens.

Big piece on the WEF King:

Using the ‘flatten the curve’ BS in this one.

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