The Great Reset

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All Teslas recalls are simply OTA-updates. Because of legal technicalities all future updates will also be called ‘recalls’, if they fix something safety related. Many Teslas do not even have the features enabled which most recalls are addressing (Autopilot).

Others who have similar features like Autopilot, e.g. Google (Waimo), can not be bought by consumers. When they issue a safety related update to their AI drivers, it doesn’t have to be a public recall.

Why is not a fair enough question? You’ve pointed out issues. How could they be dealt with? Or, we just accept them

Apparently faster in London.


I’d say they are to be accepted. Once you purchase a Tesla, you’re locked into their system and exclusively dependent on them completely for updates, upgrades, repairs, faults, add-ons, etc.

In Sydney too. They once did a study on the main drag in the center of the city and found that the average speed to traverse it after 100 years was the same whether in horse and buggy or car.

What’s your issue with electric cars? They’re not my cup of tea, either. However, I wouldn’t berate anyone for driving one. What’s the issue?

Or buy another model.

You’ll note, of course, he’s talking about three types of humanism- liberal, socialist, and evolutionary. Here he is giving an example of what an evolutionary humanist- a Herbert Spencerian “survival of the fittest” 19th or 20th C. racisr, or even a Hitler, might say.
Careful of quote-mining. Read the whole thing, instead of just a snippet from Goodreads.

Ubermensch requires some serious cojones. There will only be a few

Which is why we replaced them- not to mention the manure. An article in the 19th C. Times pointed out the math of how London, Paris. and New York would soon be overwhelmed.

Nothing in particular. They have some benefits. However, they are being touted as the solution to climate change. That’s a stretch, at best.

Me either. That, I’ve not done. What’s laughable is the propaganda that electric cars will save the planet.

That too.

Aww! I love me a horse and buggy.


I agree with all of your points.

With Putin turing off the gas, maybe we need to bring 'em back :slight_smile:

Horse Poop as a Home Heating Source? – The Horse.

All of which again emphasizes the extreme overdependency on the company one will undoubtedly have once completely opting into their system.

There’s always a trade-off.

Great idea from the WEFers:

Another coincidence. One to add to the scores of similar fires in similar buildings.


No need to be patronising. I’ve read the book. You can find exactly the same insanity expressed by Harari in pretty much any interview he’s done which touches on the topic. That quote was an accurate representation of what he stands for. The creation of the ubermensch is absolutely one of his personal wet dreams. The entire section (The Humanist Schism) from which the quotes are taken, are even more alarming and insightful. Basically, he’s saying there, “Hitler wasn’t all bad. Let’s not throw the Nazis out with the bathwater. They were almost on the right track.” IMO, Harari thinks they were doing the right thing, yet their execution was poor, that’s all. He’s been pushing his ubermensch barrow for years, and uses whatever historical lunatic also had those crazy desires to justify his own place in world history. Part of Harari’s dream is to help correct any errors made by those such as Hitler, improve upon those ideologies, and work towards the best overman possible, yet one controlled by the elite in all respects. To me, I always get the impression that Yuval quite admires Hitler, often transparently, much like many Western leaders sometimes openly admire Xi’s powers and position. In secret, these Western leaders would love to rule like Xi. That’s why they don’t want the pandemic to end, as that gave them a little chance to play dictator for a couple of years.

But that’s another topic.

Harari spouts so much bs, couched in an attempt to be merely “commenting on history,” or discussing “philosophy.” It’s plain to see that he’s not the objective observer that many think he is. He’s motivated in a particular direction, and that is clearly shown in his writings, interviews, etc.

Harari very much wants humans to be as technologically controlled as possible. He has a definite goal and agenda in that regard. He’s the principal advisor to Schwab. He’s not merely making these ludicrous statements for no reason. He’s the main cheerleader for the current transhumanist push. He’s hoping AI will control ultimately everyone, down to the emotions an individual experiences at any given time. He believes such a world will be better.

Yuval is trying to sell transhumanism as the best future for humanity - that we can become gods! All that’s gonna happen if his dystopia is realized (as with all insane ideas such as this), is that the masses will be enslaved to the nth degree, and their masters (fellow WEFfers, I presume), will live lives unfettered by the now docile and compliant populace.

[I also think Yuvy baby is a weak guy and won’t stay the course to see his dreams fulfilled. I think his hopes will be dashed and the world won’t become like what he wants. Not completely. He’ll get depressed, maybe have a complete breakdown, like JP did. I’m giving it over 90% chance to happen. He’s right off his tree.]

Some of Yuval’s pseudo-intellectual nonsense pertaining to the above is exposed here:


Private… but not private :rofl:

And meet Izzy, a future WEF young leader (more lols):