The Great Reset

From the same clown that said taking fewer showers would defeat Putin:

I find it interesting how many middle-aged women are driving the new Fascist agenda. Men and women seem to make different kinds of power play: a man’s instinct is to beat you to death, whereas women will mother you to death.

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The path to “Global totalitarianism by 2030” appears to be paved with green bricks:

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C40’s mission is to halve the emissions of its member cities within a decade

I read somewhere that the final straw that brought down Ceaușescu was his pronouncement that everyone had to turn down or switch off their heating to conserve resources.

If they actually go ahead with this lunacy, I’m pretty sure that it’s going to end with impromptu firing squads, simply because people will eventually figure out that they’re facing a life-or-death scenario, and if someone has to die, they’d prefer it to be the people causing the problem.

What the hell is wrong with humans? Why do they have to do this sort of thing over and over again?


At this stage, it appears that they (UN/ WHO/ WEF) are on a collision course with “the resistance.” These agendas are so far-reaching and all-encompassing that decent humans with courage will fight to have no part of it. I believe they also know full well that there is sufficient opposition to their plans, such that a certain section of humans may disrupt the entire thing, and maybe even derail it permanently. Hence why they are pushing ahead with the CBDCs, the cornerstone of it all. Very difficult to organize oposition when you can’t even buy food for yourself.

If all the infrastructure they are putting in place, as we speak, and in order to build the future they envision for humanity, is insufficient to restrain, contain and suppress the dissidents, then I have no doubt that they’ll bring in some emergency laws that require imprisonment or even death of opponents to the agenda.

One wouldn’t think that would happen in any “western civilized democracy,” yet the past three years have clearly shown that TPTB will do pretty much as they please, when they please, and can create enough fear that the public will follow blindly whatever they say.

They are banking on enough people viewing the source of “the problem” as those who oppose the UN/WHO/WEF agendas in any way. They probably hope the mob will eliminate those dissidents before they even have to. Bad PR and all that.


Just came across this. Net Zero proceeds apace … for thee but not for me.


Suprised he didn’t use it to heat his private lake as well. Keep the swans from getting too chilly.


Funny! 15 minute cities, simply explained:

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They own nothing and they are exceptionally happy! And they eat ze bugs too.

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Note the promotion from the gatekeeper media:

The growing use in cooking of flour made from crickets, locusts and insect larvae has met fierce opposition in Italy, where the government is to ban its use in pizza and pasta and segregate it on supermarket shelves.

In a sign of fear that insects might be associated with Italian cuisine, three government ministers called a press conference in Rome to announce four decrees aimed at a crackdown. “It’s fundamental that these flours are not confused with food made in Italy,” Francesco Lollobrigida, the agriculture minister, said.

Packed with vitamins, proteins and minerals, flour made from crickets is increasingly seen as an ecological way to obtain nutrients, and the market is forecast to reach $3.5 billion by 2029. The EU has already authorised foods made from crickets, locusts and the darkling beetle larva. In January mealworm larvae was added to the list.

Full article:


Favorite quote from The Last of Us:

Frank: You live in a psycho bunker where 9/11 was an inside job and, and the government are all Nazis.
Bill: The government ARE all Nazis!
Frank: Well, yeah, now… but not then!


An enormous amount of effort has traditionally gone into keeping bugs out of flour and other grains. Now, apparently, they’re going to deliberately put them back in.

Most of the Current Year nonsense - from COVID to Trans Rights to Net Zero - brings to mind a G K Chesterton quote:

"In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”

The common thread in all of it has been complete and utter ignorance of why humanity put certain things in place (eg., the Nuremberg Code), or accepted certain things to be true.


The EU has BANNED the sale of new diesel and gasoline/petrol cars from 2035.
Poland was the only country against the ban.

The goal is to remove cars from non-rich people. It is impossible to have the EU running only EV cars to what car ownership is now.
Speaking of EV, here is a bus behind charged by diesel.

These Brown Shirt gophers think that having say Manchester’s temperature reduce to Edinburgh’s temperature (1.5C) will save the planet.

How some things in 15 minute cities would work:

I’ve put 23 miles on Lime scooters in 3 days. Today I tested its geofencing tech. As soon as I tried going into a red zone it hit the kill switch, I’m sure it was knocking speed down in certain areas too.

A wee taste of the 15 minute city technological control grid.

Colchester city council meeting.
The morons in charge get a proper public schooling on the green agenda:

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Disclaimer: I neither endorse or reject all the conspiracies detailed in this video.

Or do I…? :wink:

Got me laughing in any case, ha!

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I thought all the conspiracies had been proven true, and the hunt was on for new ones. Or was that just a silly meme?

Not sure what you’re referring specifically to here. Did you watch the video? :thinking: There’s a hell of a lot of stuff packed in, going back to the 60s. It’s partly (mainly?) humorous, part serious. Got a few chuckles out of me anyway.

It’s just for a little light relief :+1:

It’s a meme that has popped up on the forum from time to time lately “I need to find a new conspiracy theory, all my old ones came true”

I skipped though bits

I saw Fauci, Richard Dawkins (I guess evolution is a conspiracy), the entire space program, and flat earth.

I’m sure if the jokes become true later, at least some people in the world will claim to have been right all along. Which is also humorous!

Good, that’s most of the reason I still come to the Flob :smiley:

I simply watched it and laughed. I found it funny, and silly :laughing:

That’s also got a chuckle out of me! :smile:

I wouldn’t be surprised if that isn’t already a thread, or at least discussed elsewhere.

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Don’t follow. The Catholic Church, except a few right-wing wackos, accepts evolution. Not being backward nutbars (in this case), they also accept global warming. They even accept heliocentrism, and apologised to Galileo (300 years late, but hey…)