The Great Reset

So Build Back Bitter for thee, Build Back Better for me?

Here is one of Darth Vader’s little helpers:

Now this is what the UK is aiming for with regards to carbon emissions. I’d expect the WEF to be looking at this and backing it as a blueprint.
No flying or shipping for us serfs.

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So they actually do intend to bomb us back into the stone age.

I’ll have a proper look at that document later, but clearly they don’t anticipate fixing any of the (relatively simple) problems driving AGW so that we can get on with our lives. No, they’re just going to shut everything down.

It’s all starting to drop into place now: first get the peasants used to the idea of not flying, and then it’ll be a whole lot easier to just delete air travel entirely (although not for the ultra-rich, of course; some animals will always be more equal than others).

At least they’ve been good enough to spell it out in black and white (and coloured crayons) so we know what’s coming.

EDIT: May God have mercy on our souls. Whoever wrote that report appears to have absolutely buggerall understanding of the issues involved, of the underlying physics and ecology, or of the current state of the art. And the UK Gov’t paid for that. I have to assume that they’re not idiots because they’re all highly-paid professors and whatnot. So the only logical conclusion is that their intent is malicious.

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Just shoot me.

oh, they probably will eventually.



So now you’re in favor of murdering people with guns? :thinking:

Only when they ask me as a favor.

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Still a criminal offense.

What if they ask you to shoot yourself?

Happy to obli-

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After lockdowns for something that has a survival rate over 99%, it looks like those who make decisions for the world think climate lockdowns are needed.
As always, those at the top won’t be affected and will continue to use their private jets and ignore certain countries while the rest will have to shut up and accept it.

Orwell really was a genius.

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

“Stephen Miller” isn’t a very good writer (those !'s everywhere really should have been edited out) and it’s hard to tell if there’s really any substance in this. OTOH, the 21st century does seem to be the era of the halfwit and the unhinged, so who knows.

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Old Klaus ruffled some feathers.
I guess the bottom feeders of the planet are not ready for climate lockdowns yet.

It still amazes me that people think a 1% mortality rate is small. 1 in 100 people dying from a disease is a high mortality rate. 500,000 dead people used to be considered a lot, before the ‘era of the halfwit and unhinged’ began a while back.


Wasn’t it one of your heroes Stalin that said 1 death is a tragedy, 100 is a statistic?
It’s less that 1%. If I recall much lower than medical malpractice. When the flu was rampant, now miraculously vanished, that killed hundreds of thousands. No lockdowns though.

Stalin isn’t one of my heroes.

I think your perception is distorted by the fact that you (presumably) live in one of the few countries that handled COVID well and didn’t go through the pandemic the hard way.

Anyways, climate change and COVID were real problems in the real world that were very serious, it’s only a few ideologue circles online anyone thinks otherwise.

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Great you are not a fan of a lefty murderer.
I have been out of Taiwan for almost 6 months. Got to experience their great decision to not carry out mass testing.
I am now among the lab rats experiencing a vaccine experiment.
‘A few ideologue circles online’. There has seen anti-lockdown protests in cities across the globe since last year - never reported on the nightly news.

Why would you imply I was at any point?

And their great decision to give everyone heath care they can afford.

I’m still waiting on my chance! How did you jump the queue?

I’ve seen a lot of news coverage of these. Thankfully people seem to be getting the picture now, wearing masks, understand the need for these lockdowns etc.