The Great Run On Toilet Paper 2018 & 2020 & 2021 & 2022!?

Huh. Go figure. All of Sanxia is stocked up well with TP. If you really need some, I’m more than glad to buy some for you and figure a way to get it to you.

We can start a business! The Great Forumosa TP Exchange!



Now it is Japan’s turn. On one hand, I am starting to believe there are wumaos behind this fake news and they are doing this for shots and giggles. The simplest explanation is the paper industry seeing a chance for massive profit and going into usury. But still, too coincidental.

Same as Taiwan, TP is also made locally.

Maybe people need this as catharsis. The disease is out of their control but they feel safe with enough TP to last a lifetime. At least they can control that.

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The real pandemic spreads undetected!

Germans are stockpiling long-lasting and canned food, pasta as well as toilet paper and disinfectants.


Meanwhile, in Taiwan, nobody is stocking up on food. People tell me stocking up on food is what causes shortages.

Washington State too. It declared emergency, every one went out to buy toilet paper.

I wonder if K-man will come out with an insane article declaring how Taiwan is a leader because it leads the world in toilet paper runs.


Don’t give him ideas!
You know that half of his news comes from this derelict website, no?


They’re not wrong.
But personally I’d rather be stockpiling food.

My gut feeling is this is going to get a lot worse very soon. Pharmacies are running out of drugs too

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Posted about this like over a week ago, especially bad for CATS, dead bad. And fish, amphibians.

And I posted it like a month ago. Anyways, got 3 bottles. You got dogs so none for you. Any takers?

I know you posted that a while back, and i am carefully not using them at home right now, but I couldn’t actually find anything online supporting this? I was looking up for the wipes. I figure any cleaning chemicals are bad for pets and humans, but I’d love to know what’s least bad

It’s cats that die from it.

Dettol kills cats and other products

Vinegar and baking soda. Much better than Clorox in removing pee and poop smells.

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Taiwan is a world leader in toilet paper running. They just wanna look cool. We were doing it before it was cool.


This may be a dumb question but remind me again why coronavirus means no TP?

And why no TP is so bad?


Uneducated concerns on supply lines.

Not everyone goes in the woods


Because I’m not using my left hand to be clean. IJS