The Hopefully Mercifully VERY Short Jussie Smollett Trial Thread

I was thinking a game of Clue with a little sandwich prop.


Yeah, but publishing the story meant they could throw shit at Trump and thats all what mattered.

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It was great detective work. I canā€™t get a subway sandwich home without it looking like itā€™s taken part in a fake lynching at the best of times.

Anyone here interested in throwing crackers at me and shouting, ā€œmake Hounslow great again,ā€ to get me more likes on social media? Iā€™m not going out in a polar vortex though.


Fallout continues.

The shame is enough for the wealthy celebrity class. They NEVER recover from that.



So many wokesters wanted it to be true because nothing makes them happier than being victims who others will feel sorry for and give attention and support to. Attention and personal drama is their lifeblood.


And now the lawsuits to recover the misused funds.


Probably just get a little community service knowing his deep connections with Chicago elite.

Itā€™s just a staged hate crime, like when Joaquin Phoenix went weird and beard for a while.

Celebrity justice and sentencing.


Heā€™s still clinging onto his victim status.


I wonder if he has lost touch with reality. You know, like heā€™s repeated the same lie so many times that heā€™s now believing it?

Why continue to insist his fabrication is truth?

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Itā€™s decidedly odd. I assume he received legal advice to say mea culpa and beg forgiveness.

Arrogant POS. Hopefully he never gets work again. 150 daysā€¦ heā€™ll probably be out in 20.


Itā€™s always interesting and telling what triggers people to post and be outraged.

Not this story apparently.

Not a day in prison. But he didnā€™t lie to police.

That sounds unduly lenient.

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What even is this postā€¦

ā€œHey guys, why do you feel terrible about that drunk driver who killed that kid yesterday? Donā€™t you know someone else in this completely unrelated story shot up a school!ā€

So make a thread about it then instead of clicking on this particular thread about this particular story looking to shame people. But I donā€™t think you really careā€¦ just looking toā€¦ whatā€™s the term, ā€œvirtue signalā€?


Genuinely curious as to why the outrage for someone who lied to the police. Is it because heā€™s a celebrity? Appears to me that this thread is virtue signalling something.

Anyway, not surprised he would get prison time because ā€¦ serious crime. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: