The Impeachment Inquiry and other DOJ Investigations of Filthy Joe Biden Thread

Now now. It’s a big web. I read a lot. If you want to recommend something, go for it. Heck, I read TG’s links. Some are even good.

What has that to do with Hunter Biden?

Not sure if you read above. But the content on Hunter Biden seems to be lacking so I was commenting on how ridiculous it is to have the discussion and blatantly ignore the blatant nepotism happening right in front of us.

Nothing new has happened with regards Hunter, a few stories making their way around which are just rehashing old news. Do everyone a favor and try not to derail threads, there are plenty of places to post on off topic subjects.

I am not intentionally detailing anything. The whole controversy of the Hunter Biden story is nepotism. How can you not compare that to Trump’s nepotism when Hunter’s father is running against him? If it’s a centerpiece of the Trump campaign then everyone and their mother will be making that comparison. That is purpose of why I brought it up. Not bringing it up I believe does a disservice to the discussion and ignores context.

Not really, there is that I guess. But the bigger story is Biden withheld 1 billion dollars unless the Ukrainians fired a prosecutor who was looking into the dealings of the owner of Burisma.

Biden put out a statement and in it he makes the claim the investigation into the owner of Burisma was dormant. That’s a lie, why doesn’t anyone in the media ask him about that lie? Can you explain why he is lying?

A couple of weeks before the guy was fired, they siezed the owners assets, there are letters to the State Dept. in those weeks from Burisma trying to pressure them to put an end to the investigation and everyone involved, ex prosecutors and on and on, all state the investigation was not just ongoing it was picking up.

So, again, why is Biden lying? I’ll be curious what your answer is now the MSM doesn’t provide an answer for you, because they dont do their job anymore.

Well we don’t have to be condescending. I don’t know what your confirmed list of MSM is but I get my news from a wide variety of sources including conservative sources. Just listened to the Ben Shapiro podcast for example. I do not care about this issue nearly as much as you. But I’ll look it up and let you know what I find. I cast a wide net :wink:

Can you post your source?

Can post Bidens rebuttal here.

He quotes various sources as confirming any investigation into Burisma was dormant, it’s just a lie.

February 2016 the prosecutor seizes assets, see here

Shokin is on the record saying he planned to interview Hunter and the investigation was open, maybe he’s lying but his successor says the same thing as do half a dozen people who go on the record. Plus there are letters to the State Department from Burisma in the same time frame.

I’m just curious from the point of view of being intellectually honest, either there was an active investigation and it sure looks like there was.

Or Biden is lying.

Ok from what I have read across multiple publications is that it sounds like the timeline is crucial here. Biden called for the firing of Shokin at the end of 2015 and then Shokin was fired in March of 2016. The asset seizure you posted occured in February of 2016 after Biden had already called for the firing of the prosecutor for not pursuing corruption. The Obama administration was considering launching their own investigation. Now it looks to me that was a “cover your ass move”, better prove you are pursuing corruption by executing this asset seizure a month before your fired but after Biden had already called for his firing.

Now according to a conservative publication alleges a Bursima representative invoked the name of Hunter Biden to help with State Dept. But the investigation was never about Biden and covered a period before he joined the company. So doesn’t surprise someone at the company would try to use his name which would indicate why someone would want to interview him. But I don’t trust when Shokin says that.

In conclusion, the investigation did not cover the period Hunter was at the company. The investigation was likely dormant at the time Biden called for the firing (December 2015), the Obama admin had considered launching their own investigation and not to mention the EU had been calling for his firing since April of 2015. And to date no evidence has been found that Hunter Biden did anything wrong.

At the end of the day, I don’t see how this story has legs. And apart from few very conservative outlets, it doesn’t. If Republicans continue to pursue this, they will find it difficult to articulate to the American people why it’s important and why we should care. If it’s nepotism, then “you’re one to talk”. And if it’s withholding aid, it’s been well established there was consensus among the EU even before Biden was involved so that would cast doubt on any political motive.

You are probably right about the US not caring, but most of this is just a matter of record. It seems investigations were opening up in September of 2015, in fact they were opened in 2014, went dormant for part of 2015 and then started up in September of 2015. see here

The idea Biden only brought this up once in December of 2015 is also not true, they were having a back and forth in Jan/Feb/March on the issue of firing Shokin and the 1 billion dollar loan. See here

It’s just not true that during the period Biden was pushing for Shokin to be fired, the investigation was dormant.

But like you say, nobody except those on the right will care, certainly not the agenda driven corporate media who have already put out their narrative and have no intention of changing any of that.

Funny this was one of the main articles I used.

I didn’t say he only brought it up once but the asset seizure occured after he had already brought it up.

Do you have any evidence of that? The asset seizure was from Feb 2016 after Biden and the EU had called for his removal.

I don’t even think many on the right are still tracking this story. Seems to have died.

As I said, there are low barriers to entry for media nowadays so not the corporate monolith it was when we had the big three: CBS, NBC and ABC. Anyone can have a voice and a platform. That creates a lot of noise but also makes it difficult to hide any truth.

Yup we have quite the illusion. If you hear the same story from multiple outlets it gives people the confidence to say something must be true. Or an absence of it must be untrue.

We saw that in the Tara Reade story and the editors were warring over if it should be included in Bidens page, it went on for weeks, the logic for not including it was no mainstream outlet was covering it, despite you had in person interviews in existence from Tara Reade herself.

It’s a pattern I see repeating, in your Russia paid bounties story, it’s all over the news and on multiple outlets it must be important and true. It doesn’t matter how many people come out and say it was unverified with first hand knowledge, or such intelligence has been briefed to Nancy and Democrats for years, as unverified. It’s a major story now, despite as you say there is no surprise there, simply because the media push it and want it to be.

The entire Russian collusion fiasco that went on for years, would never have gone on for more than a few weeks without media help. They make stories and narratives they bury stories and narratives too.

At some point you may ask with whose interests do they have in heart, because trust me, it aint yours or mine.

Well for me that falls on deaf ears. I use critical thinking, I look at sources, data and question motives. Your assertion is condescending that I would just believe whatever CNN posts. I was an analyst for many years so tend to question every thing.

Ultimately it comes down to trusted sources and I prefer NPR, NY Times and WaPo because I know they rely on traditional journalistic standards. They must have separate corroborating sources before anything can be published. They are not in a race to publish in a 24 hour news cycle like TV. They quickly correct or retract any error.

What did the conservative media do about the Seth Rich story or Pizzagate?

There is clear evidence Trump was briefed on matters relating to Russian bounties. Don’t care if there was 100% consensus. What matters to me is that he hid it and did nothing. I don’t think it’s routine. And he has never spoken out against Russia, only China. He still isn’t! That is very strange.

The Mueller report proved he had the intent to work with Russians. If it didn’t amount to collusion because the campaign was not organized enough, then that is a technicality. He also tried to hide it (obstruction of justice).

So do you have evidence of the investigation being active before Biden pushed to fire the prosecutor? I couldn’t find anything.

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That’s not what I said at all. What I had said was the power of suggestion comes from hearing the same thing across a wide variety of networks, sometimes using the exact same phrases. I am not being condescending at all, the vast majority of people would dismiss what I am saying as being impossible.

Yet, the facts as they appear, prove otherwise. Over and over again. Take Mike Browns shooting and “hands up don’t shoot”. No need to discuss the shooting itself or anything related to Mike Brown and the officer, just the “hands up don’t shoot narrative”

I was following reporting on one site, and they had pretty much definitively proven this a false narrative after 1 week. They knew how it got started, who started it, what his motive was and his activist ties, they knew the narrative only came from one area and not from others due to the areas being cordoned off and the groups segregated. Yet every single media outlet propagated the false narrative of “hands up don’t shoot” for another 7 months.

Are they all that stupid none of them could figure out what some lowly blogsite could figure out in a week by themselves and needed to wait for the official report to be released, or were they deliberately pushing a false narrative and if so why?

I mean that’s very difficult for me to comment on since I did not follow the same story. I understand the concept, but see mob mentality more often than not rather than a coordinated campaign.

There’s just too many sources of media for that to make sense. How many people still get their media from TV? The only thing I ever hear is George Soros so how is it one guy influencing all the media? Or who else is pulling the strings? The DNC?

Have you read Dark Money? You should even if it’s a little a dated (pre-Trump) still relevant. I’d be interested to read the conservative equivalent of that kind of investigative journalism.

I can understand a boogy man like Soros doesn’t sit well as a master manipulator, Or the Koch brothers in your book Dark Money, they have influence but it’s kind of over hyped.

Now an organization like The Council on Foreign Relations, they have just about every President, VP, CIA head, intelligence service , financial service guy as a member, at a minimum without being hyperbolic we can say they exist as a bi partisan group (cabal) to push a globalist agenda and are perhaps the single most powerful lobbyist group in Washington.

Or you can take the more alarmist view of them.

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And his father is an embarrassment.

I will not be surprised if the dems call a presser, and everyone back to the Clintons came on stage and Hillary gave the open remarks…in Russian!

:runaway: :runaway: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

and this:

  • Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an “Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”

is probably the most non objectionable thing disclosed. He did that shit here too.

Leading to that age-old philosophical question, if a paper mache tree falls in a forest and nobody cares, does it make a sound? Ron Johnson wants to know.

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