The Impeachment Inquiry and other DOJ Investigations of Filthy Joe Biden Thread

Reading the thread is not how we do things here. I’ve considered bro, did you even read the thread? for my custom handle… but if i have to ask, i know the answer

This is such a peculiar comment it stands out like a sore thumb, surely everyone knows the issues surrounding the laptop by now, nearly two years after the story broke. So why make such a claim?

I think the answer is partly answered in an article I read by Johnathon Turley

Moreover, Twitter later admitted that it was a mistake to suppress the story and allowed such sharing, including articles with the pictures. While the “Biden team” did want the company to censor any tweets containing references like “Hunter Biden porn,” it was not the explicit pictures that caused the company to suppress the story before the election.

However, there is a brilliant, if counterintuitive, spin of this argument. As stated in Salon, “mostly what the Hunter Biden laptop ‘scandal’ is about is the dirty pictures.” If the scandal is all about dirty pictures, it is not about dirty politics or influence peddling. It is also not about censorship. End of discussion.

so you think the repair guy followed the process in the link to take legal possession of the laptop? or do you think it’s not required? maybe a point rather than rant.

the rest of your post, I’m not sure what your going off about.

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I used DDG to find the relevant queries. Perhaps Google search is the problem you’ve found?

yea, I only posted links to actual Delaware law about what’s required regarding abandoned property, but we have that generic advice, so there’s that.

So, not “send it to Rudy Giuliani”?

To be fair he sent it to both sides of the aisle.

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Offered to, as I recall Rudy was the only one to take him up on the offer.

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Anyway, I don’t think anyone was thinking of it as a “stolen laptop”, among the many things thought about it, including by me.

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I’m now imagining a waiver with smallprint reading “any computer not picked up within 30 days will be mailed to Rudy Giuliani”.


I’m imagining the repair guy has to take a look at the content in case it contains something such as kiddy porn which would be fucked to be unwittingly in possession of. He sees some shit that raises the hair on the back of his neck anyway since it involves a presidential hopeful. He does the good citizen thing and contacts the FBI who cold shoulder him so he says to himself, “fuck em” and passes it on to RG.

Anyway, whether he should have done that or not is not really relevant in the end. News is news. It’s up to news organizations to decide what is newsworthy, but valid news with an unsavory procurement history is still news.

From what I’ve read, he was uncomfortable with the stuff he found on the laptop. He sent it to the FBI.

Yes, you do. You’re trying to drive a narrative. You’re focused on one minute point after another for some indiscernible, to me, reason, and I’d rather not wake up each day and continue it. :smiley:

no, I’m not.

I was pointing out you made a bunch of incorrect and / or unsupportable statements - ie correcting the narrative you were driving (eyewitness account (blind, can’t id), unbroken chain of custody (not vaguely established), a lie it’s not stolen (not at all clear)). :wink:

If it’s not clear, in YOUR mind, why then do you call it a lie? That sounds like you driving a narrative.

I just reads the papers, man. I don’t create or embellish the story. And I certainly don’t play junior prosecutor. All this stuff about the stolen laptop you’ve been banging on about for days now, and the only link you provide is for some Delaware law about stolen property?

Where’s the link for the stolen property narrative and the HB laptop? Only here on the flob, apparently.

because I mistyped :wink: - should have read a lie it’s stolen ( remember,. I’m talking the narrative you’re driving). my position is it’s not clear, not it’s stolen or not.

What other links do I need to provide if you’ve been following this? You already know how he claims he took possession, and it’s not consistent with the law linked, right?

Why do I need to be regurgitation someone else’s thoughts vs providing my own, with supporting facts?

Wow, you think you’re investigations are on par with journalists? OK, really, enough of this. I’m beginning to shrug and sigh when I see you’ve responded yet again. bye

Uh, no, but I am capable of independent thought. With supporting facts. Try it, your might like it. :wink:

There’s no need for that, is there? If YOU aren’t clear on the laptop state of being or not being stolen, fine. Then, it’s not clear TO YOU. That doesn’t mean that the state of the laptop being or not being stolen is also not clear to anyone else. It’s a semantic problem as I see it.

I’ll go by the lack of reporting and the lack of lawsuits against the shop owner and conclude it wasn’t.

So sounds like at this point the coverup is more the story than the story right? Well even that is not clear. The twitter files looked just like executives debating how to moderate.

Nobody really seemed to care diplomats being funneled through Trump hotels, and Kushner property being rescued by Qatar. Don’t expect them to on this one unless there’s something we don’t already know.

Ten years ago this would’ve been a scandal, but I think we’ve just become numb to all. Everyone is like wait is it just dick pics?:man_shrugging:

Thought this was funny…

Meanwhile in New Zealand an MP gets accused of bullying and it’s a national scandal.