The January 6th commission and January 6th defendants


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It’s ok that you think that, but I don’t buy it. He was bitching almost immediately. No way any evidence could have been collected and checked so fast. Nope. Read Christie’s book or watch his interviews about it. He’s a former prosecutor. He’d know. And he’s a staunch Republican.

And now, this is why I hope the GOP does show up to testify. These question need answers:

Despite the bombshell!!! Bullshit, it’s a legit question.

The national guard question in particular needs answering.

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Many of the voting irregularities you talk of, such as drop boxes, were actually unconstitutional in those controversial states because the legislative branch didn’t sanction them. It was democrat governors or other executive officers, which had been forked out by these legislatures, almost all of which were Republican. It was the Democrat executives who were doing most of the controversial, careless handling of ballots.

Yes, but whether that resulted in widespread fraud is a whole different fish. However it certainly created the opportunity for shenanigans.

They have a variety of court cases looking at different types of evidence, none of which was ever heard. I believe a couple of cases did get heard at the state level in Wisconsin in favor of Trump, but didn’t make too much splash in the news. Trump’s team were working on irregularities such as drop boxes or counting methods that didn’t comport with the legislative strictures, which strictures the Constitution recognizes, (but Democrat executive officers were trying to get away from), and Sydney Powell had huge reams of data just on Dominion voting software, which was enough to switch the election, but alas, it never got heard.

Fraud in this case doesn’t really need to be accounted for or analyzed. It’s unconstitutional, so all those Biden votes that didn’t comport with the legislative strictures, are not legal votes period.

You heard it. I heard it. The end result was a biased documentary. That won’t cut it with me. YMMV.

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Naturally, I’m talking historically about the court cases in December 2020 in front of judges before the swearing in of President.

Are you talking about 2000 Mules? I hadn’t seen it actually. But removed from that original date, there’s lot of things that have come up, especially in Arizona, who actually went through the formal process of investigating it.

The AZ recount was a cluster fuck. The Georgia one I believe, led by republicans, pushed back against Trump’s insistence that there was a there there.

There wasn’t. Only a conspiracy theory that the proof there was fraud is that none was found is crazypants.

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This is just playing with rhetoric, trying to twist words and meanings. Trump had said on the phone that he had 100,000 votes in his favor at least when throwing out fraud or illegal votes. He asked the governor for the recount to “find” only some 10,000, or whatever number he needed. He was saying he didn’t need the whole 100,000.

I used to think that. But the evidence is coming out now that Trump kind of lost his marbles at the end. Pence was calling the pentagon, his cabinet was questioning his mental acuity.

Suffice to say, I don’t feel the way I used to about that call.


The Arizona found enough discrepancies (unsigned ballots, chain of custody irregularities) that could overturn the election in Arizona, or so they stated. However the Board or committee didn’t go into detail if it actually did, it seems they could have figured it out, but isn’t forthcoming yet. The investigation is in the initial phase, and we only heard the initial results. They seem to be withholding until the whole of it is complete.

Did Georgia have an investigation? They just recounted 3 times, all the same way, which was waste of time. Not sure if you’re aware, but Sydney Powell had said that the governor was knowingly using Dominion to help Democrats win in exchange for his own election “insurance.” That was in her court case that again, never got heard.

Georgia did have hearings in the legislative branch, but Republican lawmakers who were pushing against the governor were being stripped of their posts and committees by the big boss RINO in cahoots with the governor. Some weird stuff going on there.

No doubt, people were betraying him at the last minute, especially as it seemed a likely win wasn’t forthcoming. Pence really surprised lots of people. He had the power to change the election, which the Constitution grants him in controversial cases like this, but decided not to use it.

Trump is definitely a man that helps me look into the character of lots of people he’s dealt with, people I used to have a respectable opinion of and changed. My opinion of Trump has always been the same, he’s a bulldozer. I don’t agree with him on some economics points, which are of utmost importance to me, but he seems to have completed the most conservative agenda of any Republican presidents, who all may have been “more conservative” than him.

I would only say Reagan attempted a more conservative economic approach to government.

What a very strange word to use in the adult world.

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Yeah, and Trump supporting Republicans in charge of elections in battleground states where they’d really like Trump to have won ignored it! Uh, wait, what?

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Are you not aware what allegations have been made? It’s been said that the police opened the gates/doors. The whole thing was a setup to try to delegitimatize a conservative protest. In the court testimony, they were saying those two huge doors can’t be opened unless you have a Howitzer or something of that power. Protesters couldn’t have come in unless someone allowed them. So take that, and dovetail with those 5 questions, and dots can be connected.

Let’s see what the Capital Cops have to say under oath. Endless speculation is what kinda got us where we are.

Circumstances can also seem to be connected when they aren’t. Just because it rains every time I wanna mow the lawn doesn’t mean god hates me.

And for future reference, given that you and I haven’t had many conversations, I am aware of most of the things going on and being talked about. Total politics nerd here. :nerd_face:

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That, and Q Anon


Which for me, is entwined with an exponential dependence upon technology and a desire for social acceptance.

Why don’t you like my posts more?

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