The January 6th commission and January 6th defendants

Flynn isn’t the only one with a problem with the peaceful transfer of power. If Trump runs in 2024 and wins cities will burn.

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Yep, that’s voter intimidation as well - there is an established fear that not voting for Dems will lead the Left to burning the country to the ground. Very interesting position that the Dems have placed themselves in.

The establishment in general, Democrat and Republican I believe would rather a civil war than Trump get reelected, no one want’s that, Trump shouldn’t want that, plenty of other people who can run.


General Flynn was imprisoned for one of those procedural grounds of perjury, like Libby and Martha Stewart and he was totally innocent of the general investigation, which was all about Russia collusion. He invited two FBI agents to talk informally at White House not realizing that the agents turned it around on him and treated it like a formal interview. Flynn’s lawyer stupidly advised him to admit to lying to the FBI as part of a plea bargain.

General Flynn has been through the wringer because he wasn’t careful of people who were out for blood. He’s very naturally laid-back nature. But these people on the Committee won’t indict Hutchinson who’s obviously lying, yet they’ll ask these ridiculous questions to see if they can find anything in it against him. He’s not playing this time.

Do you think the violence was justified? What kind of question is that. The “violence” was mostly done by police, only people killed were protestors. There was the violence of Antifa people trying to break through windows. But what Cheney means when she says “violence,” she means the whole peaceful protest that had nothing to do with what happened inside the Capitol. It’s a loaded question, no wonder his lawyer told him to sit this one out as it has nothing to do with anything being done or said by himself.


Lincoln caused a civil war. But Lincoln was chosen by the people, it’s what the people wanted. I think the civil war you’re talking about is in the Beltway, among the elites, the swamp. Trump is similar to Lincoln. He’s right about everything and an effective fighter for doing what’s right and finding the right venues for getting it done. And he’s better at it doing it honestly than the Democrats are doing it dishonestly. Lincoln was that way too. Republicans in general aren’t good at it at all, certainly not the Bushes.

I prefer to see the civil war as arising with the South or Democrats, not Lincoln. Nor is it Trump, he’s just making America (and everyone in America Republican and Democrat) greater. And that’s ruffling feathers.

Hutchinson is either stupid for being played by the Dems or she thinks she can wringle something out of her deal for perjury.
The risk she put herself in is if Repubs take the House and some call her back to the stand and the agents and she’s been caught in perjury.
Cheney herself is in trouble as she’s down 28 points in her primary against her (R) opponent that sets for August, though her dad, the Dick, will put all effort to save that seat. If she loses, she’ll find a cushy job at some network.
One cannot produce hearsay in a court trial, but the Dems just did it at their commission-fest. Cheney better hope there’s no evidence of her coaching this dumb “witness”.

Things have changed over the past couple of years, NATO is stronger than ever, meetings at the G7 affirming allegiances and Russia as an existential threat plus China being put on the watchlist.

There’s not a place at the table for someone like Trump, the West is all in on it’s Build Back Better agenda which is the root cause for inflation and the upcoming food crisis, it was built in before Russia invaded, observed and noted what was happening, but Russia will be blamed for all of it.

The elites as you describe them I think are all on pretty much the same page, there is too much at stake to allow the unwashed masses to interfere with their grand plans.

So glad NATO is going to fight climate change. Mentioned only once in its last Strategic Concept in 2010, it was mentioned 11 times for this 2022 version:
… the ambitious statement that NATO should “become the leading international organization when it comes to understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on security.”

I hope their weapons are stronger than Greta’s army equipment was.

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I missed these responses. Hutchinson wasn’t even there, she didn’t witness it with her own eyes, which doesn’t carry a lot of weight in a real court. It’s easy to say you hear something. There’s always crazy stuff being repeated by this or that person, so she’s covered her tracks that way. It’s a resume enhancement, a social climber trying to please the swamp.

Yes, but there is American and global upheaval going on among the masses as we’re now witnessing with farmers in Netherlands. And the election fraud isn’t going away either. I just saw in news that Wisconsin Supreme Court declared drop boxes illegal. If they had heard Trump’s case and declared them illegal then, Trump would be winner of Wisconsin. The path is being cleared for fair elections again.

There was upheaval going on in the antebellum days. The framers of Constitution had planned on the extinction of slavery by containing it in the South. The Missouri Compromise was controversial enough for allowing slavery in a new state (as the antislavery crowd understood the Constitution’s egalitarian clauses enough grounds to forbid slavery in any new territory). Then the 1850 Compromise and Kansas-Nebraska Act and Dred Scott Case just kept making it worse and slavery would never die out as Democrats kept pushing and pushing the matter. It took us to the brink of division, but in the end the right side won. I think we’re in a similar upheaval, maybe not so extreme as back then.

Buchanan was the last of the Democrats pushing the slavery issue and is considered to be the worst president in all history, just as Biden is looking to be. Then Lincoln came. I think our Lincoln is coming again. Just look at the Supreme Court rulings, Trump finally figured out how to appoint the right judges (other Republican presidents were only half right). If Trump had won again, it would be all lost for the Democrats, just like Lincoln was. And they knew it, it’s no wonder they worked so hard to cheat Trump out. But the tables are going to be turned on them soon enough, they won’t be able to sustain their tricks long. Their defeat will be decisive.

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Don’t think anything will change when he testifies unless he throws out a bomb that not anyone anywhere has ever heard before, which has low likelihood of happening.

I suspect if they think he might say something that would embarrass them then they would do the whole thing behind closed doors and selectively release anything that shines a bad light on Trump.

I doubt anything is about to “GET REAL!”

Red meat for the deep state conspiracy crowd

The details about the deleted messages were revealed in a letter to two congressional committees Wednesday, in which Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari said he was informed that many of the messages from Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, 2021, had been erased “as part of a device-replacement program.”

Yes, coming from the “don’t believe your lying eyes” crowd.

They opened the doors they waved people in, it was all on video. Even AOC points it out.

The assumption here she makes is the people who opened the doors were sympathetic to the protestors. The idea they were there to set them up, doesn’t seem to cross her mind, just that this event is memory holed, but I assure you, if their motive was out of sympathy to the protestors, they would have been crucified.


So what happened with the latest manhunt for Trump? Did they get him this time? I remember hearing about how Democrats had the smoking gun goods on Trump this time and he was going down for sure. It’s like it all never happened now though. Did I miss something while living out here in the wilderness?


Sounds like you’ve seen this one before.

Liz Cheney is up for reelection about 10 days, the folks in Wyoming will get an opportunity to express their gratitude. The last I heard Cheney was pleading with Democrats to switch parties in an effort to save her.

But Dick “I started two wars and shot my friend in the face” Cheney made an impassioned campaign ad for his daughter, so, I’m sure everything will work out fine for her.

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Lates CPAC 2024 presidential straw poll in Dallas found that attendees favored Trump with 59% supports Trump. With 24% supports Ron DeSantis.

Jan 6th commission doesn’t seem to have effect on the GOP base.

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I wonder if this will. Doubtful, as this demographic has been gradually brainwashed to believe FBI = “deep state • bad man • hate Trump” for quite some time now.

Still, I do wonder what they found and where this will go:


:joy: That’s not how brainwashing works. Watching something, listening and drawing a conclusion especially over time is called being observant.

Being bombarded every day for years about a false “Russia Russia Russia” Clinton concocted conspiracy or “insurrection insurrection insurrection” when there wasn’t one, by every MSM outlet out there, that is brainwashing and I feel sorry for the useful idiots who are prone to it.

Not surprising anyway, he is causing Republican establishment candidates (establishment is the MSM phrasing, not mine) to lose elections.

His enemies might be cheering all this on, I’m not sure you realize how much currency has been expended in the eyes of the world in terms of the US running free and fair elections, being a Democratic nation that holds values like free speech and rule of law dear to all, it’s looking to many more like a banana republic and doubt that perception will change for generations.


From lock her up to January 6th alone, quite a bit

I’m interested to see what happens next with the Teflon Don…