The January 6th commission and January 6th defendants

Jacking off, cute. Just asking questions.

Think I’ve had enough of you and your imagination for today, enjoy your la la land of make believe and the rest of the farcical hearings.

Maybe at the end of this, as happened with rhe Russian investigation, it will be decided there isn’t justification to press charges

The truth is, trump has been an obvious bullshitter for years. He queued up the bullshit before he lost the election, and pushed that fictional creation afterwards. Forget the whataboutism. Lockhimup.


Should there be his/her political cells for him and Hillary?

Roomies, and live stream it

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Both things can be true, forget about the officer killed by fire extinguisher? That story was pushed for weeks? There was a whole pantomime around that farce.

The list is too long to list all the false realities they push, but I’ve come to the conclusion some people prefer the false made up reality to actual reality.

Maybe it’s more fun, who knows.

I’m full up on televised Dem propaganda about Trump, Jan. 6, or much of anything, truth be told. As I’ve said, good they’re documenting stuff, but, let me know when they charge him. Until then, yawn.


After he lost the election, I get all my info* on the flob. I never watch TV news, too slow

The interesting things happen in the threads :wink:

Edit *all my trump info

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The wits at the NYT have finally reached escape velocity with their Trump obsession:

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Democrats climbing down off ledges in droves as verdict announced. Trump unlikely to appeal.

In response to Herschmann’s claim, a spokesperson for the Jan. 6 committee said, “The committee has done its diligence on this and found Ms. Hutchinson’s account of this matter credible. While we understand that she and Mr. Herschmann may have differing recollections of who wrote the note, what’s ultimately important is that both White House officials believed that the President should have immediately instructed his supporters to leave the Capitol building.”

Right, in other words “we don’t care she was lying” because the committee is a fascist bunch of lunatics carrying out Stalin like show trials which if I was American would embarrass the hell out of me in what is supposed to be a democracy and all the checks and balances that are given to accused have been thrown away

From what the twitters are saying, nearly impossible for back-seater to try and grab control of steering wheel in the Prez-mobile, but…

It appears that the witches in Salem got a fairer hearing of their antics than has :tangerine: -man

It was so ridiculous I am more inclined to think she was an inside guy for Trump to discredit the committee.

Little frail tiny hands who is so weak he needs both to hold a glass of water, so old and pathetic he walks down a ramp at a snails pace, turns into Jason Bourne and assaults his Secret service detail, grabbing one by the neck and grabbing the wheel of the car with the other while shouting “This is MAGA country”.

Do people stop and ask themselves, using common sense, does that sound likely?

Doesn’t sound likely that he be successful, no

But it’s totally in the realm of possibilities that is something he would attempt to do?

I think 1/6ers need to up their CGI.
They could easily hire some high school student with video editing skills to work out something better than this and then finally put the nail in the coffin of :tangerine: -man:


Could be a cute answer, possible could be 0.00001% probable and still satisfy your answer as being correct. I hope you are not like 50/50 on this.

On his best day, 90/10 split in his favor. On this day, the opposite

Don’t think I saw this mentioned, but Flynn pled the 5th when asked if he believes in the peaceful transfer of power in the United States of America. :man_facepalming:

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