The K-man's finest hour(s)

I’d take it on pro boner. :upside_down_face:

I’ll get my hat…


I wouldn’t want to be the cleaning amah who had to wipe down their monitors at the end of the day. :nauseated_face:

Need to examine all the evidence.

Breaking News!

I want my 5 seconds back


clearly the picture stole his soul and his head


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This country’s in so much fucken trouble.

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At least they’re not going gaga over a song about wet felines…

In his latest foray, the K-Man ups his game to share some dos and don’ts while staying in hotels during Ghost Month:


What the actual fuck? Why would you write that nonsense?

As a slightly interesting fluff piece? Anyway, I myself am going to do the opposite of everything on the list, just to see what happens.

If you don’t see me posting after this, you’ll know why. :ghost:


A mad dog, a vicious injury, some corrupt cops… it’s fertile ground for the K-man to do his thing:



Of course the K-man posted about this, it was an “American” pit bull terrier. Bloody foreigners!


She [the victim’s sister] complained police did not arrive on the scene or investigate that night. When she asked Huwei Township police why they had not taken any action, she alleged they told her the incident was “a little too far away.”

They then suggested she contact Wucuo Police Station in Xiluo Township to deal with the matter. In response, she said she reminded them the incident took place in Huwei Township and that is where her brother resides.

“a little too far away.”

I suspect a little too close to someone’s house who happens to own the pit bull

Well, those 6 thing just sound like good common sense. And cutting your nails in a hotel room? Gross. Add to the list: check for bodies under the bed, for the more recently departed. Just saying. I mean if you don’t check and the next occupant finds one, who are they going to blame?

Sometimes the K-man gets it right…


All those brokers charging huge fees for basically nothing aren’t going to be a happy bunch if that ever changes. Why it was ever allowed in the first place is beyond me, including the requirement for the workers to leave after the contract ended and pay the insane finders fee a second time.