The K-man's finest hour(s)

Fuck 'em. Time for them to find honest work.


The guy had been sentenced to ten years for previous sex offenders but was out in society because he appealed the sentence. That is so wrong.


Lo is a repeat sexual offender against minors, prosecutors said, citing his conviction in 2018 by the Taipei District Court for drugging and sexually assaulting two girls, aged 15 and 16, when he worked as a manager for a firm in Taipei providing security guards for apartment buildings.

In July, the court sentenced Lo to 10 years in prison, but he has been out on bail since January last year.

Taipei District Court officials yesterday said they would immediately enforce the 10-year sentence, as Lo did not appeal the ruling, and incarcerate him as soon as the paperwork is completed.

How much was the bail for a sex offender to go free?

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Don’t know. Someone needs to be fired over that. He didn’t even fucking appeal the ruling in the end. Taiwan has a well dodgy criminal justice system.


How many years did it take for those fisherman to get behind bars for attempted murder of the Spanish surfer guy? Looks like you can postpone the prison sentence for years. Not a good system to protect victims.

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The whole legal system here is kind of a joke…the frivolous suits that are taken seriously, the endless appeals, the ridiculously short sentences for serious crimes.


Not sure, but should involve testicles.


I don’t think that will work with the female sex offenders.

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You may be right

But don’t you dare smoke a joint. Taiwan’s finest will be all over that immediately with serious jail time because weed is so dangerous. Ketamine is cool though.


Hey, they use it as a horse tranquilizer, so it must be safe. :sunglasses:

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Tranquil horses are safe horses.

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I’ll have to forward this one to friends back home!

“And that, fellows, is national news in Taiwan…”


He slapped the cage out of her hand. She dared hit back, defending her fur child.

Yes, I am biased.


Who could ever forget the “Basil the Hamster” episode.

This represents an important milestone in hamster rights…

Brian Hioe is not amused by some of the K-Man’s recent reporting:

among Taiwan’s major English-language domestic media outlets, there is . . . at least one media outlet with highly spurious fact-checking practices that could prove dangerous.

His takedown is posted here:
