The K-man's finest hour(s)

Keoni Everington, " Taiwanese weightlifter could take bronze if China’s Hou found doping," Taiwan News, July 28, 2021 [original date before update]

Asian News International, " Tokyo Olympics: Weightlifting gold medallist Zhihui Hou not taken for doping test," The New Indian Express, July 30, 2021

Without that Youtuber we would have never known!!! Shocking!!!

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That’s so dark, my living room actually seems darker now. Wait, I think I’m just stunned by how stupid that was.


Well, black is dark, they had black foot disease, it all makes sense.


follow up

Hsu met Wang in 2010 and famously got married to him after just four dates over 20 days.

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Hmmm… When the foreigner does something bad, we post all their info,

When the Taiwanese person does something bad, they get the courtesy of having nothing more than the words ‘man’

Why is that Kman?


Some people get a chubby from watching porn, others get one from reinforcing stereotypes. He thinks he’s writing this story by do so:

I challenge Kman to justify why it’s important to call out his nationality and job instead of saying ‘A Kaohsiung Man…’

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Does he even read Forumosa?

Anyone so concerned with the western foreigner caste system in Taiwan like K-man is, couldn’t not be lurking on the Flob.

He has an account here.

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Maybe you or somebody could write a letter to the newspaper. If somebody does this, please post their response or lack or response here. I’m curious how something like this would turn out- calling them out on the obvious and therefore wilful discrepancy.

It’s all been done before. Kman won’t engage on this issue. The newspaper doesn’t care.


Is the same thing done in the local newspapers (the Chinese newspapers)? Maybe a letters to the editor for print in The Taipei Times then?

Taipei Times is far more professional and worthy of the name ‘newspaper’

Taiwan News, on the other hand, at most would be nothing more than toilet paper to me.

Like look at this. Keoni calls himself a journalist? He didn’t even give the foreigner the dignity of the word allegedly. The Taiwanese person got it.

Hey Kman! Quit lickin the boots of the Taiwanese and give yourself some dignity.


This is exactly why I started this thread. Although I think he’s the one who has benefitted from it.

To quote myself:

“He seems hell-bent on reporting every time a big nose farts in Taiwan.”


He’s reaching for citizenship! “He can write a piece about the ‘famous foreign journalist’ got citizen status for his years of honest reporting in local media.”

Nobody respects bootlicking. They’ll easily laugh him out of the bank when he asks for a loan/mortgage.

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As long as you’re writing in I’d call him out on the lie in the very first line of the article, where it says the guy is employed at a cram school.

He’s not and hasn’t worked at any cram school for nearly six months. It’s just smear and unnecessary pearl clutching.