The K-man's finest hour(s)

Nice try k-man

We love you Brian


Good to see him getting called out. I would have gone the whole hog and mentioned him by name. He’s heading for a real comeuppance.



Ha ha…
Nope. Not K-man here. Just another person who can write better than both of them put together.

Oooh, it on now. Let’s have a write-off!!


I’m kidding

I’m going to post this article in that reddit foreigner line group he’s in and see what he says about it. Hah


Tell them both that their grammar and context suck donkey…

When you say context do you mean syntax?

Context doesn’t normally fellate donkeys.


I enjoyed this article. I didn’t know Ryan, but it isn’t right how the news has made up things just to sell papers. It’s hurtful to Ryan’s friends and family and does nothing to help Taiwan get to the source of the problem.


The contest hasn’t even started, but my money is on @jinyu!


I’d back myself but apostrophes are my Achille’s heal.

Pretty sure he said “write-off”, not “jerk-off”.

(Sorry, sorry, sorry, it was impossible to resist)


Oh, hardly.

I agree that @jinyu writes in both an elevated and approachable style. By the way, for us newbies, who the heck is k-man (sounds like a mysterious bogeyman).

That was much more of a cheap joke grab than an actual critique, BTW.
If you like that kind of stuff, knock yourself out.

If everyone liked exactly what @Rocket likes, well…there’d deffo be a global shortage of cheap liquor and brown women.
Just sayin.

K-man is Keoni Etherington, erstwhile “journalist” at the Taiwan News. K-man is/was his handle in these forums. We don’t usually reveal poster’s names but he kind of self-revealed by posting links to his own articles.

I guess I could add something to the title since we’re always being asked this question.

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Thanks for your answer. I was a Forumosan about five years ago, but my account was suspended for saying something naughty. I think I may recall postings by the bloke. No wonder those articles are written in such a strange fashion

Which was exactly how I saw it! Mine was just a retaliatory cheap joke grab. :wink:
I have nothing but love for you, cute little trash panda. :kissing_heart:

Right back at you, broheim.
It was recently brought to my attention that certain of my contributions could possibly be misinterpreted as leaning slightly towards a vaguely negative tone, or even, heaven forbid, the merest soupçon of confrontationality.

Can this be?
Personally, I’m skeptical.
Nonetheless, in the interest of the community, I’m willing to exercise a modicum of attention to avoid any undue hurt feelings. :v: