The K-man's finest hour(s)

So…bait Ko into doing something about flags in Taipei and he gets pilloried in the media as causing a rift with China. If the netizens are so concerned, why don’t they show up on Sundays to show their disapproval of the sentiment of those marchers? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t politics.

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Cracking down on cars blaring music in Taiwan? Not likely. I actually appreciate that Taiwan allows this level of freedom of expression. You can be damn sure doing the same thing with ROC flags in China would get you arrested on the spot.

The people demanding that Mayor Ko do something and saying things like, “Taiwan’s democracy is too unprincipled” and “Is this too free? Don’t be so free!” are idiots.

Exactly. What they’re really saying is that if Taiwan was part of China this wouldn’t be happening.

It’s only a K-man article. The ‘demand’ is by an FB page with only 6k followers. They just march around with pro-independence flags. It’s flag rivalry.

“The fishermen started to question his integrity.”…well at least they couldn’t question his manhood…

Taiwanese are kind of pussy like that. Don’t seem to be doing anything about the steady infiltration. Except for the sunflower movement.


Man I almost got arrested arguing with one of those flag wavers outside 101. Had to run inside 101 and hide up from the filth. I have no idea how locals put up with it.

I had to run into 101 as well when they started surrounding me, what was worse was my colleague from overseas was with me. Miscalculation on my part. I pretended it was a normal state of affairs but it was pretty hairy . Taiwanese did nothing of course.

Always stay away from flag-waving people


These PRC flag wavers are goons basically, old goons, but goons. Plus they would record you and do the ole flesh search.
There’s a mainland spouse who has got Taiwan ID , gets funds from PRC every month , that runs the show and she is the most belligerent, they start screaming and being physically threatening, Taiwanese bystanders and cops do nothing usually . In fact cops just don’t want anything to kick off and that’s all they care about. There’s also a lot of Chinese tourists in that area which is why they choose it.

Which flag waver? Green or red?

Red of course.

Taiwanese people avoid confrontation and don’t help when people are being attacked by these PRC goons.
Wimpy behaviour in my book and doesn’t make me optimistic for the future.

Time to get the Forumosa Dad’s Army up and running.

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Sure I’m getting censored here as well for calling a spade a spade :grin:.
I’m not in dad’s army territory cohort yet thanks.

In which direction :slight_smile:

to the hills…we’ll hide out and wait till the Chicom gets complacent then make our move.

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Yes, the buxibans should be re-opened by then

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Ah the old CKS strategy. It worked brilliantly in the 1950s and 1960s. Likewise I’m sure it’ll work great now. : P
