The London Stabby Thread

you shouldn’t let him mess around with your thumbs and try to take him down instead.

as for the video i didn’t watch, and don’t want to. i guessed there were other police taking care of the knife guy. my gf told me this guy was having money problems, i thought it sounded like a typical violent mental person story at first…

He won’t have to worry about money problems now.

Yes and they’ll ptobably get hurt if there partner is of equal mentality.

The attacker was on psychiatric medication and had not been taking them, his sister was trying to look after him but he disappeared for a few days. I guess the extra money problems would add to that too.

and maybe the media playing down the mental illness part of the story? its a big problem here that doesn’t seem to be dealt with well at all.

ok well that confirms it

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As much as the guy is responsible. I have to think he wasn’t getting the help he needed in Taiwan. Not only is mental health providers lacking. The majority of them are no where the level compares to the US.

I get some sleeping meds here and there from my doctor. Especially when I travel and have jet lag. I was talking to him about it, and he admits the understanding of mental health is decades behind many places. Doctors don’t prescribe the way and treat the way in places like the US. And they almost only prescribe meds and do trial and error without any therapy. Therapy is hard to find here.

Part of it yes I agree. Probably was also triggered by external factors such as money while not on his meds.

They the doctors often charge the government for therapy on the NI card but only provide the meds and not the therapy either because they include just seeing the doctor to get meds as a therapy or they’re scamming.

So why are so many Americans still shooting people for fun and why is the suicide rate higher and increasing in the US?


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Good Mental health care is expensive. And not every place is a major metropolitan city. I doubt you’ll find much help in up state NY vs NYC. And it’s still an area we still are trying to advance on. It’s not easy and you can’t open up or do lab testings to see what going on.

The sharp increase in suicide is mostly from young men btw.

And most importantly, people don’t seek help. It doesn’t matter how good the doctors are, people are still not getting help until it’s too late.

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They screw up their own countries, seek asylum in a sympathetic country that offers them residency, then try to screw up the new countries!

Suicides per 100,000 people in 2016 (age standardized)
South Korea - 20.2
Belgium - 15.7
Japan - 14.3
Finland - 13.8
United States - 13.7
Taiwan - 12.5
France - 12.1

If most people can’t afford it then the mental healthcare in the US is still a failure no matter how good it is.

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What is the source of the graph as you replied to me knowing the source would be useful mine was from WHO

From WHO. Yours is from the same source, but it’s the average of all countries in the Americas and the US is just one country. Countries in the Caribbeans and Latin America tend to have very low suicide rates so they offset the US.

Mental health care is still lacking in recognition globally. It’s unfortunate but it’s slowly changing.

Oh ok thanks. Maybe because those countries are mainly Roman Catholic and devout. Suicide is considered a sin against God.
I’m surprised Taiwan is so far behind Korea I’d thought they would be closer although still expected Korea to top it.
What’s up with Finland I went there once and no one laughs much, and they shout at each other out of habit. Weird place.

Going back direct to London. If this was happening in Taipei there would be wide spread panic. I’ve met some nutters here but the London situation is getting very sad
bad news

These things almost seem just expected now