The London Stabby Thread

They pass for white.

It’s all about the basis of comparison.

The trouble is, these people bring their problems with them. They can’t escape themselves, they can only spoil it for others.

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Hope this does not become prevalent here :unamused:

English version below. The stabby locals and their fruit knives…


Damn! They should use their guns more frequently. Pull a fruit knife, you get shot.

Deport please


Modern society and phones :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I think phones have become another excuse not to get involved.

A couple of days ago me, my daughter and a mate were walking in Taipei. We heard a bang from above and then all these tiles fell on us. It was a bit painful, but very scary.

Anyway, as we were clearing off bits of tile I noticed people were filming us. I guess we’re being shared on Facebook now under “foreigners getting hit by falling masonry”.

We’ll never know his true motives.

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in this case i don’t think they should get involved. but they shouldn’t be sharing ‘omg i just saw a knife attack’ on their social media either. thats the messed up part.

wheres a good ‘extradition to china’ when you need it.

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I was kinda shocked by the lack of reactions from the bystanders. I agree 100% on the fact that civilians should let the police do what they’re trained and equipped for, because having people interfere can possibly make things even worse.
In this case, though, the police officer was clearly struggling to handle a guy with a knife and the train staff didn’t help at all until the officer got fatally wounded. If I was one of the people behind them I would have grabbed something heavy like those little tools used to break emergency windows, or really anything around me, and started hitting the guy on the head as soon as the policeman started to struggle. You can’t sit there and record a movie while a policeman gets killed, ffs.

I don’t know the standard procedure of police forces in Taiwan when it comes to engaging people armed with a knife, but good Lord the policeman walked straight to the guy’s face in a place where he couldn’t move around. Just shoot him in the leg a couple of times from that distance, THEN you get close to him. I feel really sorry for him, he probably thought he would have been able to disarm the guy and solve everything but got killed instead.


They are posting the police officers picture all over the media now. Looks really young and innocent. Horrible to see this. They really have to tackle the amount of people with mental illnesses being allowed to freely walk around. This reminds me of the case about 2 years back when the little girl got beheaded in the park. Families here are given most of the responsibility to look after their mentally sick relatives but often they just can’t cope.

If the poor policeman received any proper training he managed to not use it.

It’s standard procedure for police around the world to keep distance between themselves and anybody wielding a knife. It’s so, so easy to kill a human with a knife. Very dangerous situation.

I really feel for the guy’s family. Very tragic outcome.

My brother in law here is a police officer. I don’t know if he is representative of many police officers here, but I think he may well be. He is 100% convinced that he is capable of disarming and restraining anyone. Whenever we meet up things will usually end up where we will muck about with martial arts and he’ll do something like grabbing my thumb and twisting my hand against its normal movement. Obviously, I’ll semi let him do it and end up on my knees.

However, when someone is off their head, either because of mental health issues, substance abuse, or just flat-out rage, things are very different.

Yeah I agree, I think you replied to the wrong person though. :+1:

Oh, sorry.

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I think it was aimed at Bojak. Incidentally my brother in law is also a cop of nearly 30 years. He’s less baton and gun shy. You’re generally right about many cops here, but there are definitely exceptions like my brother in law , he is very jumpy but probably as he’s been on the job a long time in New Taipei city (anout 30 years) and worked in serious crime.

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He’s much more experienced.

Have you ever come across the “But I am trained” mentality?