The Lunar Eclipse Thread

Do we really need multiple threads for this ? Why not just collect them all together?

@mad_masala, have a good spot?


Effing cloudy innit

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It’s tomorrow, isn’t it?

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Damn! visible only in Taipei, Taiwan!!!

What’s so special about lunar eclipse? Already seen a bunch in my life. And lunar eclipse covers half the planet anyways, unlike solar eclipse which only covers a small circle on the planet.

When I see a T typing I think of @tando :heart_eyes:

Not everyone has seen it once in their life. It’s a free show. Things like this are why religion was invented in the first place. Some people have astronomy as a hobby or interest. That’s just off the top of my head

Not so special that every one needs a dedicated thread, IMO, but worth sharing for those who are interested


F*co, just killed it for me. luckily its raining anyway.

Will be out just in case there is a break in the clouds. Looking at something insanely greater than all of mankind’s history put together is humbling. I like being humbled by things WAY bigger than this place. I suspect that’s how religion started as well, with the addition of chemical mind altering substances, surely. Humbled is humbled, to each their own :slight_smile:

Hmm, maybe. Maybe it’s what caused human introspection. An eclipse is slow enough to watch play out in it’s entirety. And at the end, nothing much has changed. It’s a mind bender. I think the allegorical stories came way later. Like way way later.

Eclipse does not start until the evening of the 8th. Taiwan viewers should have a special treat.

Check the animation, middle of page, titled “Eclipse Map and Animation”

The moon will rise in Taiwan eclipsed in totality:

~6:30 pm local time The lower your horizon, or the taller your building, the sooner you won’t be able to find it :wink:

~7:45 pm local time Moon leaves totality. Should be observable all over Taiwan.

~9 pm local time Moon begins to leave Earth’s penumbra, or partial shadow.

~9:50 pm local time Show is just about over.

Here is a time and date eclipse link for Taipei:

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Cloudy every day

Yesterday the moon was visible through the different layers of clouds. I guess they weren’t that thick. I hope it’s the same today.


Nice big moon last night!

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Tonight between 5:00 and 7:00 could even be a red moon. But of course can’t see it from northern Taiwan because the sky is nearly always overcast.

From where did you see it?

It’s going to be amazing.


Psst … you’re looking the wrong way!

Not that there’s much visibility the right way either.

Clear sky in Osaka :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha, I know I know. But the right way had a mountain.

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taiwan is often blessed with reddish moons and 3 hour sunsets. man made bliss, not the cosmos.