The meaning of sexual purity

That’s good for you. As long as no abortions , or unknown sexual diseases were passed on.
Therefore would you also concede that if it hadn’t worked out that way then no sex before marriage would be better ?

Short answer: yes they are connceted, even if you can not see it.

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Other parts of Europe are declining in population, as are Australia, New Zealand and Canada. South America is also experiencing population decline, as is Russia.

Here’s a report from the Center for the Study of Global Christianity:

Africa, in particular, has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from having less than 10 million Christians at the turn of the 20th century to now being home to 734 million Christians, growing at a rate of 2.64 percent.
By 2050, Africa is projected to host more Christians than Asia and Latin America combined.

Oh, wait, that’s from the report you submitted- did you bother to read it? Aside from the gushing language, it says exactly what I said.

In 1900, 95 percent of the world’s Christians lived in predominantly Christian countries. However, the trend is shifting, with a decline of 0.17 percent between 2020 and 2024, indicating that more Christians are residing in diverse, non-Christian majority nations.

That is, minorities in Muslim-majority countries in Africa, just like Muslim minorities in Christian-majority countries- also in Africa.

There is a growth in the Christian population in China- up to 3 to 5% (hey, just like Taiwan), and is now declining along with the rest of the population. The Philippines has reached a peak of 100 million, and has reached a level of… 1.51%, well below replacement level. The numbers will go up for a while because of previous population growth, before the inevitable fall. What other places in Asia are experiencing both higher population growth and growth of Christianity?

In short, the figures are exactly what I said- Africa is experiencing population growth in both Christian and Muslim populations (more Muslims); everywhere else is declining.

Atheists are declining as a percentage of world population because they are found mostly in the wealthier countries whose percentage of world population is declining- just like all religions in these countries.

You have to differentiate between totals and growth rates.

No need to be defensive . It says on a world level Christianity is increasing and atheism is decreasing. I said yes Africa had a fast growth rate, but also does South America and Asia. The only areas with a serious decilne was western Europe . Does that actually matter anymore anyway ? The US is declining the exact reason Trump is stuck on his 33 percent loyalty rate or whatever it is. You seem to be offended in the facts. Christianity is up, even atheists admit it. It doesn’t mean it’s good or bad just a fact. And facts have no feelings right ?

None of these points are related to atheism nor religion. That’s the point both sides love to ignore.

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Ok what do you mean ? I’m interested for you to elaborate.

Sure. Again, this is just my opinion :slight_smile:

Using the example above:

  1. Abortions
  2. Having physical intercorse with more than 1 person.
  3. Spreading disease. Let’s limit it to purely sex based disease (of which very few are actually limited to such narrow constructs)

I am simply pointing out this:

1: Not all atheists are pro abortion. This is not, in any way, an atheist thing. This is the choice of the individual. Objectively. I am atheist and I am not pro abortion. I do understand the logic behind some of them (rape, war crimes etc, people tend to ignore the latter…conveniently), but it’s not a choice I would ever make myself. Same goes for religious folks, some religious people also get abortions. I’m sure the religion treats them like shit for it (eg. Philippines where catholics control the country and government and commit heinous acts against humanity in the name of religion!). It proves that the religions aren’t exactly as “pure” as they like to think. Although they may have many scape goats. Just like any group (eg. Athiests). Case in point: It’s an individuals choice. Religions just try to shrug off the reality. The reality is the individual has a choice, no matter how brain washed that person may be, we still make decisions to commit to certain acts.

  1. This is in no way a negative thing in itself. Religions point to reasons why society breaks down and they may try to use this as the root cause. It isn’t, but it is a decent try to control basic animal needs. Many factors play a role in people being shitty. Religions may like to say family structure causes better families down the line. I actually agree, as an atheist. These are individual choices, not caused by “god” or “lack of god”. But by logic and ethics. We don’t need religion to force us to love people and take care of them. I would argue the opposite, it’s only weak and broken people that need a control mechanism to motivate them to do the logical thing. I think when people have matured themselves, they don’t need such a control group taking advantage of them and they can live pure and moral without the religious piety and taxation on their minds and bodies (and finances). I do understand some benefit from it as some people truly are weak/vulnerable/broken etc, only hope they can also evolve to not need such cult type controls for them to make decent decisions as this is basically just taking advantage of people. It’s borderline fraud, though so entrenched in society I would be called a loon to liken the 2 similar things out loud. However, truly…fraud.

  2. Religion, as hard as they may, try to oppress biology. Over history in very extreme ways. When just simple good education could have prevailed, they used swords and weapons to force their narrative. We are animals. That is fact. As such, we are made of of trillions of other organisms within our own body. Disease will spread. It’s hard to justify the sex aspect, especially given how many religious figures are caught being sexual deviants and oppressors in the worst of ways! When we don’t address toilet, hand washing, and basic hygiene as disease causing logistics fials (like sex), it’s just fully retarded think and not logical. It’s based on control, the same way China has controlled births and that. Arranged marriages. Abortions of females to get more men. Etc etc. Hypocritical most likely. Naive at best. It’s just uncomfortable to admit being the “devil” (according to their own opressions) when a group has proclaimed to be the exact opposite for so long. But reality is just reality. Sometimes things are easier to see than others, but it’s important to see them for what they are. Especially over the course of history. Just murder, rape, control, brain wash, taxation, requiring obedience, and more control. We could educate people without all those things.

Sticking a dick into a vagina, butt, mouth, hand or plastic device may be easy to skew the narratives on, but it’s nothing compared to other aspects, such as actual rape. Murder. Theft for greed etc. If we must stick to sexual oppression, surely the 2 biggest guilty parties are religions and armies. Even religious people couldnt possibly deny this. In times of war (ie. Dispute), no evil has been more great. It’s kind of the reason many people become atheist. Aside from the sheer absurdity of control and objectivity of…control.

True enlightenment, I feel, is not to need other humans to control your every move in order to justify being ethical and just. We should already be that as proxy, given how much we praise our species on how much better we are than the rest of life on this planet. It’s a double standard at best, our praise for ourselves at the species level. We are either ethical and superior, thus not needing a religion to control our lives due to our superior intelligence, or we are like animals. Tribal and flawed like everything else and thus so easily manipulated to even cause murder, rape, disease and all that stuff in the name of God. It’s weird how we don’t just shed all this bullshit and move on with reality and basic ethics. It’s not easy, but it is extremely simple. Both sides. We have enough knowledge to be able to become knowledgeable.

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I’m kinda at the “agree to disagree” when it comes to sexual purity that all Christian denomination often demands. I won’t feel a need to confess to a priest if I slept with another man for example. I think sexual purity is 100% man made, probably for social reasons, but it seems unreasonable for God to condemn someone to hell for it.

We’ve all sinned and though Christians believe in Jesus, Christians still stumble and fall from time to time.

No one is perfect. Sometimes the temptation to sin is great. But the choice is ours to own. Like it was Adam and Eve’s choice to eat from the tree of knowledge.

And like a toddler may stumble and fall while learning how to walk, as long as the toddler keeps trying, each time the toddler will stumble less. But if the toddler gives up, the toddler will never learn how to walk.

Just an analogy, I’m not calling you a toddler.

I’m learning, but I’m not convinced that God is so interested in sexual purity.

I think it’s a man made thing, perhaps due to constraint of society or technology at the time, but I don’t think God cares that much.

Why would God deny us food? Sex is like food, we need it to survive.

But people find it easy to control others through sex.

But it seems your version of learning is “learning that your version of God is the absolute truth”.

Don’t confess to us then please , you keep bringing this up. Can’t you use third person ?

Good points especially the abortion part. It is often presumed I agree that atheists pro choice and religious pro life. Those are the two extremes. I tend to keep out of that as when a person has just had an abortion the last things she needs is someone calling her a murderer or whatever.

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That is BS. You can leave your hands over the blanket for all your life and totally survive.
I dont even go into that eating stuff^^ just dont eat it ok?

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Sex is necessary for the survival of the human race. Otherwise how are babies made?

Demand and enforcement of sexual purity has done more harm than good. Time to let it go the way of the dodo bird.

Yes, but that is not how you described it. Survial
of the individual vs. race are 2 different things.


Sexual purity does not mean abstaining from it for life. It means sex is the gift of creation that God gave mankind. The body is a temple and should be kept clean and pure, including the mind.

Sexual purity means within the sanctity of marriage and without perversion.

In God’s eyes, sex is sacred and holy. Just as Jesus cast out the money changers from the temple for defiling the temple, so too should we cast out impure thoughts and deeds from the temple of our body and mind. This includes lust and fornication.

Corinthians 6:19-20, he asks, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

The context of this pertains to the avoidance of sexual immorality. A main reason given is that it is a sin against one’s own body.


So I guess Israel kings having multiple wives and concubines are the exception?

I can think of little benefit for enforced sexual purity in the modern age. It has done little but enslave women.

I guess lust is fine if you’re a king, but for the rest of the rabble, the body is a temple.

huh? Not at all. Everyone, all mankind, are held to the same standards in God’s eyes. Each will be accountable for their deeds.

God gave mankind agency. These teachings do not dictact enforcement by law, etc. Anyone and everyone has the agency to make the choice to fornicate or not, and we are not to judge one another. That is not our place. Judgement comes from Christ who atoned for everyone’s sins. So what you do in your life is up to you.

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No judgment from me about people’s lifestyle choices, but the type of sex you’re talking about isn’t necessary for survival of the human race.

I don’t think many babies are being made in the gay saunas around Ximen. :face_with_peeking_eye:


Religion seems to basically be about this exact point. People love it when they agree, and get all flustered when it goes against their normal. Thus, no need for religion. Take their good aspects, and ignore their abusive oppressive aspects. Win win. That doesn’t, by the way, mean justify your actions when it’s obviously wrong. Or just go tell a dude your sorry and be forgiven every few weeks.

We can lie all day, but we can’t lie to ourselves. if we can, we may need serious emotional and psychiatric help!

It’s (sexual reproduction) also the evolution that creates more genetic diversity and strength against environmental norms (temperature, light, pathogens, food availability, geography etc) . If we were all parthenogenic, our species would be dead long ago. Sacred is just a construct to control what animal species would no doubt do a lot of: rape and pillage. We still do a lot of that. If God was real, he sure dropped the ball giving males orgasms!

The construct has its merits, but as we have evolved, have info and knowledge better. There is very little reason most of us would require such a construct to live ethical lives. At least, we like to give our species so much credit. One of the religious sayings I like is that we are all sinners. Though it’s not a God type thing, so I just tend to say we are all shitty and avoid the fantasy bit. Everyone can, and should, improve. We are Ling flinging rocks at our enemies anymore. Time to man up and be responsible adults. With or without being brainwashed to do so. Just be so.