The meaning of sexual purity

Well, in any gay sex. But, people do have a strong biological impulse to have sex, and that is rooted in the survival of the species.

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I’m telling ya. God. Dood. Dropped the friggen ball. No orgasms.

Waiting for people to mention motivation to have sex (ie. Orgasm), to be met with a response about how animals must also be driven with some form of pleasure only to have them reply back that those lowly beasts surely don’t have our level of sophistication…so enters the cringer of hollier than thou :roll_eyes:

Speaking of sexual purity

It’s all about control.

God doesn’t care about sexual purity but he does hate adultery.

Adultery isn’t necessarily sexual. If both you and your wife decided that having sex with others are fine, doesn’t affect your marriage in the very least (marriage is a contract), then it’s not adultery. How the two of you want to go about this is between you two, but it would be wise to include proper protections and STD testing, as well as steps to prevent unwanted children and all that.

Adultery can be spiritual as well, and it’s mostly betrayal and infidelity. God hates that.

But religious people don’t think in that terms, they see control of sex as a means of controlling people. If you can shame people into thinking that sex is dirty, you can basically control them, their relationship. It’s toxic as hell.

It’s very possible to commit adultery without having sexual relationship with anyone. Like if you decide to shut your wife out, and make decision behind her back, without including her, that is detrimental to her (and your relationship to her), that’s adultery. No sex needed.

Nothing in the old testament suggests that fornication is bad, considering that a bunch of kings of Israel seems to have mistresses and concubines.

Good example of adultery would be what King David did. He found a woman attractive, sent her husband on a suicide mission to get him out of the picture, then just took her as his own “wife”.

God was not pleased with that.

Adultery is a severe breach of trust. That’s what’s sinful. If David actually went and talked with the couple, and both the wife and the husband says “cool, we’re both fine with that”, God probably wouldn’t mind it at all, especially if David would care for any resultant children, and the couple would have presumably gotten a handsome payment for all this as well.

It also says "Although the resolution expresses grief for couples experiencing infertility, it encourages members to “promote adoption” and “to consider adopting frozen embryos in order to rescue those who are eventually to be destroyed.”

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You’ll notice that pro life are also against birth control. It’s never about life, it’s about preserving oppressive rules and customs.

Which, surprisingly, those opposed to IVF do not do. There are very few “snowflake babies” adopted, and ajso very few people who have frozen embryos willing to donate them. I suppose you could argue they should, but they don’t.
Each IVF produces up to a dozen frozen embryos, of which almost all are discarded. The only way to stop IVF is to ban it.
Support 70%
Not sure 22%
Oppose 8%
Which is why Republicans tripped over themselves supporting IVF after the the Alabama State court decision, and why Democrats are trying to force Republicans on record with a vote.

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If you understand this, why do you so willingly follow their oppression? It seems like an oxymoron.

Hmm. That’s a pretty interesting take. And if so, really would point out the hypocrisy/double standard/“rules for thee, not for me” type issues that religions are famius for. Got any links where we might start a good read session on these points?

Because you confuse the belief in God with religious people. I don’t care about religious rules, but I care about God. People add weird rules all the time, just like Pharisees.

And it shows. When I ask religious people what is the justification for sexual purity, they don’t provide any except for bible verses.

It means they don’t care for why the rule is there, but that some religious book says what the rules are.

That is because they believe those books are God’s words, which were written through his prophets.

God gave Moses the 10 commandments and instructed him to write them down. Moses then gave the tablets to his people.

The same goes for all the other prophets. God spoke to them directly or through revelation etc and they wrote it down.

Pretty basic stuff to grasp. No?

You can decide to believe or not believe…up to you. You have free agency.

Yea, and so if it’s written in some book from the prophets we are to accept them without question?

If the book of the prophets say you must go kill people who disbelieve, do you do as they say?

To me I read those books differently. I look for God’s character, not strict literal interpretation of what those books say.

Adultery means betrayal, that’s why it’s a sin. It doesn’t always involve sex.

But why are religious people so fixated on sexual purity? I don’t know, control?

OK, so if you are a deviant in “god’s” ways, why don’t you change?

I would also point out, the only mechanism you have to “know” about God, is via humans. Which is ripe with corruption, as you yourself pointed out. So why bother? Just be ethical and pure. That’s the best you can do. Caring about what people have told you to do (whether or not you call it religious, spiritual etc) may require some reflection. Let’s just cut to the chase. If a guy wants to stick his penis in he anus of another male and get feces on it, that’s his right. God has no right on that, ethically speaking. If you forced someone against their will, that’s an ethical problem. You can say God, I can say common sense. But the problem is the same.

Sort of.
There is personal revelation through your personal relationship with God. Many belive you can get clarification through the Holy Ghost through prayer and study.

But it doesn’t. So non issue.

Are they?
They used their agency to follow a belief that they deem good. Is someone forcing you to follow their way of believing against your will?

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Nicodemus asked what is the sum of the laws and the prophets, and Jesus said to love God with all your heart, and to love others as yourself. The ten commandment kinda means that, but it’s also fairly simple rules with little to no definition.

But it basically means, you respect God, and you respect others. That means act with integrity and good ethics, be compassionate.

Religious people seem to lack all of those qualities. That’s why they can, with their head held high, nail God to a cross. They believe they are following God’s will.

The Old Testament is full of commands from God to go kill some tribe.

There are countries where people are forced to follow them against their will. Try being Christian in Saudi Arabia.

And Islamic scripture is full of “kill the disbelievers” kind of command.

and if you want to interpret the Bible the wrong way, it can be interpreted to mean “kill the unbelievers” too. I mean that’s what crusades was.

Speaking of the Old Testament, King David wasn’t exactly sexually pure. But that one instance where he had some woman’s husband killed and took her over, God was really, really angry with David. So clearly God’s anger is not directed at who you have sex with, but rather who you threw under the bus.

Does your teachings have issues with people that come to moral/ethical conclusions without the need for being obedient to XYZ variants of “god” or similar? Even rejecting the notion of a god? That would really be telling on the maturity of a given construct (religion, cult, following, style or whatever the term of the day may be). Allowing and/accepting others to live just lives, without jealousy or punishment, for rejecting the beliefs of others and just being “good”, albiet athiest.

I knew a guy called Sam that said a bunch of shit to John. So what?

Just be ethical. What some guys said then tried to control you is arguably less worthy due to said control than the dudes I heard talk shit back in the day :innocent:

But fact is, religious people do try to exert control over others, in whatever little way they can. Like as soon as Roe vs. Wade got overturned states wasted no time in banning abortion. They make laws that codifies their religious rules into law, making anything their religion forbids into crimes.

Not good.

I didnt know we were talking about Islamic scripture. I thought this was about Christianity.

That is why God appoints prophets. Through direct revelation and conversation, things can be clarified…if you make the choice to believe in a prophet. Or, through personal revelation.

You also need to understand the the New Testament replaces the laws of the Old Testament through Christ’s atonement. If we are talking about Christianity.

This is why I was wondering why you would want to obey a group that is overtly so.

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