The Mueller investigations thread

Meh, seems fairly irrelevant. I was hoping for something that could generate more butthurt.

Someone who worked for #44 getting indicted from Mueller is fun, but still…

I was promised a drained swamp, not a fixed leaking tube, ffs

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Funny stuff. The left wing is MSM currently melting down over Barrs use of the word “spying” it’s like listening to some upper crust knob pontificating over the pronunciation of a word like “Lingerie”. It’s much more nuanced apparently, “surveillance” is the correct way to refer to the activity that lead up to Mueller’s appointment.

Do you have a video? Sounds good

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Intelligent people link words to concepts, and concepts to concrete reality. Stupid people link their own emotions to words. These are the Triggered.

Some minds manipulate symbols. Other minds are manipulated by symbols. Demagogues fight over control of the symbols.

Well, we’re getting close to the release of the report. Let’s have a look at CNN’s scorching report for this historic event that is going to end Sblompf’s reign of terror:


In case you can’t see it, on the right there’s a small link to an article that explains there will be two versions of the report.


It reminds me of the podesta leaks, when Cnn’s positions was:“don’t read the actual leaks, that’s illegal, just trust us”

No one has anything to say? It’s been out for hours now. Obv I’ve never discussed but would be curious to read.

Chop chop

short summary, they didn’t find anything.
interesting angle, if/when they go after FBI and/or Obamaramas/Clintonites’ involvement in pushing this “thing”


Now it’s time to start going after the corrupt officials (and Democratic operatives) who tried to stage a coup against the president.


Because there’s nothing to say. Just more waste of time.

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Everything there is to say has already been said. Democrats just haven’t been listening.


Actually, taking those comments back.

I prefer to interact with everyone here in peaceful ignorance.

:thinking: Wonder if Charlize is still single

Bye :call_me_hand:

Yes, ignorance is bliss, but I’m calling it now: Trump wins reelection in 2020. :grin:


Btw— How does one mute a thread? I’m getting notifications now.

Edit: Found it.

CNN had a panel of 8 people today …all of them convinced there should be more…Trump must have done something . Not one voice of dissent. What next I wonder ?


I was just watching that…pretty surreal. It’s no wonder they call it American Pravda.

Here will be the logic by tomorrow’s news. No evidence of collusion in the report is just further evidence there is collusion.

I swear if the Dems spent half the effort in making good policies that help Americans as they did in hating on and taking down trump through make believe conspiracies. They might be able to win in 2020. But nope, looks like they’re adding to the landslide lol.


I am pretty depressed at wearing the CNN logo for some years :pensive:

To be fair, they weren’t always quite as bad as they are now. Zucker has really been a disaster for the brand.

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Do you recognize the face in the pic ? Supposed to be a soap tv star , but i have no idea ? People still watch soaps in Taiwan?