The narratives about Antifa thread

And they don’t have any problems with legitimacy and bias lately. :roll:

This is refreshing


It’s a shame her voice grates so much. Otherwise, a very interesting take on the media’s response to Antifa.


Same experience. I had to turn the volume so low I could barely hear her to stand that incredibly grating voice. :grimacing:

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What’s particularly interesting is what she highlights about the media’s response to Antifa is exactly the arguments made by the posters on here, who all seem to start with M, make supporting/apologizing for Antifa.


You’re wasting your time posting a long and detailed argument here. Most of the Trumpers will not be able to follow it; the rest will ignore all your reasoning and just post the same thing again and again.
For instance you post there is no Antifa center; you will get in response pictures of scattered groups with antifa in their name; some posters not able to understand what you are saying, others deliberately misstating what you originally said in order to make false statements about it.


This clip just showed up in my yt feed a few days ago. I’ve watched a half dozen of her videos so far.

She quit her job covering environmental issues for the Seattle NBC affiliate a while back. Her husband trains cops in Washington. I haven’t watched all of her stuff, but it appears she worked for NBC (?) out of college, quit to go to seminary school, picked up a master’s in psychology, and somewhere along the line thought she could “do good” by going back to local tv reporting.

I kinda like her.

Seems like journalism, I’m game

Long and detailed argument? No, that’s a cut and paste of standard gaslighting talking points from the Bezos Post.

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Not only is Antifa terrorizing the cities, they’re terrorizing the forest too! It’s very disheartening that conservative lawmakers have shown to be incapable of managing through any crisis whatsoever without trying to blame the other side. If only we could get rid of democratic cities and democratic forests!

I’m sure record heat waves had nothing to do with it, must be Antifa and democratic policies…

“The Democrats who control this state, have been in charge of the legislature, and hold every statewide office have failed to take care of forestry management in California,” Gallagher told host Tucker Carlson. "We have overgrown forests with brush piles ten feet high and dead and dying trees and it’s a tinderbox waiting for a spark.

Rumors spread just like wildfire and now our 9-1-1 dispatchers and professional staff are being overrun with requests for information and inquiries on an UNTRUE rumor that 6 Antifa members have been arrested for setting fires in DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON," read a Facebook post from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon on Thursday. “THIS IS NOT TRUE!”

I put subtitles on and pretend she had an attractive/interesting voice.

When people try this hard it only exposes their narrative as fraud. Because actual threats don’t need story time. :brain:

Furthermore the manufacturing of this narrative can be seen as an actual threat, as is the case here diverting resources away from fires.

The announcement came after multiple organizations, including the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon, issued warnings on social media about the false rumors, and another sheriff’s department placed a deputy on leave after he was seen on video suggesting fires were being started by antifa adherents.

There is no evidence Oregon’s fires were caused by arson from far-left activists.

“We are removing false claims that the wildfires in Oregon were started by certain groups,” Facebook spokesman Andy Stone tweeted. “This is based on confirmation from law enforcement that these rumors are forcing local fire and police agencies to divert resources from fighting the fires and protecting the public.”

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i DoNt WaNt tO cReAte A pAniC :rofl:

“ANTIFA ALERT: They’ll attack your homes if Joe’s elected. Pres Trump needs you to become a Diamond Club Member. Your name is MISSING. Donate.”

Cowards. Tough in a group.
Like the footage from the 60s of Black Americans at University and crowds of vermin shouting abuse at them. They had the same army faction inane mindset as the far left.

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A little girl!

Cowardly pieces of shit.


Yep, these are the images that make me wish my pa’s shotgun would have been in reach of that father.

BLM and antifa are disgusting pieces of shit.

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Long and detailed arguments are for people who think sheer quantity of verbiage constitutes proof. Argumentum ad derp.

Then there are the people who think slogans prove a point.

Those of us with more sense realize that truth typically takes an intermediate quantity of words to convey. There’s a reason a valid syllogism has three terms, not two and not four.