The narratives about Antifa thread

I like how you link to articles that don’t prove what you say they prove. Do you even bother to read your own links?

My link doesn’t prove they’re democratic forests? That’s because it’s sarcasm. Try to keep up rowland.

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Not directed at anyone in particular, but this extreme ‘reeee’ shrieking on debunked topics like antifa, used to distract, I don’t think it’s going so well.

It’s like, there’s an effective, smart way to spin things if that is your MO, then there’s shrieking wildly.

You understand why paid Russian bots on twitter do it…but the ones who aren’t paid and spend their days and nights toiling away regardless…ho boy.

I’m not sure they really understand how they undermine their own agenda by arguing 1 is 10, and not 1.

Let’s just say when you try to stretch reality by 9 and your rope doesn’t have much elasticity to begin with, it snaps much earlier than 9. The result is like watching someone in free fall trying to argue they’re on solid ground.


Anyone been spreading this false information?


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A post was merged into an existing topic: The narratives about Trump thread

Did you read the article I posted above? The police and fire department said no one connected to antifa was arrested. The twitter you posted is a complete fabrication. I suggest you read the article.

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Not Antifa, just extremely similar to Antifa in every way - including how they get the catch-and-release treatment.

No, in fact, it isn’t a fabrication. I suggest you read the articles. This is what you get for relying on NPR for news,

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So let me get this straight you believe an Antifa army is starting fires, and your proof is one guy being held on a mental health evaluation. Yeah one dude started all the fires in Oregon. You know random drivers are being held at gun point because they believe this Antifa nonsense.

You sure he’s Antifa? That’d be like next time there’s a forest fire we can find some redneck throwing lighters in a fire and blame the boogaloo army.

What the hell are you talking about? @eCanada stated that the twitter I posted was a complete fabrication, when in fact it consisted of 100% factual information about the Domingo Lopez Jr. incident. Someone needs to do more work on their reading skills.

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And what is the relevance of some rando starting brushfires off the side of the highway? The fact that Andy Ngo and anyone posting is trying to highlight the story, and claim or insinuate a connection obviously, that doesn’t have any relevance to the forest fire or antifa is really the issue. It’s a joke.

Where did I say this? You’re making shit up in your head again.

I’d respond to this, but it’s completely incoherent.

Which part? The dude being held on mental health evaluation? Yeah nah that’s real. Or the Antifa army? Why else would anyone be posting or defending the accurate reporting of said incident in this the Antifa thread? Otherwise I’d love to read stories posted by Andy Ngo of randos committing crimes.

I’ll follow your lead and just start posting mentally-ill vagrants committing vandalism as evidence of an Antifa invasion.

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Again, the tweet I posted was completely factual. If you have trouble with facts, I can’t really help you.

Hey, if that’s what you’re into, who am I to judge?

This needs to be your avatar.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: From the narratives about antifa thread

Is that the new NPR logo? :grin: