The narratives about Antifa thread

Where do you reckon is a good place, friend? I chose here because the thread is about the narratives surrounding Antifascism in America, and this is something I know about and could contribute some unique insights about, ideally. You don’t have to agree with me, that’s totally okay, just happy to be here for now :upside_down_face:

Just thought I’d reiterate my information is from Portlanders going through this right now and local and independent journalism, not any large media source or website consisting of mainly opinion pieces and disinformation, which was alluded to by another user.

It’s all good my dude.

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All except antifa, my dude. Thugs, nothing but thugs.

Oohhhhh. I see now. Yeah that sounds like the conservative version of events alright. Yes, I’d say he would be in the right to defend himself in that situation. What could these goons have been thinking am I right? Here comes a friend with a bullet proof vest and assault rifle, maybe he wants to come give us a hug.

This sarcasm isn’t helping anyone, my apologies. Do you have the video? I’d like to see it, because your version of events is very different from what I witnessed.

I am not your google, and it’s upthread on this very topic.

I suspect your oily brand of persuasion might have made you a great used car salesman around 1961 or so, but it’s just extremely oily sans persuasion in 2020.

That’s one take. I don’t fault you for it. It’s a known fact that social media creates echo chambers that reinforce our own beliefs. From a purely objective point of view, when you look at the people with gas masks and bike helmets and trash can lids exercising their right to protest (which I presume you are for, amendment numero uno), and you look at people coming with bullet proof vests, assault weapons, confederate and neo-nazi symbology in some cases but not all. You see the people who don’t want the armed fascists in their neighborhood as the thugs. Word.

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Among the myriad of problems with antifa is that they aren’t reliable when it comes to identifying “armed fascists,” and tend instead to beat old people and kids. And want to be credited as heroes for it, no less.


That’s fair enough. But it’s not research when a majority of the sources posted upthread are from conservative companies. @cake for example posted one earlier about presumed antifa vandalism in an all-black neighborhood. This isn’t directed at you specifically bojack, but I’d just like to mention that you’ll also find there is a fair amount of right wing sabotage to make this idea of antifascism look bad. The boogaloo boys burning down the Minneapolis police precinct being just one such example in this very thread. So you don’t support anti-fascism as a concept or have an idea about it based on whatever your sources may be.

I’m being generous in not following through with this thought. Inference will do.

I hear you. The two ideals may be juxtaposed, as in the case of comparison and contrast. They are not mutually exclusive. While I was using the colloquial usage, you are correct that they technically different, as one is concerned with process, the other with outcome. Equality is the process, equity the outcome. Equality is essentially as you described it, but equity is concerned with justice. Proportional outcomes in a fair system. It follows if there is no equality there is likely no equity.

What I mean to say is when people desire equity they’re referring to an unfair system, one that is disadvantageous to them.

But good call, I did make a small goof, Equality doesn’t guarantee opportunity :sweat_smile:

You’re so drunk on antifa kool-aid that you evidently do not realize that antifa itself has made the idea of antifascism look bad.

It ain’t others doing this to antifa. It’s antifa doing it to antifa, over and over.

For example, :arrow_down:

Who in their right mind supports fascism?

I don’t support antifa. The group.

That I don’t support antifa does not mean that I support fascism. That antifa can’t or won’t grasp this simple concept is a big reason I don’t support them.

How dare you interrupt Bojack’s Alt Right safe space. Who do you think you are?

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I guess we’re just cut from a different cloth, and that’s okay. I’m not a violent person, but if I saw a teenager spreading hate or an older man with a swastika flag I wouldn’t stop someone else from socking them. It’s pretty easy to tell when someone is trying to start sh*t in your neighborhood my guy. I didn’t say they’re perfect or every one is an angel. But they believe in protecting others. That is the fundamental difference.

There is a difference between supporting fascism in your country and not preventing it. The German people were not all national socialists.

I agree with you. Looking away is a choice also. You also seem to be referring to the antifascist movement as if it was person. The nature of antifa is reactionary. Do you know why they bring shields and gas masks? For the rubber bullets and teargas from the police. Right-wing protestors know what’s up, bringing guns to “defend themselves” properly like a real American. The cops won’t mess with them then.

Hi :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I didn’t know parts of forumosa was essentially 4chan. That website stopped being funny when I outgrew my angsty teen years. I was really just looking for friends in Taiwan lol. So far looks like it’s not going well.

I also do not support the dichotomy the left is currently trying to foist on the rest of us, that one is either racist or anti-racist, or that one is either anti-fascist or fascist.

Nobody with two brain cells buys this shit. If you truly want to make a difference in the world, then stop peddling it.

You are gonna have to clarify “the left” for me mate, it’s a big club and it sounds like you ain’t it. If you’re referring to classic liberalism, neoliberalism, socdems, tankies, anprims, then say that. I wouldn’t consider myself in any of those categories personally.
If you see some racist sh*t going down, you think, huh sucks for them, and not, hey stop doing that. I’ll concede the world is not black and white and that people’s feelings, behaviors, beliefs may be - like gender - fluid and changing with every shade of gray.

It sounds like you might have a better solution for making a difference in the world. Well, if so, do speak up, I’m all ears. I’m not here to make enemies.

Also, just wanted to clarify briefly, it’s not racist or anti-racist. It’s racist, un-racist, anti-racist. Racism bad, we all agree. Not caring about preventing active racism is also bad is the argument. But it’s completely understandable to feel personally called out; it means confronting your own privileges and it can be a really difficult and ugly thing man. It’s rough but it’s worth it. That’s my hot take.

I don’t, actually.

You people and your addiction to false dichotomies, I swear.

And yet you wonder why people find antifa disgusting.

I am genuinely curious then what your thought is in that situation. You must have an opinion, you have a lot to say.

Again, you people suck at identifying “active” racism. Your only goal seems to be to try use it to force people to raise the fist, man.

Again, not interested in your struggle session. You know absolutely squat about me or “my priveleges.”

That’s my hot take. That and I feel real sad for Oregon.

Examples would be appreciated here. Sounds like you know a lot about racism.

Yeah, turns out you can infer quite a bit about folk from the keyboard warrior attitude. But you’re correct I don’t know anything about you. You sure think you know a lot about me and the “you people” you assume I belong to. I’m pretty privileged myself, my passport was pretty damn strong until just this year when a certain administration stuffed that all up. I’ve had to work for what I have and it isn’t much, but my heart is in the right place.

Anyway, I’m not getting a lot of substance out of this exchange man, not gonna lie you’re kind of just trying to guide the narrative by ignoring my questions:

You’re not obligated to respond, no pressure. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a good old fashioned argument with an internet stranger though, so thanks for that, fr it was fun.

I’ll be seeing you.

As I’ve said (twice), my list might start with: stop with the bogus dichotomies.

Also, stop beating, murdering, and assaulting Americans who have every right to occupy the same public spaces as antifa thugs.

And for god’s sake, learn more about how humans actually work. That should be job 1, but I ain’t holding my breath.

Happy turkey day. Don’t chuck the white meat because privilege.

You seem to have missed this:

I shouldn’t expect a rando on the internet to understand the nuances of racism, especially if it’s not their lived experience or they aren’t interested in it.

Also, it’s not unreasonable for one to ask you to give your actual opinion or answer my question in the spirit of the Socratic dialogue, so we could perhaps deepen our conversation, or maybe come up with new ideas altogether about antifa. As opposed to what appears to be a thread full of alt-right shitposting tbh. Again, you’re fully within your rights, you don’t owe me or anyone anything. Nobody’s gonna take anything from you or hurt you. Speaking of,

[citation needed]

More of the same, seemingly you possess a lot of knowledge about life, and racism, and how stuff works, but don’t care to share any of it. Is this a fool on the hill situation?
You do you bro, how’s that for humanity?

Legit made me chuckle :laughing:
Happy National Day of Mourning / Thanksgiving / Thankstaking (that’s what my family calls it anyway, we’re pretty Native).

Also I feel like we kind of got off on the wrong foot, we might have some stuff in common. For example, I like playing guitar and my favorite video game is either Dark Souls III or Bloodborne, I adore them both.