The narratives about Trump thread

Terrific article, thanks for the link.

The British historian David Reynolds has done a terrific - and very convincing - job laying out the case that Woodrow Wilson’s Treaty of Versailles, his push for American-style democracy around the globe (e.g., the America-centric League of Nations), and the poisonous effect Wilson’s post-war foreign policy had on non-Americans who do not share American values - especially in Europe - went a very, very long way to prolonging all of the 20th century’s global conflicts after the Great War (WWI).

Unfortunately Woodrow Wilson was an American oaf, and I think that has become clear in the past century.

I think Trump’s foreign policy represents an acknowledgement that Reynolds was correct, even though President Trump has probably never heard of David Reynolds. Trump loves America (clearly), he respects American institutions (clearly), he willingly represents all Americans of every race, religion, etc. (clearly), but he has managed also to realize that American ideals are not for all humans, are not therefore to be subsidized for all humans - even though they are to be celebrated by we who are Americans.

Anyway, I think the author’s list of reasons why Trump will win are all spot on, all six of them. A Forbes article well worth reading imo.

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On one hole, Trump dunked a shot into the lake, but as his opponents weren’t looking he simply dropped another ball — and then hit that into the water, too.

“So he drives up and drops where he should’ve dropped the first time and hits it on the green,” recalls Faxon.

Hilarious. No doubt. I can see the look on Trump’s face as he births golfballs out of his trousers like Auric Goldfinger. Trump and the game of golf go together like me at twelve and Sunday school, they never meet the intent.

I would expect nothing less from a narcissist like our President. I’m not excusing him; I’ve played golf with a thousand guys as bad or worse (last one to come to mind was the guy who counted my clubs because he saw me hit a 1-iron off a very advantageous fairway lie to within twelve feet of the pin and officially accused me of hiding my #1 iron in my cart partner’s bag). Doesn’t make me disrespect him any more, that’s for sure.

His only redemption is that Democrats go nuke when they hear about it. That makes it all worth it.

Woodrow Wilson was a racist progressive who only got into the war after the voters bullied him into it. His thinking was never representative of America as a whole. He did, however, represent a particular strain of Western thought.

Ignore the source for a moment . The facts are pretty well laid out in this article
I sincerely hope that all this is investigated properly , as it should be .
If any proves to be the case , it won’t change some minds that don’t want to change , but it may open the eyes of the objective ones.


I don’t think that’s what he is saying, he looks to be reading from notes and trying to give the official version of events. He tries to make the distinction in his opening remarks by saying she is confusing collusion with Russians with Russian interference.

Russian interference, as the official story goes, had an order from Obama to look into what may have happened (after revelations of a DNC hack by Russians), in September 2016. Which would be quite legitimate (if in fact the DNC was actually hacked by Russians).

Crossfire Hurricane was launched by the FBI in July 2016 (2 months earlier and this is what will be questioned) as a counter intelligence operation and looks like it was based on the Steele dossier. Everybody is trying to distance themselves from that, John Brennan is claiming he didn’t see the dossier until December 2016 (you would have to be a fool to believe that). Clapper is also pretending to know as little as possible and reads his lines of what officially happened as if he didn’t know.

Which leaves James Comey, the useful idiot they hope will be the fall guy and hopefully for them will be where they stem the bleeding.

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Is that real?

If anyone can investigate …that would be you, quizmeister :thinking:

I figured you could save me the trouble. What was I thinking? :grin:

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OK, I looked it up. It appears to be legit.

I did check it and knew that , but thanks for the effort :smiley:


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Jia sai e li!

Cow yow ! I was being polite :grinning:
anyway , here is your Socialism post for the day

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Passive aggressive in the classic Taiwanese style. :grin:

Trump seems to be trolling again .


Apparently in Italy, the media has portrayed the border wall as the next Berlin Wall. And one person thought that no one would be able to cross the border and was genuinely confused that there would still be border crossings. Also find it hard to believe I would like him because he is racist in Italian media as well. Most it seems most of the news is about how hot melania is.

The media writing articles about memes is always entertaining.