I’ll repeat.
How long was Sun compromised?
Go to Grace Meng and start asking questions about what Sun’s responsibilities were under Meng when Meng was assemblyperson (now in Congress). China just doesn’t get lucky with a high level plant. Most times they’re groomed for decades quietly. Sun’s bachelor degree was in political science.
As far back into the Cuomo administration for sure.
God forbid you run a background check in people who deal with foreign governments from time to time.
“In search for best pandemic practices, today’s hearing is focused on New York and the March 25, 2020 Directive from the New York State Department of Health issued under Governor Andrew Cuomo’s leadership,” Wenstrup (R., Ohio) said in his opening statement, setting the tone for a contentious hearing.
“You are the leader. The buck stops with you — or at least it should. It’s important to look at your Administration’s record. Two weeks after you learned about the order, your office changed the methodology of how nursing home fatalities were categorized: You removed out-of-facility deaths that occurred at the hospital, altering the full accounting of nursing home deaths,” he added.
The resulting order caused coronavirus to spread in nursing homes and caused thousands of extra deaths during the pandemic, while Cuomo was being hailed by national media organizations for his leadership. More than 9,000 individuals were admitted and readmitted to nursing homes thanks to the order.
The coronavirus panel issued a memo Monday detailing the role Cuomo played in issuing the directive and covering up the death totals by ordering the drafting of a misleading report from his administration’s health department. Cuomo insisted that he only found out about the heath department directive when he was asked about it at a press conference a month after it was issued.
When pressed on why his administration excluded the out-of-facility deaths from the July 2020 report he ordered, Cuomo repeatedly suggested his administration lacked confidence in the accuracy of the data, and noted that it did not alter the overall death total.
Behind closed doors Cuomo expressed a lack of remorse over the excess deaths in an email obtained by the committee, asking “who cares?” about the altered death statistics.
Before he testified, Cuomo’s attorney threatened the subcommittee over its effort to investigate his administration’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Cuomo was compelled to testify by a subpoena issued by the committee.