The "news item" from yesterday (foreigner not wearing mask)

I thought 雞婆 was meant being overly concerned with unimportant matters, and voicing your concerns about such matters. Like being a busybody? Unless there’s another word with the same pronunciation. It’s how my wife uses it. But she’s been known to misuse words!


Before the lockdown, that was actually the “rule” in several restaurants. I guess the virus only circulates at standard nose level.

I’d say there’s a good amount of overlap between Karen and busybody.


I think the definition is, someone who minds other people’s businesses too much, so that’s Karenesque, but we often use it in a way you suggest, someone who is doing too much, when less is enough.

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Because when outside I can undo the double.

That guy sounds like a dick.

Be courteous, be polite. Almost all people (whether in Taiwan or elsewhere) will reciprocate.


At the beginning they describe him as a non cooperative patron, to say the least.

The tape shows when he is sitting, not what happened before.

Bad people still don’t want wear a mask (seems a local man) and police ejected him off the train,

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