The Overdue Critical Race Theory Thread

I remember seeing an exhibition in London made of close up face photos of people. Each had super distinctive faces, but each face had dopplegangers that were white black indian etc.


understatement of the century

On another note
As an alternative to the received wisdom (i.e. dogma) of CRT what about the idea that we should focus on identifying false assumptions? Anyways, at least she had the dignity to apologize, but personally I think it is a shame these charges were droppedā€¦

The victim thought it was a waste of time to charge her

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Hopefully now sheā€™s learned her lesson. Only play the victim card against white males in the future.

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We are the best targets. Stand right out from the crowd.

learned it cannot be applied on a global scale.

Or can.

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Odd thing to say. Why not less and less? Would that indicate less oppression? :idunno:

It does feel odd when Iā€™m in a meeting with Thais, Chinese and Japanese and weā€™re all speaking English and thereā€™s not an Englishman anywhere in the building.

Truly English has become the global ā€˜lingua francaā€™, which is hilarious because that expression is Latin but used to describe the language of the Franks. Languages are funny, they live and grow and sadly die. Itā€™s a shame that it is so dominant, though, because in a lot of ways English is an awful language.

yes, people should question the situation accepted as a norm so widely and the white supremacy which has caused the English supremacy. It should be undone.

diversity of oppression.

Some deep thoughts from the day from M.C. Arty Schopenhauer.

This belongs in the Peak Woke thread as well.

lol you are a comedy gem that just doesnā€™t quit. you said you are a teacher of some sort?


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Its almost as if Schopenhauer was writing from another Century about any number of topics! Ever read Aristotleā€™s Politics? If you want some un-PC stuff, Check out how that starts. Itā€™s a Iā€™m pretty sure they sell it in Canadā€¦er, wherever you are lol.

Aristotleā€™s Views on Slavery: Nature, Necessary and Criticism (

The whole thing about an open mind is you consider all of it first, and in its proper context. So have you read the links I sent yet? This is already one reply to you too many otherwise.

Thatā€™s rather new. Youā€™d have to completely revamp the paradigm.

The reason CRT arose is because whites passed laws prohibiting blacks, Latinos, and Asians from testifying in court, i.e., their words donā€™t matter. Hence today, they hold less credibility.

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Some more quotes from the wikipedia article i shared:

Maybe these are timeless pearls of wisdom for you, not for me

So youā€™re saying that for example antebellum slavery was fine, you know in the time and context?

I told you I did, and even shared that post with you 3 times asking for you to respond but all you could manage was :cricket:. Would you like me to share it again here?

Uh, no thatā€™s not at all what Iā€™m saying, even remotely, and a good example of why I havenā€™t been paying close attention to your posts of late.

If itā€™s on topic and directly related to CRT sure. Otherwise, in a proper place.

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in that case, iā€™ll PM you. looking forward to a response this time!

It is for some when the media keeps insisting and labelling them the same and people outside the US confuse them as the same when they arenā€™t. Many of whom fail to realize their own countryā€™s laws on illegal immigration are far harsher than the US because the media has confused them to believe the issue is not Legal immigration but ILLEGAL immigration by lumping them together and calling them all Legal immigrants.

Thats like saying factory workers in Taiwan who run away are legal immigrants and deserve drivers licenses and their children free educationā€¦which is what is being done in the US for Illegals. And anyone who disagrees is labelled anti Immigrant by media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post etc


I donā€™t think any attempts to apply CRT to other places or expand it to larger scales just use the theory as of or replace some terms.

I understand the basic idea is that the society is built up in favor of oppressors and institutionally unequal to oppressed people, so they should reforme an equal society, which may be universal in any places.

It is interesting that people in the same class are separated to oppressing and oppressed groups in CRT in US, since the biggest factor for the inequality is race.