The Overdue Critical Race Theory Thread

It’s amazing what someone simply saying the word “Marxist” can produce :roll_eyes:

A shame it doesn’t produce more evidence of reading, or rational argument.


I’m a simple chap. If people say they are trained Marxists I take them at their word.


I wonder if it is possible for someone to be trained in something else, and not even realize that what they have been taught to believe is not that different from the theoretical Marxist roots that bore it?

I suppose one would have to have read the academic literature to have the discussion on that level. Helen Pluckrose has (she’s even proven the emptiness of the modern literature along with James Lindsay and the other guy).


A bit like CRT in that respect. Let’s take it from Rufo himself:

"The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think “critical race theory.” We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.’

Sounds pretty deliberate to me, and I believe you criticized the argument that they’ve usurped the term. I don’t know what to else you’d call that.

Add a request for donations with every post and you’ve got yourself a movement.

put your money where your mouth is?


I hope you enjoyed your dig, I understand that’s what you seem to get from this. If you did read the article you apparently responded to you might even see she’s rather agreeing with you.


I’m struggling to get it. Proponents of CRT are getting Marxism wrong? Or they’re being unfairly misrepresented as Marxists, even though they describe themselves as such, and therefore Marxism is wrong.

It’s terribly confusing.

Marxism focuses on wealth disparity, the CRT proponents roots took out the money aspect and replaced it with identity politics which is arguably even worse.


Who are these proponents? K-12 teachers despite the fact they’ve all said they aren’t teaching CRT. I’m struggling with who or what this movement is actually against.

Rather apart from the inflating the influence of Marxism.

you should struggle up to the top of the thread and get reading

You’re not making a lot of sense today.

Or you’re choosing not to acknowledge a veiw point different from your own.

In response, Marxists and many socialists more broadly, who are instantly recognizable as a significant part of “the left,” immediately objected to the New Left’s Neo-Marxism (or Cultural Marxism, as they sometimes called their own framework) and its marked departure from a focus on economics into broader cultural issues. They also objected to the postmodernists for their incoherence, denial of objective truth, deep suspicion of Enlightenment reason, and intense focus on language, discourses, and attitudes rather than material reality and ideology. Liberal lefties, the most mainstream faction of “the left,” distanced themselves from the radicals while regarding postmodernism relatively tolerantly as something a bit weird that had a right to exist.

Who are these marxists and socialists? And cultural Marxism is a far right conspiracy theory so pretty sure they didn’t use that term. As I said, inflating the influence of Marxism in American politics.

Take Marxism, or Cultural Marxism, from political discourse in the 1990s and replace with with CRT today.

That’s just so weird. Maybe you should ask her who the Marxists she’s referring to are, she certainly seems to think they exist. Are you asking me to prove that Marxists exist? ???

She’s not, perhaps try reading it again?

part of the problem is what little reading you have done in these areas is wikipedia

and fox news. i’ll grant that you’ve read way more fox news than i have

In any reasonable fashion in American politics…yes. Just because Bigus Dickus knows of one self proclaimed Marxist doesn’t mean that is anything worth paying attention to.

Perhaps you should read the link I posted on how Marxism and Socialism are terms that have been used to weapon-ize American politics and present others as anti-American since the end of the 19th Century. But no, I guess you’d rather assume I’m not reading despite my point being consistent since my first post in this thread.

it’s the hundreds of posts before that which you clearly haven’t read that i keep referring to…

Neo-McCarthyism is alive and well:

Sounds the same as saying “Beijing Biden”. Don’t know if I’d put that up to the level of McCarthyism, but I’m sure teachers in schools think the Republican CRT movement meets that level of persecution.

What is seems to me is that I posted an article which mentions Marxists and you’re just harping at her mentioning Marxists while ignoring the rest of the article, when it clearly has nothing to do with what you’re talking about, whether you’ve been consistent about it throughout this thread or not. Not interested