The peak woke thread (Part 2)

Purple-Haired Transgender Person VS Man Who’s Had Enough

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Women’s College Adopts Women-Only Admission Policy, Angering Students and Faculty (

Sweet Briar College in Virginia announced in August that, under a new admission policy, it will no longer accept transgender applicants, including females who do not “identify” as women.

“An applicant is qualified for admission if she confirms that her sex assigned at birth is female and that she consistently lives and identifies as a woman,” states the college’s current website on admissions. The new policy will not impact previously admitted students.

“The College is in a unique position as the only women’s college in the country that was founded by and governed in accordance with a will that has been codified into law by the state’s legislature,” reads the statement. “In more recent years, it was adherence to the Will that provided the legal avenue to save Sweet Briar from efforts to close it. Accordingly, the Board must honor the dictates of the Will, which imposes the requirement that the College be a place of ‘girls and young women’ – a phrase that must be interpreted as it was understood at the time the Will was written.”

I can’t see anything about faculty being angered, although I would hazard a guess some are, but what is their logic if they are angered? Is their issue that women’s only colleges are wrong, in which case why are they working there (or in the case of students applying there)? Or is their argument ‘woman’ is subjective and can’t be defined, in which case again why have women only colleges?

I really don’t see where they go with this other than we no longer have any women’s only places.

Trans women are women, trans men are also women?

Indeed. The college is arguing that trans women aren’t women, and trans men also aren’t women. So, surely the counter-argument needs to be that trans women are women, as are trans men.

It all seems to be pro-trans regardless.

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I think the current trans students have been grand-er-mothered in tho.


Naah, that’s bollocks you’re posting and I’m even going to try and fact check it.

Got a laugh out of me whether true or not

I was in an 80s-themed pub the other day where the DJ played quite a lot of Queen and a couple of Erasure and Wham songs, and it occurred to me why people get so upset about ‘woke’ in general and people like Sam Smith specifically. There were a lot of gay artists back then: so Freddie Mercury, Andy Bell and George Michael of course, but names like Jimmy Somerville, Boy George, and Howard Jones spring to mind. Somerville’s “Smalltown Boy” probably singlehandedly did more for getting gay people accepted as people than any amount of posturing, pouting and demanding from the woke crowd. Those artists commanded respect not because they were gay (ergo stunning and brave) but because they were good at what they did. With a couple of notable exceptions, they didn’t make any fuss about being gay and nobody gave a crap that they were; all that mattered was that they produced good music that people could enjoy/dance to. The woke, in contrast, tend to be talentless oxygen thieves who think they deserve special treatment because of their personal neuroses and need for attention.


Indeed. We had the gender benders, as they were called back in the day, who were very talented. I’m still awaiting a talented woke artiste. Sam Smith?

Anyway, let’s see how Millennials deal with Gen Z.

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Hard to say since new music in 2020-2024 is so bad. If Sam Smith wants to stay in oversized pink boas, he too will have to make mediocre music.

Music may be where woke does the most unrecognized damage. Helicopter parents, “microaggression,” and shielding young people from most authentic opinion means many of Gen Z have accumulated precious few growth moments, even by age 30 - and it shows in their music.


I think every generation says something like that :slight_smile:

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Kids these days, with their music

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I considered most of the music when I was a teenager in the 80s to be pretty shit, with a few exceptions. I was more into music from the 60s and 70s. Things picked up a bit in the 90s. Since 2000 there’s been very little decent music.

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Actually, music really is not as good in the 21st century because it is no longer as lucrative for performers and not as exciting for listeners. With the collapse of the record industry, many of the best and brightest no longer see music as a viable career option. And kids today have sooooo many more entertainment options, from Tik Tok to virtual reality gaming. They spend more time on their smartphones than headphones. Back in our day, music was competing with 3 channels of TV that was 90% crap, so teenagers spent their evenings listening to albums, and worked part-time jobs to afford tickets to $15 concerts. Now tickets cost $115 at the cheapest and kids spend their money on… I don’t know what, but it’s not music because it’s free and always has been to them. Therefore they simply don’t value it so much. They have no idea of the crushing disappointment to save up your hard earned minimum wage dollars to buy the latest album by your favorite band only to find that it sucks.

Woke philosophy could even be seen as being against being gay as they seem to want everyone who is gay to transistion into the opposite sex and you are a nazi transphobe if you have another opinion on the matter.

Whats wrong with just being a gay man or woman?

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Yeah I thought about that before posting. :grandpa:

And I realize that music is subjective, but I can’t imagine teens in 2055 spontaneously dancing to the oldies of any stars of today (can’t help but think of teens I saw dancing in 2004 at a Dylan concert). The difference is that I’m saying wake up and live some; I’m not saying wait until you’re older to do that.

Acid test, I guess, will be what the generation that follows thinks of today’s pop music.


Zoomers listen to waaayyy more Boomer/Gen X music than they do Millenial music from the late 90s-00s. In 1999, the biggest names were Marilyn Manson, Limp Bizkit, Britney Spears, No Doubt, Christina Auguleira… that shit has not held up well at all. There was even a joke in the first Deadpool movie about how awful music in the late 90s was.

Ever heard of Nirvana, or the spin-off (a little band called Foo Fighters)?

Green Day…

That’s off the top of my head. Definitely lots of shite music every generation.

Just gonna look into it a bit and get back. Guessing you’re a boomers, tho…

RHCP, Radiohead, Cranberries… Definitely still hear this music a lot

Oh, just looked at the top bands of the 70s. As a 90s kid and a musician, I don’t think the 90s can compare. Still, I wonder how much the youth of today are listening to the 60s, and how much they can even tell apart the 80s and 90s…

Like, Guns and Roses biggest release was in the 90s…