The Pocahontas 1/2020th thread, aka E. Warren

Im going back to taiwan for a week so i can enjoy the same wonderful socialist health care you do. Comrade! :wink:

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That’s interesting, but I think the share of “floating voters” has actually risen in the US (if I understand the term).

President Trump is a pariah in almost every urban area on both E and W coasts, and in Chicago, too. If you express support for Trump or the GOP in those places, you can have your social-media life so destroyed that it bleeds into your real life.

That provides a powerful incentive to “float,” to hide your intentions from friends, family, and pollsters until you’re all alone at the voting booth and surrounded only by canvas.

As a rule Americans are fair minded. Trump is on the business end of the Democrats and their media allies, and they’re willing to make things up to make their readers happy. That’s unfair on its face, and I think Trump will benefit as a result. In fact, I think he likely has many more supporters on both coasts, and in Chicago, then anyone knows.

Dems won the House by moving right, to the center of political opinion, but they’re running dead left, way left, in 2020 as if the American electorate the voted them into power in 2016 has become Cuban-like.

I don’t buy it. We’ll see - but I don’t buy it.

I still hope Pocahontas wins the Dem nomination, though! :grin:

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So you’re saying the Dems will easily take 2020? If Trump is so hated in the US.

No, as usual the Dems will do everything they can to lose it. Defeating Trump should be easy. But it wont be.

So you don’t believe in the theory that there is a significant base of level headed liberal minded Trump supporters?

I see no reasons to endorse his policies, he is clearly unfit for office, and its beyond obvious.

I cant control what others see.

I don’t think it is so obvious. There’s plenty he has done that has been well received by many in the US. I could list them out but I think you have that data already

Yeah, but that ‘many’ will support him no matter what he says or does. Trumpland is a brand and and it needs true believers.

Should we look at Rasmussen on how Americans feel about him? Hes like a bad joke here at this point. People roll their eyes. The Trump America thats going great is a chat room fiction, sorry.

he and Taft have that in common

Outside of the fact Taft was 350 pounds and also a supreme court justice, i cant say im well versed. What is he famous for?

Lots of hard data out. I could list it out but I think you already have it

Stats are like Republicans. You can make them say anything. But sure hit me. I like stats.

So you haven’t looked at the data then?

Ive looked at a lot of data on a lot of issues. You’ll have to be specific im afraid.

The data doesnt paint a very rosy pic of Trump, if youre being realistic in any way. If you want to debate specifics feel free. The data i see now is an increasingly anxious US working class , a looming recession, as well as widespread tanking job approval ratings for the gangster in chief.

Unless you want to cook the books to show otherwise.

@Kavalan, homer doesn’t read data, else he wouldn’t say :tangerine:man’s approval ratings are tanking. i cannot paste 3 sites’ graphs (Gallup, 538, etc.) which distinctly show otherwise, but I can recommend an eye doctor for some reading glasses

shredding of unnecessary regulation, lowering of corporate taxes, money going back to the US, attempt to rebalance global supply chains, Sticking it to China, The campus free speech bill, prison reform, to name a few

Deleted.Wrong thread

Theres always a poll to tell us what we want to think, isnt there?


Oh I got 9% battery by the way, in case you were wondering…

you said approval rating.

so now you’re changing the topic to polls on voters to cover tracks.

Approval is not surprisingly pretty even right?

That happens when you have a base that supports anyone and anything. What could Trump do his true believers wouldn’t approve of?

He should just eat the head off a bat. Like Ozzy.