The Podcast Thread

A bit niche, but I may as well ask here: does anyone have recommendations for a podcast discussing the Wheel of Time show, for those who are only vaguely familiar with the books and don’t care about them much?

It’s a bit like early-days Game of Thrones: many many many podcasts, but mostly centered on book-readers as far as I can tell.

4 years later, the only thing I still listen to from this list is Dan Carlin (and he only drops episodes about twice a year).

I only listen to Bill Burr from time to time, like his sports and sometimes news commentary.

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Yeah, I’ve gotten bored of him lately. Tastes change, I guess. He does have good sports commentary and occasionally thoughtful insights about current events.

I’m into Conan podcast lately.

He is really really funny and good guests and they talk for an hour or longer totally different from his late night TV show with six minutes of empty talk.

Can start with a new one or start with the first show because they just get better and better and then you understand a lot of the humor jokes better

This is a good one on the military defense of Taiwan.

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What I listen to regularly

History of English
Stay Tuned with Preet

When I have extra time to listen

Life Kit
Wait Wait
99% Invisible
Planet Money
Our Fake History

Limited run podcasts I enjoyed

Newton’s Law
Stuff the British Stole

I already enjoy listening to Kara Swisher in Sway, so when I found out Scott Galloway would join her in a regular show, I was instantly sold. It’s fun to listen to both be outraged at the way big business and big education get away with what they do.

History of English wasn’t supposed to last this long (100 episodes originally?), and I’m obviously not the only one who enjoys this guy just reading his script about word origins. It’s jam packed with stuff about the language that I like to look up on my own to go deeper.

Preet helps remind me that the craziness in US politics is real and it’s definitely “them” not me. Post-Trump, since a lot of US headlines involve courtroom drama, there continues to be plenty for him to comment on and explain.


IMDB for Podcasts. Database, listings, rankings, sorting…

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I think this is probably the same for all podcast providers.

I just realized there are 2 Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcasts.

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History; deep dive podcasts

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Addendum; added info that didn’t make it into the deep dives

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Why do Taiwanese people generally not seem interested in podcasts? Have tried to get my wife into it, but nothing interests her. My students either don’t know about podcasts or just aren’t interested. Are there any good Taiwanese podcasts (about news analysis or pop culture or anything really) to recommend? I’ve searched and seen a couple Chinese language podcasts, but don’t know what they’re about or if they’re worthwhile…

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I’m a little surprised your students aren’t interested. My impression is that podcasts have really taken off here in the past couple of years, and I’ve heard a lot more about them. (Sorry, I can’t name any.) I do agree they remained unknown here for a very long time.

It has led to a few amusing moments. “Wow, teacher, YOU know about podcasts?! But they’re such new technology!” Um … no. PODcast. Remember iPODS? Well, no, the students don’t, they’re too young.


Hmmn… I’ll have to ask them again when I’m back in the classroom.

EDIT: Sorry, I see you said you didn’t have any.

Sorry, no idea. I generally recommend they just search for a podcast on a topic they’re interested in - there’s guaranteed to be a podcast about it.

Plus my interests mostly do not align with theirs. Which is fine. I’d be worried about either them or me if there was much overlap. I remember recommending Game of Thrones podcasts a few years ago, but it’s been a while since a TV show that both I and my students have watched.

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Yes, my wife is not the Dan Carlin type :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry I did miss you said you didn’t have any recommendations in your previous post.

Anyway I will report back if I find out my students are now into it. I have noticed many more coming into class with AirPods planted in their ears lately (something I’m not thrilled about as a few conveniently “forget” to take them out once class instruction begins).

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YouTube is the podcast world for many people.

Many of the top YouTube channels in Taiwan are actually a podcast with video.

They’re doing a podcast but they video it.

So people are watching their podcast but not necessarily listening to podcast.

New Hardcore History out yesterday. Sensitive subject.


Yeah, I’ve listened to about half of it. It’s okay so far; not one of my favorites tbh (that might just be the fact I have less interest in the topic and not regarding any specific issue of quality). But Carlin is Carlin, and even ‘just okay’ Carlin is still better than 99% of the other podcasts in my feed.

He also came out with a new ‘Common Sense’ about the Ukrainian invasion a week ago.


ICRT launched an interview with Joseph Wu, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on their podcast Taiwan This Week.
Interesting one!

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The top podcast in the USA is about serial killers, rapists, cannibals, and generally just killing killing.

Morbid, by two women have mostly no clue about anything even wondering why criminals wear gloves.

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