The Presidential Election Result - Part 2

Hey shit! I’ve been in Taipei on and off for 13 years this June and tonight was the funnest night I’ve ever had here.
My friend and I went down to thingy DPP headquarters and I took loads of photos and talked to loads of people and everyone around us was so happy and happy to see us and wanting to let us know how happy they were. It was very cool. I can’t express myself clearly enough.
We then went to Amaroni’s
And and the cute young waiters there were lovely Chen voters and proud, so you know…they kept saying Taiwan number one.
Number one at what? I didn’t ask.

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

What are you talking about? The difference in the vote was 29,518.
Or do you mean the difference between my IQ and yours? :wink:[/quote]

Sure, my IQ is 0, but the Chen won with a margin of 0.228% in the presidential election, so I am just playing the typical number game here, if you will excuse an IQ-poor fellow.

HOTTALA!!! - shit, then I am in -IQ area

Taichung district court rammed with truck, lots of things thrown back and forth. Looks like things are falling apart.

And a PFP legislator is on top of the truck. Man he is going to be in deep shit trying to attack the police.

I distinctly remember the KMT legislators telling the DPP supporters not to “riot” regardless of the turnout…apparently they’re not taking their own advice :laughing:

Sorry, it is Kaohsiung where the truck rammed the barricade at the district court. It’s getting confusing keeping track of all the protests.

Now Taichung (kmt) mayor Jason Hu is having a sit in demanding the election committee to say the election is void. Also other cities are having protests like Yun In. I am beginning to hate that horn but as long as it can take out hundreds of kmt supporters ear drums, I am for it. :laughing:

It is fair enough that the KMT want a recount because of the large number of invalid ballots; However to any outsider all it looks like is that Lien is being a spoilt brat of a loser… How can he claim that it is ‘unfair’? What is unfair? The fact that not enough people voted for you? If Lien wanted to retain any scrap of respect then he knows what he shold have done…

The KMT have once again displayed that they can talk up democracy, but don’t know how to live it. Kaohsiung is getting out of hand - time to bring in the water cannons.

SET was showing footage of voting irregularities including two children voting (though from the paper color it was for the referendum) and alleged vote miscounting. Meanwhile more scuffles and broken glass in Taichung again.

Now the protesters have moved to the presidential palace. Tears gas anyone anyone?

[quote=“X3M”]We have been thorough this before; in a democracy, you vote for the one you have the least dislike for - it is impossible to been in total agreement with any specific pary.
Here in Taiwan, a lot of people does not like either candidate and vote blank. That is fair, they use their vote to vote for neither of the above, and then at the same time support their newly won democratic right to voice their opinion.[/quote]

In the 2000 election people would have voted for Li Ao or Hsu Hsin-Liang if they didn’t want to support the major candidates. In this election the only alternative was to vote informally. There is a word in Chinese for this that I can’t remember exactly. (somebody help me here)

Here is what might happen: Lien&Soong will pull “a Gore”. They will try to take as many of the invalidated ballots (ballots cast against the law) that were cast for them and re-validate them. Of course, they won’t want to re-validate any of the invalidated Chen votes. Gore tried something similar to this with the Florida ballots.

Since the Bush/Gore 2000 election, many independent organizations, including the major liberal newspaper and polling organizations, have done open recounts. All have concluded that Bush won. He just won. Maybe he didn’t win the poplular vote, but he won legally by the United States Consitution rules that we as Americans have held up as the law we live by. However, there is still the perception (not based on any argumentative support) that Bush “stole” the election. The fact is many people hate Bush, and NO MATTER what the facts or results are, they aren’t going to see it any other way.

Lien&Soong will do the same. They can recount them any way they like. They can even throw out a bunch of Chen votes! What happens if he still wins?? Does it really matter? Nope. It doesn’t. Chen would have stolen the election.

I hope we’ll hear a loud and clear message from Bush or someone high up in the US administration acknowledging that the election was free and fair, recognizing the validity of its result and, in effect, warning the Lien-Soong Gang to accept the electorate’s decision and not incite civil disorder in Taiwan.

Omniloquacious wrote:

Sure, just dust off the 2000 statement and make a few edits. Maybe he could send James Baker here as an observer.

Just woke up, have the crowds dispersed around the island? Hope things stayed relatively calm last night.

I live in Taichung and I am getting ready to head out for mass. Am I the only one who is getting a bit uneasy about this?

As for Mayor Hu, he is an idiot who will have a tough time winning re-election here in Taichung City in the next mayoral election.

Relatively, yes - but bad loosers are bad loosers…

Anyway, they fight themself and the police - the Green Camp went home to sleep after a long campaign.

Now, I expect the international govenrments to send their graulations to Chen.

Lien Chan’s outburst in regards the election being rigged even before the Central Election Com. had issued a statement could and should be considered treasonous.

His questioning Chen’s shooting and his dismissal of the results not only proves that he is sore looser, but is also a lame way in which to end a democratic election. Especially coming from the leader of a party which for nearly 45 years banned any opposition to its dictatorial rule and fixed everything from golf course membership to the appointinmg of district leaders in its own wallets favor.

If it was rigged, which I doubt, then good on Chen and Co. for playing the KMT at its own game and winning.

i really hope they do a recount and then end up raising a-bian’s margin of victory. wonder what he would complain about then. :slight_smile:

Can’t expect too much out of Lien or Soong thugs, though. 2000 election was their first honest defeat and their supporters took it so well they trashed their own HQ. Now a repeat but even more heated performance. I do fear that PRC may take advantage of this by sending in some of their spies to stir up even more troubles.

And please don’t ever compare Lien/Soong to Gore. That’s quite an insult to Gore, even though I am not a Democrat.