The robot revolution thread

Did we just find out how K-boy gets his articles?

K-man wishes he was that good.



I just spilled hot grits down my pants. And I feel embarrassed now."

And Rosanna’s, too: “If there was a steakhouse that had a table in the parking lot, I’d eat there more often.”

So, last Friday, Rosanna—not the original burger lover or the one who’s had live seafood and caviar before—mused to a friend, “I don’t think I’ll ever order one of those anymore.”

Eventually, Rosanna’s burger was replaced with one that was already there, a London creation called the Wedge. Though it’s been on the menu for just a few months, it’s sold out in advance. It’s the type of burger where the bun is a little larger than what the last burger had. In the English language, it’s called a King.

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I already liked for the first few minutes, but I’ll have to save it to watch at lunch time. :sunglasses:

Worth a watch. There is even more interesting stuff later on e.g. finance and medical

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That is an amazing piece of reporting.

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What is he thinking about?

  • His place in the world
  • Stealing your job
  • Robot hookers

0 voters

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Robot generated “average” Taiwanese. Obviously using GAN to generate faces using 10K Taiwanese mug shots as training data, which included many well-known politicians.

Honestly, the last part is a little freaky.

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Jobs robots won’t do:

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Now we also have a full on news site all generated by deep learning natural language model called Grover, and well generate an entire news passage by simply providing a headline.

If you think these articles are obviously fake, put your Turing abilities to the test:


Besides game news, AI can outsmart humans in other ways too:

Stealing my job as house sweeper :mask:

Another demo of style transfer using GAN technology. Upload an head shot, and the website will turn it into an classical oil painting, and you can select which style you want your painting to be in.


Mine looks like this…


It whitewashed you!

The other styles made me blonde…

Closely related to style transfer is disentangled learning, that’s when IT can learn the features for say facial features and colors separately. So by running an image through the final model you can turn a picture of smiling Emma Watson into a frowning Asian man with the facial features of Emma Watson…

Reminds me of this guy :open_mouth:

Yea, I see the resemblance. I guess us geeks all look the same to the machines.

I like it!