The slippery slope

Exactly. :wink:

And then anti-semetic attacks by blacks or attacks on Trump supporters, or attacks by Antifa are virtually ignored by the MSM (except Fox, of course).

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I use DuckDuckGo whenever searching for political based information. I did the same search as you, and it was the first hit.


That explains Homer’s positions. He’s one of those wacky liberal professors. Suddenly all is clear.

Sorry if I missed this before, but it explains everything. You just can’t make this stuff up.

Wow, that was back before non-black persons with dreadlocks went extinct.

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Close to the statistical noise floor.

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It’s wrong to want traditional masculinity

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Theoretically support it as it applies to both men and women. OTOH actually applies to asshole polygynists, but could be OK with strict enforcement of consent and age laws.



that is exactly what humanity has come to


Are there safeguards against giving anyone the surgery?

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Seems to me that most have to undergo through psychiatric review before having the surgery. Is that not the case in the UK ?

Nothing new there except social media is involved.

My college BBF used abortion as a birth control.

If he/she/xe/it gave informed consent, then he/she/xe/it should accept blame.

Is “nutjob” a pronoun?


It’s 2020. Nothing is ever your own responsibility, particularly in the UK.

That this was tolerated at all

The manager was fired, as they should have been. Am I missing something?

Sensible decision to fire the manager, since he/she clearly couldn’t run a pissup in a brewery. The crazy customer should have been ejected for (a) disturbing all the other customers and (b) being a cnut.

The racism aspect is neither here nor there, IMO.

Just to add a degree of balance:

The figures are mind-blowing, assuming of course that the methodology is sound. Women are almost as bad as men in being biased against women. Sweden’s got worse over the past 9 years, which is no surprise.

Wow! I’m glad I’ve got balls. Who’s in women’s corner? Basically nobody.