The Taiwan Weather Thread 2022

Took one week off to visit Taiwan, first time in 3 years that I can finally come back. Great timing.


You’ve been greeted with a late season typhoon, mixed with unlovely monsoon winds from the northeast.

Back in the day, the typhoons ended earlier than this. And the monsoon started later than this. In those days, the fall would be lovely. But now in 2022, such old certainties are getting tossed into the trash. :neutral_face:

More constructively: I wonder if you can find some pleasant indoor activities for a few days? Either that or go to Taichung which should be shielded from most of the impact of this dual hit typhoon / monsoon. Whatever you do, stay away from mountains and rivers for a while.



Landslides in Yangmingshan, huge flooding in Lanyang / Yilan, key highways affected by landslides.

Wonder if we’ll get the day off tomorrow if rain gets worse?


Speaking of, the rivers and streams on the way from Taoyuan to Taipei were a sight to see.


It would be even worse in the northeast, as well as any points downstream of the Feitsui Reservoir including the Xindian River. Not the time to be fooling around there!


Or maybe the river will find you, as seen in this shot today in Xizhi:




Jesus Christ.

Yes this interaction of a typhoon / tropical storm to the south with the seasonal monsoon from the northeast . . . it can lead to some crazy amount of rain, as we’re seeing today.



Xizhi has always been prone to bad flooding, hasn’t it? I seem to remember some a few years back.

Nangang as well.

I wonder if the drainage issues have been addressed. Given what we’re seeing, I hope so!



Tad more water today. Riverside car parks are closed.


Man, it’s been coming down all down out there. And this is supposed to keep up until tomorrow?

Ok, who’s in charge of building the ark and who volunteers to start gathering the animals two by two?


Where I’m from, more than 700mm would be considered a humid YEAR.

As far as I can figure, today is the lighter day of rain. It’s supposed to get heavier tomorrow.

Looks like parts of Taoyuan City have announced classes are cancelled tomorrow, but not work (English vs Chinese is confusing here: the English side suggests all of Taoyuan City; the Chinese side specifies specific, er, 里, however that should be translated); some schools in Yilan are cancelled. I’m guessing this list will expand as the evening proceeds.

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Err, what?

It’s been heavily raining pretty much solidly since yesterday morning here, except for a short break yesterday afternoon IIRC.

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Yesterday Tamsui had 95mm. Today is 97 already.

Precipitation map shows that today’s rain is worse than yesterday’s. And we still have six hours more.

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So… I think I hear rain outside…

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There was a brief respite so I ordered food. Now I feel really bad because it is coming down bad.

I tip generously but honestly it is not worth the danger to the working delivery folk.

In other news my cable is gone. Hope the internet hangs on.


Well, exactly. “Lighter” relative to what’s coming tomorrow. This is just based on casual glances at, which is showing hourly forecast totals today of around 3mm per … three-hour block? I’m not sure how specifically they indicate that. And tomorrow the totals are up around 13mm and 9mm for stretches of time.

Basically, in Tamsui at least, yesterday was bad, today’s a bit worse, and tomorrow could well be significantly worse.

Oo, lightning followed by instant thunder just now. That was close.


I’m choosing not to believe you. I need to go out later to use the ATM, so I can buy a Pixel 7 before midnight. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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