The Taiwan Weather Thread 2024

I mean like the minivan accident. People go up the mountain to see snow, car does not have snow tires… slippery slope…

Something to do with how blood vessels tend to constrict when it’s cold, and if you already got plaques in your artery, well that’s going to trigger a stroke or heart attack.

Do most Taiwanese not have heat pumps? I mean this is like the perfect place for it. I seen one store with the AC turned on, only to realize it’s in heat pump mode.

One thing I want to know is, why the hell is the buses here have AC turned on even though it’s freaking cold outside?

Snow sighted in Sanxia and Wulai .

Any reports from Ankeng? Pingxi?

You’re Taiwanese, you tell us.


Hypothermia. That’s awful.


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9 posts were split to a new topic: Heating and cooling

241 OHCA in just 3 days. Yes, mostly elderly or with heart disease.

It’s snowing in Pingtung mountains.

Oh and up in Xindian. 800 meters from sea level.


Where in Xindian? I miss snow so bad :sweat_smile:

Is that a lot? How many OHCA cases per day in the summer?

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800 meters above sea level isn’t somewhere you can get to by bus unfortunately. I think the bus terminal at yangmingshan is about 500 or 600 meters. It didn’t snow there.

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In this very thread there’s a post for a webcam at a bus stop & parking lot, where it was snowing at the time, at Erziping. That’s around 800m (says a Yahoo news story, as well as my Strava data), and you can get a bus there. Was that bus running during the snow, I don’t know, but yes, you can normally take a bus there.

Link for the 108 bus route up in Yangmingshan.

I’m guessing there are also buses that go pretty high in the mountains further south as well. This story talks about a bus going up to 3275m, but I gather that route may have been replaced by now.


I normally take Red 5, because their service is far more consistent than other buses. There are small 8 and 9 but their service frequency is kinda low.

I remember taking a bus up to some kind of ranch on yangmingshan but I forgot what bus that is.

Thank you!! :snowman_with_snow:

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So it’s been about 48 hours now of most of my weather apps telling me it’s no longer raining in Danshui, despite nonstop drizzle. The forecast for today was dry - I think yesterday too, but I’m not sure, since we’re in the kind of weather where the days blur together in a grey mist of blech.

At least the Taiwan Weather app is currently telling me it’s raining, which is more accurate than what it was saying earlier in the day.

Well, the weather apps are telling me tomorrow will be dry, so I’m sure that’ll be better!


Hmm. I’m getting a 0% chance of rain all day. It’s literally raining outside the window, and it’s been drizzling all day while I was outside.


I remember that when I checked earlier in the week it was showing that tomorrow would be sunny and warmer. Seems like they’ve pushed that back a few days too. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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For sure I looked at forecasts and it was supposed to be dry enough for a (cold!) riverside bike ride on Wednesday, and then on Thursday. I’m getting the same forecast again for tomorrow, but I’m rather skeptical this time.

It’s not been heavy rain today, but Apple Weather is confidently telling me there’s been 0mm of precipitation in the last 24 hours, when every time I’ve looked out the window it’s been drizzling. That 0mm seems unlikely.


Everyone keeps saying tomorrow will be warmer. Define warmer.

I feel colder each day. :cold_face:

On FB some foreign folks were saying they thought they had left the snow and freezing cold behind. I agree.

There is no escape from it. I have the heater running after running the dehumidifier. I have 3 cats on top of my torso and tummy and one on my feet and I am still COLD!!!


global warming I guess…

I notice they keep burning ghost money whenever a cold front comes. Maybe they think to release CO2 to warm up.

Was walking home into a breeze yesterday afternoon, in the drizzle with a sack of groceries. Supposed to be warmer today?! I kept thinking. Looked at down at my watch: 12 degrees ffs, why am I freezing my ass off? Wool socks, jeans, and a sweatshirt under my rain shell, plus a hat. When I got home the hand that held the groceries felt almost icy to the touch. Definitely 4 cat weather.


A description of the first winter in Danshui/Tamsui of George Mackay (yes, that Mackay), some 150 years ago:

The young man who had felt the clear, bright cold of a Canadian January needed all his fine courage to bear up under its dreariness. It started about Christmas time. Just when his own people far away in Canada were gathering about the blazing fire or jingling over the crisp snow in sleighs and cutters, the great winter rains commenced. Christmas day – his first Christmas in a land that did not know its beautiful meaning – was one long dreary downpour. It rained steadily all Christmas week. It poured on New Year’s day and for a week after. It came down in torrents all January. February set in and still it rained and rained, with only a short interval each afternoon. Day and night, week in, week out, it poured, until Mackay forgot what sunlight looked like. His house grew damp, his clothes moldy. A stream broke out up in the hill behind and one morning he awoke to find a cascade tumbling into his kitchen, and rushing across the floor out into the river beyond. And still it poured and the wind blew and everything was damp and cold and dreary.

He caught an occasional glimpse of snow, only a very far-off view, for it lay away up on the top of a mountain, but it made his heart long for just one breath of good dry Canadian air, just one whiff of the keen, cutting frost.