The This Is An Outrage thread

Becuase it’s been bumped in meatspace…

A gay asian journalist was physically assaulted and was also hit by milkshakes that contained quick-dry cement in broad daylight.
Is this going to cause the same amount of outrage as the Smollet hoax?

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No. He’s gay but not famous enough.

I think you miss the larger point that is being made. Which is not that 2 groups of nit wit extremists went at each other. Or even that a Conservative reporter who didn’t belong to either nit wit extremist group was violently attacked. Although that should be news.

It’s the media’s silence on it. The right is immediately called on to denounce this type of thing if it involved a right wing extremist group up to and including the President and even then it’s never fast enough, not sincere enough and words are twisted to insinuate the right supports this extremism as if out of the 60 million people who voted republican hold the absurd views of the 300 who turned up to Charlottesville or the 30 or so who attended a KKK rally. It’s not representative at all.

But they all but completely ignore it, if they do, they misrepresent what Antifa did and play down their violence. So we are not just talking about 2 groups of nit wits, we are talking about a complicit media. They are supposed to be the adults in the room. As are the police, yet if they don’t disarm groups like Antifa and require them to show their faces and allow these attacks on people like Andy Ngo to go ahead without intervening or making arrests, they are complicit. Plus if orders were given for the police to behave that way form politicians like the Mayor, they are complicit.

That’s a very different story to 2 bunch of not wit extremists groups went at each other.

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Of course… the majority of the media leans very far to the left.

My response was tongue-in-cheek.

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Another stand down order? If true, then yeah. Prosecute.

Jeffrey Epstein under the bus, and blame toxic whiteness and maleness of course:

You don’t want to be last to disown this guy.

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If it weren’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

There’s no pleasing some people…

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So, now the PC babies are targeting Peloton.

Moral panics aren’t what they used to be.

Scott Adams shows us how to do a Don Lemon face.

Since this is a proper thread for all that Dingell posturing, I’m putting this here:

Also, about 15 minutes in, Scott tackles this:

This guy again:

“There’s no one home at the White House and the lights are off.

Except that’s a lie too:

Here’s some fuel for the outrage fires.
