I totally disagree. Surely a good radio station and certainly a good DJ would promote talent which may appeal to other people regardless of his/it’s own tastes. Again, radio is all about serving a community, not being a selfish platform to promote you’re less than worthwhile DJs’ ego’s.
I did. But you had quoted my post before the edit went through. I edited almost immediately after I posted it with that because I felt it was better not said.
"Listen, if Rick doesn’t want to publicize your gigs - THAT’S UP TO HIM - Go get your own show and publicize to your heart’s content. Rick is under NO obligation to you - - UNLESS you want to spend money on the English station (that sucks). Why should he support ANY of you Forumosa creeps?
Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get on with your life!
And by the way - try to imagine what life would be like here in Taiwan WITHOUT our sucky station. It’s easy to say something sucks - but until you guys can do better - shut the f*ck up
Good luck - and God Bless
…and that ladies and gentlemen…is your vitamin for the mind.
Hey gray (exciting name)…I don’t feel sorry for myself at all…in fact, I’m too blessed to be depressed…however, what I am saying is I don’t think Rick is the kind of guy that just doesn’t promote you…I think he likes to ostracize peolple (yes…just like Japanese junior high-school girls like to do to each other)…yamete Rick-san!
p.s. Sandman, here’s a flat joke just for you…You can’t spell prick without rick…好冷!
Well metrosexual, you’re right – that was flat too.
But I have to say, a comic who gets bent out of shape over a little very light heckling is bound to have a hard time. You’re supposed to have sharp and witty comebacks. Come on man, I’m practically hand-feeding you here.
Well you’re definately doing something with your hand…and I can see that you’re trying to feed me/us something…but I wouldn’t compound the situation with more lies if I were you (i.e. the lie being that, that joke fell flat…三八弟 sounds like “somebody”…and a/the typical meaning of 俗辣 is similar to “a nobody”…well, it’s typical where I live in 萬華)
p.s. However, I will take your advice and view you as a heckler (not that I don’t admire/respect your loyalty to the ppl who promote your music)…but sometimes it’s best/wise just to ignore a pest.
The ICRT threads just keep gettin’ funnier and funnier. This thread is, what, #15 or something? And there’s another one going at just about the same time.
This is in need of editing. It should’ve said “Why should he support any of you FOREIGNERS?” Then it makes sense – ICRT is flipping the foreign community the bird, much as it has been doing for several years. Don’t let anyone try to convince you that the only people who can’t stand ICRT are Forumosans. That would be cognitive dissonance on a scale Festinger couldn’t have begun to imagine. No, hating ICRT is not a Forumosa membership requirement. In fact, I’ve only been on Forumosa a few months, but I’ve loathed ICRT for many, many years. And in all that time I have never met a single foreigner who likes it. Ironically, the one or two positive comments I’ve heard (out of thousands against), just so happened to be right here on Forumosa.
Imagine what it would be like to have a few less assholes playing stupid music punctuated by Chinglish ads? Boy, that’s a tough one.
While the “shut the f*ck up” is another fitting display of the ICRT attitude toward the foreign community, well, it won’t quite do here since this is an open public forum. You can’t make us shut the fuck up. In fact, you tried to shut metrosexual the fuck up (i.e. he couldn’t post on the ICRT fellatio boards), and that’s why he came over here in the first place. And he’s welcome here, warts and all.
Cancer sucks! Oh shit, now I have to go and cure it.
I agree entirely with this. Well, except for the part where he says Rick should be bribed. Some would consider that unethical.
What was that, metrosexual? I don’t quite get what you’re saying. Could you maybe tell us a few dozen more times?
You are so brilliant.
I was saying that her answering what “OP” meant instead of what 俗辣 meant was funny.
I am really unsure as to how you missed that…
Kurt, Kurt, Kurt.
You were the first of us foreign comedians Rick ever put on the air.
You chose to do some inappopriate (for a morning show) material about ‘cunning linguistics’ which
scared Rick off putting you back on.
From what I can see, since then you’ve spent most of the time bad mouthing him, his show and the station he works for so why would he put you on?
For the record, when you’re funny and friendly, you’re as funny and friendly as any of us, but you lack consistency in both your comedy and your dealings with people.
Hartley: I am impressed with your phenomenal, if inaccurate, powers of clairvoyance.
(Read: What a load of bollox!) In fact, I doubt that you could see anything at all where you’ve got your nose stuck most of the time.
I think you could be talking about any comedian whose starting off in stand up…However, I do aspire to be as consistent as you, albeit yours isn’t a consistency that I aspire to.
(Actually, this hasn’t been true for over a year now…Why then on April 1st did you open up my only show…with “There are 6 comedians here tonight which makes me the 7th funniest person in this room.”?)
Yes, I did call in about 3/4 yrs ago. That was probably my 4/5th attempt at stand-up. If you say it’s inappopriate, then I’ll take your word for it…but shouldn’t you let Rick tell his own lies?
oop.s. I almost forgot to tell you…my new English name is Byran…謝謝.
Does this mean…that you are stalking me?[/quote]
No. It was actually a very funny joke. I suggest you try working it into your routine. It beats the hell out of eating a snake.
And to think he titled his other ICRT thread “Y’know it isn’t funny to make fun of ICRT…”
I think “Blax” was correct in saying “Why didn’t you punch him in the face”. That was a rude thing to do and I do not believe Monday when saying he didn’t know the guy had a speech problem. You know it all started with Richie Walker of ICRT and the other so-called “big wheels” there walking around all these clubs standing out like they own them when all they want is free drinks and VIP passes. (and other things too…wink wink!!) I guess this has just carried over to Rick Monday and his Barry Bonds-sized head!! They will promote something when they get something in return for free air time, like their regular bars/clubs. Metrosexual, you forgot your under the table gift for Ricky. Just like a lot of other people get here in this country, payoffs!! And yes this so-called radio station is to promote expat happenings in Taiwan, not just music. What’s a few seconds about something else? This is why this writer does not listen to Rick “McCarthy” or the station anymore. Maybe we can hope for some fairness on the station once Rick joins Richie Walker where he is now…long gone!!! Keep the comedy up Metrosexual…I’ve caught your shows and it’s nice to laugh once in a while, especially in this town!!
P.S. Metro…if you ever get the chance, take Blax’s and my advice and give Rick his own “speech impediment” !!! Wish I could be there to see you laugh at him like he laughed at you!!! Tit for tat I say!!