The webmaster at ICRT won't allow me to post this:

Hi Metro :unamused:

Metro, what did you do under the table for Rick Monday?

[quote=“superdave”]I think “Blax” was correct in saying “Why didn’t you punch him in the face”. That was a rude thing to do and I do not believe Monday when saying he didn’t know the guy had a speech problem. You know it all started with Richie Walker of ICRT and the other so-called “big wheels” there walking around all these clubs standing out like they own them when all they want is free drinks and VIP passes. (and other things too…wink wink!!) I guess this has just carried over to Rick Monday and his Barry Bonds-sized head!! They will promote something when they get something in return for free air time, like their regular bars/clubs. Metrosexual, you forgot your under the table gift for Ricky. Just like a lot of other people get here in this country, payoffs!! And yes this so-called radio station is to promote expat happenings in Taiwan, not just music. What’s a few seconds about something else? This is why this writer does not listen to Rick “McCarthy” or the station anymore. Maybe we can hope for some fairness on the station once Rick joins Richie Walker where he is now…long gone!!! Keep the comedy up Metrosexual…I’ve caught your shows and it’s nice to laugh once in a while, especially in this town!!
P.S. Metro…if you ever get the chance, take Blax’s and my advice and give Rick his own “speech impediment” !!! Wish I could be there to see you laugh at him like he laughed at you!!! Tit for tat I say!![/quote]

These posts are so eloquently written, one just has to sit up and pay attention! :unamused:

For the record, I have always found Rick Monday to be very polite, helpful, and supportive. And I don’t ever remember him asking me for ‘wink wink’ favours in return.

I’m starting to think the main complainant is the very unfunny ‘comedian’ I saw at Chocolate & Love one night. His act was appallingly unfunny, and it was actually painful to watch. Coincidentally, he only had everyone else to blame for his totally inadequate performance: according to him, the audience were terrible. :laughing:

I would say, if at first (or second, or thirty-third) you don’t succeed, take a look at yourself and make improvements accordingly; blaming others only reinforces your position as a victim - accept responsibility for your failings, and you become the one taking control.

Laugh it off, mate! :wink:

Yeah, he’s a nice guy.

Not liking someone on a radio show is no excuse for advocating hitting someone. Not liking a person is no excuse for hitting someone. It’s pathetic and slightly deranged. C’mon, listen to yourself, superdave.

****ps. Why do I care? I don’t care. I’m going to bed.

Someone needs to learn to roll with the punchlines. :slight_smile:

haha! You should be on the stage!

Why you comedians don’t start a truly entertaining comedy thread here on forumosa is beyond my understanding. Why would I pay money to go see a guy who was moaning about the sniffsniff unfairness of ICRT?

We are here, a captive audience, one that attends the site DAILY, and you choose not to make us laugh, but cringe at the thought that for some reason you WANT to get on ICRT?

And dude, if you think “Cunning Linguist” is funny, go back to from where you came.

We are a diverse and oddly educated band of folk here. If we want toilet humor, we have BroonAle and Comrade Stalin, who have been splitting seams since aught 1.

Make me laugh goddamnit! Otherwise get off the stage.


how long before I can start to make crocodile-dude jokes…cause I don’t want to get stung.

Well seeing as though your “act” got you dropped faster than a bag of shit for a cunning linguist joke (:roll: I’ve seen funnier school-boy material), I’d say about a million years. Even then though, you’d probably misjudge the crowd…

HAD. :wink:

Well said, sir. :bravo:

Rick Monday has standards, Stray Dog. Anyway, you were so busy humping his leg, he didn’t get the chance to ask anything other than “Christ! Get him OFF me, wouldja?”

Bad puns ? is this a joke ? seriously, you have better material than this right ? What’s next I just flew in to Taiwan and boy are my arms tired.

Why do ships have round windows?

So the water doesn’t hit you square in the face! :slight_smile:

I’d come if you’d add real croc wrestling to your act. Hell, I’d even pay.

Of course you could always get one of these:

You’ll be the life of the party. … rodID=2356

I presume the masturbation implication was another attempt to be “funny?” Ouch yet again. You poor guy! Hint: know your audience! There isn’t a poster here who’s unaware that I’m an inveterate wanker. It stopped being joke material back in 2001 or so.
And just to prove what a nice, caring human being I am, I’m going to bestow a little of my munificence upon you – listen carefully now. Metrosexual. Dude. DUDE! Has nobody ever told you that when it gets to the stage that you have to explain your “punchlines” and STILL nobody laughs… How about balloon sculptures? Are you any good at them? Just saying. Never too late to change careers and all that.

Why did the chicken cross the road?


You see? That’s what you should be aspiring to. With a few more years of hard work you might one day yourself be able to reach those dizzy heights of comedic effusion.

Hey Smell the Glove…I think I’m starting to like you…I’m even laughing at your jokes (too)…maybe it’s time for you to smell the coffee…my treat…but please prepare me…how hideous are you?


Why thank you metro. I’m flattered. In fact, I’m gonna toss you a bone, gratis. Here are a few ICRT jokes for your routine. Admittedly, they need work, but maybe they’ll help the big wheel keep on turnin’.

XXOO (or as they refer to cognac here, XOXO)

“Do any of you ever listen to ICRT at the gym? You know, the way they do you a favor and put the station on so loud that semen curdles? Well, scoff if you will, but it’s actually helped to make my workouts far more intense. You see, the sooner I finish, the sooner I don’t have to listen to it anymore." [improvise accelerated workout while singing Air Supply].

“But hey, the DJs are so cool. You were supposed to laugh. Let’s try again. BUT HEY, THE DJS ARE SO COOL…”

“ICRT. Listening to it is kinda like walking on those rock paths in the park. When you stop, it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“You know, ICRT still claims to serve the foreign community. Is it just me, or are they really just servicing the Taiwanese community? [make obscene gesture with hand and tongue thrust into cheek]. But hey, maybe we should just be grateful for getting their leftovers" [finish former gesture, turn to side and pretend to spit - if the audience likes that, add “Sometimes they even put some icing on it for us” then squat real low and grunt].

“There’s this guy at ICRT that I absolutely, positively cannot stand. I’m just kidding, I hate them all.”

“Seriously, folks. One time I accidentally tuned to ICRT, and something blew out of every bodily orifice. I pissed, shit, puked, sneezed, and dripped ear wax all at the same time. If you think that’s disgusting, you should’ve heard the music they were playing.”

…serious LOL…Smell the Glove…but I’m a toad remember? (“warts”)…so I don’t need a/the bone, besides this is your bend on life…perhaps it’s you who needs a…microphone?

[Talent Show (Win 1000nt at Bliss Thursday 09/28/06)

p.s. Thank you Ron Brownlow and The Tapei Times!