The webmaster at ICRT won't allow me to post this:

You chose to do some inappopriate (for a morning show) material about ‘cunning linguistics’…[/quote]

Holy shit. That joke wasn’t funny even when the geeks in my 10th grade chemistry class said it in an attempt to be funny. And that was what, 11 years ago.

Seriously, though, metro. Instead of trying to be a one-man show as it’s obvious from the sniveling and lack of humor that you convey through your posts that not only are you not funny, but you have a very poor sense of humor, you might want to think of enlisting some of these guys who are responding to you. Honestly, I have tears in my eyes reading their responses. Not yours, though, although I guess every punchline needs a start. Square in the face… now that was funny.

Oh come now, I didn’t call you a toad - I just said you had warts. And need a microphone? While I have the utmost respect for professional comics, I’ve got zero interest. Besides, I’m not nearly funny enough.

For what? Did they get Rick Monday fired?

Nope, they did this: … 2003326783

The guy with plenty of demons sounds reeeeal scary…

Could it be Kahna is Metrosexual? We think so. :slight_smile:

p.s. ok Smell the Glove

Try 17 years ago… For some others here add another ten years to that.

Some of us here are real old geezers…or getting there.

Young stuff. :wink:

Finally…we can agree…

Y’know we do have an open mic for funny ppl like you…perhaps it time you choose: shut/show up?

p.s. OMG! That crass piece (of…) was like my 5th attempt.


You know, we’ve been doing comedy on this site long before you ever showed up. Maybe you should shove the keyboard and stick to the mic. Or not.


Most of it here is comedy … :laughing: sarcasme … :s

My grandmother used to say, sarcasm is the lowest from of humour. :grandpa: She may have been right, but I like it. Alot.

My gran too. That’s because people weren’t creative with their humour in the old days.

Y’see, the problem is, losing the sarcasm pretty much leaves British people (and I’m sure, many other nations of the world) with no other viable options, so we Brits also have an arsenal full of poo /dick jokes.

Sarcasm is, in fact, generally the highest form of humour. It’s also democratic in that anyone, across the social spectrum can both appreciate and employ in pretty much any situation. Long live the highest form of wit, on! (Poo jokes are generally fine too)

I love sarcasm.

As for poo jokes, if you’re an English teacher and you don’t have a plethora of poo jokes you’re up poo creek without a paddle. Basically anything referring to base bodily functions is an advantage in the class room. Apart from poo jokes, the little 'uns love it when you pretend to fang pi…

Doesn’t tend to go down so well with adult exam classes…

“go down”


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Would Rick Monday even recognize humor?
Hartley Pool’s written attempts at humor in POTS were embarrassingly bad self-aggrandizement. I never saw him live (shudder), so maybe him got rhythm or something on stage.
Finally, anyone who would seek out anything from ICRT is automatically a loser.
Do you really want to drink water from the toilet bowl?

If you are so funny, stand in Hsimenting and put out a tip hat and let 'er rip.

That wouldn’t work. You’d have to compete with the cat-masked meowing guy. That’s a hard act to follow.

Hartley is sometimes funny, sometimes groanworthy. (sorry H :stuck_out_tongue: ) The difference between him and some amateur comedians is, he’s a fun, clever, interesting, humble and above all, kind person who doesn’t take himself too seriously. Maybe his stuff is not for you (Brits often find him more amusing, for some reason…) but even if you hate his jokes, Hartley is a person you want to buy a drink when he gets off stage, just for doing it.

Some of you guys are veeery hard. Most overseas residents in Taiwan just perform to have some fun, doing what they enjoy, with friends. They probably aren’t of ‘professional’ standard. If they were, they wouldn’t be teaching English for jack-shit an hour on the other side of the world. I don’t see anyone ripping the foreign musicians to shreds on a forum- people just accept that if they don’t like it, they don’t need to watch it.

Can’t we just agree that humour is subjective? metrosexual is not my cup of tea, but he’s having fun and hanging out with his friends and expressing himself, as is Hartley. (sorry if I’ve written some snidey things in response to his posts) Rick, seems like a nice guy, I don’t listen to radio. Anyway, my point is, they are completely avoidable, if you don’t like 'em, but they are real people who read this forum so let’s all play nicely. Me included.

I have no idea what all the fuss is about, but I agree with the others who have suggested that metrosexual take advantage of this here captive audience.

How about posting a video link to one of your performances, metrosexual?
You know you want to.

Mr Reinhold, I’m sorry you didn’t like the writing. I understand if you found it embarassingly bad - but self-aggrandizing? Wolf, I quite literally despise myself.

Anyway, I think it’s time for one of us comedians to shoot our muck onto the stoop and see if the cat licks it up. So here goes…

Wolf! Wolf!

p.s. Read: I’ve decided to join some of you in the art of entertaining oneself.