The Wordle Thread (No Spoilers!)

Wordle 238 5/6


We seem to think alike.

Wordle 238 5/6


Man, I was way off


Wordle 238 4/6



Wordle 238 4/6



Wordle 238 3/6


Hit the jackpot with my second word: Two new letters with correct position.

Starting to think 3 is just luck now for me. My dumbass strategy is doing pretty well (average 3.75). I should probably choose a different second word each time based on the result for the first one.

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Wordle 238 2/6


Beginner’s luck


Not close enough, sorry! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wordle 238 5/6


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Wordle 239 4/6


Chose an uncommon word for the third guess. :sob:


Wordle 239 2/6


Lucky first guess made it easy.



Wordle 239 3/6



Wordle 239 4/6


Another 60 second challenge. Not bad given my personal rule of using the first word that springs to mind. Third guess was fishing for a vowel, but really not a common word either.

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Ouch… :woozy_face:

Wordle 239 5/6



What a god.

It’s really irrelevant to this game how common a word is. It’s either in the database or it isn’t. (And if it isn’t, it won’t let you guess it, of course.) Common words are no more or less likely to be randomly chosen than others.

Wordle 239 3/6


Greens in the first two guesses are just amazing.


I don’t know if the acquisition has changed it, but from what I understand the original design had/has a specific curated list of answers in a specific order, the daily word is not randomly chosen. The list of words you can guess is much broader than the answer list as well.

I would prefer if they do change it, but I understand adding a random element and possibly obscure words might alienate some people.

My understanding (from reading about the game’s creation when it first became popular) is that the words you can guess are the same curated list from which the answer has been randomly chosen for each of the next however many days until the list runs out in a few years. You’ll notice that not every five letter word in the dictionary can be guessed— only those that are used relatively commonly. Its a far narrower number of words than can be used in Scrabble or Words With Friends, for example.

Edit: This is where I read about it. They took the 12,000 5 letter words in the dictionary and narrowed it down to 2,500 for use in the game.

Yes, but you are not limited to those for your guesses. It still allows you to guess words like ankus, cirri, or zhomo - although I’m fairly certain those are not on the chosen list.

The fact that the answers are curated reinforces the idea that I should’ve chosen a more common word for my guess instead of a word that is very unlikely to ever have been selected for inclusion in the first place.