The Wordle Thread (No Spoilers!)

Interesting. It has never allowed me to guess a word that I wouldn’t have assumed to be in the top 2500, but you do give some convincing examples there if those three really work.

It would make much more sense and be a better game if the words you can use were the same words that could potentially be correct. Seems odd to have two different lists.

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Almost didn’t get that.

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Holy nightmare… how could I think of the other word first?

nerdlegame 24 3/6

:green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square::green_square: #nerdle


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They could just use the 2000 (or
whatever number fits the average person’s vocabulary) most common five letter words.

But if they do it at random, they should eliminate words already used before me words are chosen.

That’s what they did basically according to @Tianmu

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30 secs

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It had to happen. I promise these aren’t fake and I think there was another instance of a 2:


I don’t agree . I’ll give you a few examples later
Today’s word is a good example too. I chose a more obscure scientific word, of course it wasn’t it.


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Yesterday I posted about beginner’s luck and here is my confirmation bias.


It’s helps with the popularity to be easy enough to complete for the Average guy/gal out there.

True. I wouldn’t be surprised if part of NYT’s strategy is to expand it to include more challenging versions, though.

It isn’t a matter of agreeing or not agreeing. It’s a matter of what is or isn’t in the database. It’s the 2500 most common words, so of course super obscure ones aren’t in there, but among those 2500 they are all equally likely to have been selected for that day.


I thought it went without saying that only words in the database can be chosen. The ones that have been eliminated are super obscure words that are essentially not even words in the sense that they aren’t in most people’s active vocabularies. I also thought those 2500 words were the only ones that could be guessed, but it appears I was wrong about that as I acknowledged earlier in the thread.

I was responding to people who seem to think the words are on some sort of sliding scale where super common ones are more likely be be chosen than less common (but still known) words. My point was that once the incredibly obscure words have been eliminated, the remaining 2500 (aka the ones we all generally recognize as words) have an equal chance of being chosen, regardless of whether they are very common or a bit less common.

In other words, choosing the most common words isn’t an effective strategy— just choose words that would be recognized by most people as words. That’s the threshold they used when they narrowed down the word list.

I did some cleanup in the topic.

Nerdle posts now go here!:arrow_heading_down:

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