The Worst Movies of All Time?

And what about the Incredible Mr. Limpit?

I think that they also missed Mafia! with Christine Applegate and Leslie Nielsen…it’s supposed to be Naked Gun meets the Godfather. It was neither. It’s kind of like the reason why we don’t mix punch and cookies to make a single drink called “pukies” (speaking of puking…the funeral scene in Mafia!).

Sad, sad, sad.

Some of these movies should come with a warning…if you watch too many of them, your eyes may become permanently fixed to the an upward focus… Especially when watching something as bad as Mannequin 2. :unamused:

paycheck …

horrible, horrible … i think they forgot to put the scenes in order.

ben affleck, you owe me $$$ (lucky for you it was the discount theater). your recent movies have a common theme - utter shyte.

back to good will hunting …

I walked out on Superman 4, Battlefield Earth, and the Blair Witch Project.

Groundhog day-really it could have just been a bunch of outtakes strung together and no-one noticed due to the Bill Murray factor.

The Doom Generation-sorry something costing 6.66 is not funny and the rest of the movie just didn’t work.

That fairly recent one in which Mandy Moore (gag) plays some angelic teen who dies (oops!) of leukemia. Can’t remember the name of it, but it was so predictable and boring. And every character was sickeningly saccharine sweet.

[quote=“Matchstick_man”]Groundhog day-really it could have just been a bunch of outtakes strung together and no-one noticed due to the Bill Murray factor.
I could watch this one again and again and again. So many of the movies I like are bad apparently.

Talking about Leslie Nielsen, Mr. McGoo has to be one of the worst ever.

On HBO, surprise, surprise.

Talking about Leslie Nielsen, Mr. McGoo has to be one of the worst ever.[/quote]

No don’t you mean Mr. Gadget with Mathew Jessica Parker

On HBO, suprise, suprise.[/quote]

Cast overview, first billed only:

Shane West … Landon Carter
Mandy Moore … Jamie Sullivan
Peter Coyote … Reverend Sullivan
Daryl Hannah

I didn’t need to read any more after this to know it was a stinker.

Consider it the Daryl factor. If she gets to speak any lines in a movie, it’s almost guaranteed to suck. And yes, that applies Clan of the Cave Bear and Splash.

Dodgeball is hilarious about 5% of the time and so amazingly stupid the rest of the time it looks like the actors are thinking about walking off the set.

Seriously. Why is there any need for discussion? Have none of you even seen “Battlefield Earth”?

Dear God, child! You actually sat through the whole thing?!

Is that actually physically possible?

my vote goes to a movie with a decent cast and perhaps the worst story line EVER!

“Nothing But Trouble”

came out in the early 90’s and starred Dan Aykroyd, John Candy, Chevy Chase, and Demi Moore…unwatchable!!!

All of the above. :laughing:

I’ve seen far too many bad-bad movies, and frankly Hollywood is too easy a target.

Shame on those of you so myopic!

Some recent viewings of movies so bad they’re, well, BAD:

PUPPY LOVE - a Shaw Bros. production from Hong Kong that starts off like it wants to be a Cantonese version of the edgy teen-sex comedy LITTLE DARLINGS (nothing screams KWALITY with a “K” like a Kristy McNichol movie…), but it lacks the sex and the edge. Midway through the thing the cousins (rivals for the affections of a male student) miraculously graduate and get jobs as receptionists for Wang’s company (whatever that is), where they one up each other with dirty tricks (something they inherited from their mothers - see how convoluted it gets??) until the finale, when one half fakes a double suicide causing the other half and the boy of their mutual affection to plot to blow themselves up out of grief and…

There’s a reason many Hong Kong films were called “flying paper” productions - there wasn’t a script!

Shame on the Shaw Bros. for producing this flaming turd, and same on me for watching it…

I agree with Ric Flair that Hollywood is too easy, and I’ve also seen my fair share of bad movies. Some that spring to mind

  1. Radioactive Dreams
  2. Troll 1 and 2
  3. Manos the hand of Fate
  4. Full Body Massage… we watched this thinking it was going to have some steamy scenes when they showed it on Ch5 in England… nothing happened… what disturbs me more is that it was repeated a few weeks later and my room mate watched it again to see if he had missed anything :astonished:
  5. Q the Winged Serpent

If you enjoy looking at bad movies… you can always look at
there is some truly terrible stuff on there…with clips too

[quote=“Hondu Grease”]my vote goes to a movie with a decent cast and perhaps the worst story line EVER!

“Nothing But Trouble”

came out in the early 90’s and starred Dan Aykroyd, John Candy, Chevy Chase, and Demi Moore…unwatchable!!![/quote]

My favorite horrible movie. I like how the sarcastic lines that Chevy says almost seem like he’s spitting them out in distaste. If he were anymore deadpan, he’d be pushing up daisies. The pointless Digital Underground cameo, the stupid stereotypes, the hideous rubber fat suits, the phallic nose on Dan Ackroyd…and four words for you:

John…Candy…in…drag. :noway:

I’m guessing he couldn’t speak in a woman’s voice so that’s why they made his female character mute.

How this continues to elude the #1 spot of the bottom 100 on is beyond me.

[quote=“Funk500”]I agree with Ric Flair that Hollywood is too easy, and I’ve also seen my fair share of bad movies. Some that spring to mind

  1. Q the Winged Serpent


Q was meant to be silly and I thnk it succeeded. You can find a widescreen version of it (looks like it was culeld for 3rd generation VHS) in Taiwan under the name of an enjoyably bad Italian film, YOR. It reminds me of the BAD Canadian film THE BRAIN being relesed here on gray market DVD a “Dario Argentos”!!! :loco:

Then there’s the numerous retitlings of films like ‘Days of Hell,’ "Days of Hall,’ and “Days of Hill.” One of them was the bad film AMOK TRAIN (aka BEYOND THE DOOR III), and I forget what the other was.

A none-too-bad Italian horror flick, SPIDER LABRYNTH was retitled VOODOO BLACK EXORCIST ( a completely DIFFERENT film) for gray market DVD here.

It makes NO sense.

Anyway, I’m verring from the topic.

I was fliping through the channels and came across Ace Ventura 2. The first one was alright, the second one was just incredibly stupid. One of the worst movies ever.