They will have to pry Taiwan from my dying hands

The parades may be a bit of a giveaway, too.


Did they play Village People songs?

That would be the icing.

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Probably “Let it Go”.


Say goodbye to LGBT rights, among many others, if people give up on defending Taiwan from the CCP.

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Not necessarily LGBT. CCP seems somewhat neutral towards LGBT rights. They seem to care more about things of political nature than whether 2 consenting adults wants to do what they want in private.

Have you forgotten about the 1 child policy, the 2 child push for more later on. Forced sterilization, importing women, jailing and using their wives to cleanse to race canadian/austrial style etc etc. They absolutely care about your bedroom…

Yea considering the one child policy caused a population crisis I think they have seriously reconsidered it.

Also being gay would certainly fit with their agenda of wanting to reduce population (the motivation behind one child policy in the first place) so why would they have a problem with that?

Also I am seeing a LOT of gay porn coming out of China, complete with Wechat usernames! So it seems to me gay pornstars in China do not fear their government.

Yes. There is no excuse not to understand this anymore. Its been proven and as common knowledge as the fact the ocean is wet.

Now there is only ourselves to blame. The information available is too vast and plentiful to claim ignorance any longer.


See my post above… thye WANT more babies now. They changed it to 2 (still not freedom, but whatever). They have jalied men and influenced their wives to breed. They are now becoming a puppy mill…surely you understand that is fucked up.

The problem withthe CCP and china at large now after decades of brai.washing is that they change on a whim. Taiwan does too, the difference is taiwan legally enforces freedoms, whereas china does not. They legally enforce the whims of their god, winnie the fucking.pooh.


I do see a lot of guys with Winnie the Pooh scooter helmets in Taiwan… Wonder what’s going to happen when the new overlords arrive?

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10 years service at the county jail making your gay ccp porn videos by the sounds of it…

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How do you know he’s not Taiwanese?

He is white and people here are ultra judgemental/superficial/racist.

I like your point. But if the article mentions foreigner, then its pretty obvious. Im not bothering to read it cause it seems one of those taiwanese peices stroking themselves with an unimportant tool they dont care about.

The soundtrack of the evening was Gloria Gayner’s “I am what I am”, if I remember correctly (I might have made that up).

It was actually a bit of a weird night - it was several years ago when I’d just arrived in Taiwan, and I’d been at a language exchange near the main station. About midnight a few dozen military vehicles rolled down the street, presumably in preparation for the national day celebrations. I genuinely thought for a moment that China was invading.


It’s not going to happen.

Things happening now in other places in the world, sad as they are, are not even close to the same situation as Taiwan.

All hell will break loose before, or earlier, anyone gets more than a few meters in any way, shape or fashion heading towards Taiwan.

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The USA has been preparing for like 40 years, know that World War II was 60 years ago, to at any moment, fight two full scale wars simultaneously while keeping others at bay.

It’s not some stupid crap shoot like you see on TV being portrayed along different political ideologies

I have a hard time imagining President Kamala Harris leading the US to victory in a war with China over Taiwan when she couldn’t even run a successful presidential campaign.

Brings back memories.


I will deflect all missiles fired to Taiwan, my powers are growing.