This Week's WTF Award Goes to

Could be right, Hobbes, but I think granny (top left) looks a little defiant still. More phone book and rubber hose for her please.


For years I’ve tried to refrain from making derogatory comments about West Virginia, ever since I was criticized in a college creative writing course for a slur I included in one paper on the populace of that great state. But I’ve got some knowledge about the subject. I lived in the state for three years. It’s a beautiful place – 75% national forest (a higher percent than any state in the US), with abundant opportunities for great kayaking, rock climbing and other outdoor activities. John Denver was right: from a natural resource perspective it is “almost heaven.” And of course generalizations are never completely true in all cases. But it was my observation that the state has more than its fair share of totally ignorant, inbred, hillbillies like those depicted, who live in remote rural hamlets, littered with old refridgerators and other garbage dumped off the side of the road, and seem to be completely cut off from the modern world. While we had lots of great experiences there, I was exuberant when my family finally packed up and headed west to a new life in sunny San Diego.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Could be right, Hobbes, but I think granny (top left) looks a little defiant still. More phone book and rubber hose for her please.


I think that defiance you see in granny is because she is steadfastly refusing legal counsel, and is refusing the prosecution’s offer of a reduced sentance in exchange for her guilty plee. “No!” she is saying, “I’m pleading guilty, and I deserve to serve the maximum sentence, becuase what I did was so wrong. No! I won’t hear another word on the subject!”

With some of them the remorse may be a little difficult to see, but it’s there. Remorse was the first thing I saw when I looked at those pictures. Well, it was the 4th thing, right after piercing intelligence, good hygiene, and attractive haircuts.

I swear to god the one in the middle on the bottom looks like my oldest bro’s wife if she took about 10 hits from the ugly stick, had the flu, and missed a dozen hair appointments.

[quote=“Hobbes”][quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Could be right, Hobbes, but I think granny (top left) looks a little defiant still. More phone book and rubber hose for her please.


I think that defiance you see in granny is because she is steadfastly refusing legal counsel, and is refusing the prosecution’s offer of a reduced sentance in exchange for her guilty plee. “No!” she is saying, “I’m pleading guilty, and I deserve to serve the maximum sentence, becuase what I did was so wrong. No! I won’t hear another word on the subject!”

With some of them the remorse may be a little difficult to see, but it’s there. Remorse was the first thing I saw when I looked at those pictures. Well, it was the 4th thing, right after piercing intelligence, good hygiene, and attractive haircuts.[/quote]


Oh that it should come to be!


Don’t forget Deliverance.

“You sure got a purty mouth. Now squeal like a pig.”

Oish! Was Deliverance set in West Virginia? I’m just scratching some names off a map here.


The 3 boys will make some real fine bitches in prison.

I wonder how this would feel if you were making fun of black inbreds instead of white inbreds.

The word is “classist”. There are fucked up people everywhere. There is no reason to maliciously cackle and mock poor white people. It is racist to do so.

Good point. Like the toe-tapping Senator, I’m sure the defendants’ actions were just misunderstood. They meant no offense by offering the poor lady rat shit and dog shit to eat; they’re just poor, country folks and that’s all they had to offer. They meant no harm by choking her with a cable and stabbing her with a knife; they’re just not well-educated and trained in social niceties, so they bond with others through rough physical actions, similar to old friends who might give each other a bearhug or tousle their hair, but more physical and therefore expressing a greater sense of intimacy and familiarity. They didn’t mean it as a racial epithet when they called her a n*gger, as they crammed her head in the toilet; they’re just not gifted linguistically, so they chose a word they’ve heard in many rap lyrics, which they understood to be a common term of endearment among colored folks. They didn’t understand that it’s wrong to hold a woman captive for a week and rape her; they just don’t have a lot of outlets for sexual expression in their small community, so they grasped eagerly at an opportunity, as any of us might have done, not meaning to harm the poor woman, but simply trying to satisfy their own natural needs.

Poor white folks are no more worthy of contempt than poor black folks or poor asian folks or rich black folks or rich asian folks or rich white folks or rich hispanics or poor hispanics or anyone else. If you people would just try to understand where these people are coming from, the environment they were raised in and all that, then just maybe you would understand that these weren’t crimes at all, which they committed, but were simply perfectly natural and ordinary occurences that any one of us might have engaged in if we were in their shoes, and therefore clearly should not be chargeable offenses. Can’t we just give them all the big hugs that they obviously need and move on?

[quote=“Mother Theresa”]Good point. Like the toe-tapping Senator, I’m sure the defendants’ actions were just misunderstood. They meant no offense by offering the poor lady rat shit and dog shit to eat; they’re just poor, country folks and that’s all they had to offer. They meant no harm by choking her with a cable and stabbing her with a knife; they’re just not well-educated and trained in social niceties, so they bond with others through rough physical actions, similar to old friends who might give each other a bearhug or tousle their hair, but more physical and therefore expressing a greater sense of intimacy and familiarity. They didn’t mean it as a racial epithet when they called her a n*gger, as they crammed her head in the toilet; they’re just not gifted linguistically, so they chose a word they’ve heard in many rap lyrics, which they understood to be a common term of endearment among colored folks. They didn’t understand that it’s wrong to hold a woman captive for a week and rape her; they just don’t have a lot of outlets for sexual expression in their small community, so they grasped eagerly at an opportunity, as any of us might have done, not meaning to harm the poor woman, but simply trying to satisfy their own natural needs.

Poor white folks are no more worthy of contempt than poor black folks or poor Asian folks or rich black folks or rich Asian folks or rich white folks or rich hispanics or poor hispanics or anyone else. If you people would just try to understand where these people are coming from, the environment they were raised in and all that, then just maybe you would understand that these weren’t crimes at all, which they committed, but were simply perfectly natural and ordinary occurences that any one of us might have engaged in if we were in their shoes, and therefore clearly should not be chargeable offenses. Can’t we just give them all the big hugs that they obviously need and move on?[/quote]



By the way, this wasn’t just an isolated week-long rape, torture, kidnap abuse incident.

[quote]A 20-year-old woman who the authorities say was tortured and sexually assaulted for more than a week at a ramshackle mobile home in Logan County, W.Va., knew at least one of her assailants and had accused him of abuse before, the police said yesterday.

That suspect, Bobby R. Brewster, one of six arrested in the torture case, had a previous relationship with the victim and was charged in July with domestic battery and assault after a dispute between them, Sheriff Eddie Hunter said.

Court documents show that on July 18, officers responded to a 911 call concerning a domestic disturbance at the mobile home, where Mr. Brewster, 24, lives with his mother in far southwestern West Virginia. The documents do not make clear who called the police, but when they arrived, the papers say, they asked Mr. Brewster about the young woman, and he said he had not seen her in several days.

Upon searching the premises, though, the officers found her behind the trailer, and she told them she was hiding from Mr. Brewster and his mother. The complaint says the police determined that he had “verbally threatened and physically hit” her. . .

On Saturday the police were called to the home again, after an anonymous tip that a woman was being held there against her will. Officers arrived to find the victim with signs of having been sexually assaulted, stabbed, beaten and burned.

The woman told the police that she had been held for more than a week, threatened with death if she tried to leave and taunted with racial epithets during multiple sexual assaults by various men and women. . . .

Mr. Brewster and his mother were the ringleaders of the abduction, the police say. When he was 12, Mr. Brewster shot and killed his stepfather at the mobile home and served time in a juvenile detention center. Mrs. Brewster, convicted of voluntary manslaughter, served five years in the fatal 1994 shooting of an 84-year-old woman who the police now say was her mother-in-law.

In fact, court documents indicate that all six of the accused have extensive criminal histories, with dozens of charges among them filed by the authorities over the last 10 years.[/quote]

Aiyoooo! :loco:

Right, and the prisons are OVERcrowded?


“White Trash” is one of the - if not the - last racist remarks the PC movement hasn’t gotten around to publicizing yet. People still use it with reckless abandon, not realizing it’s actually a racist slur. But no worries, the day will come when the usage of this expression will be just as big a no-no as the N-word, and Edgar Winter will have to spend all his retirement funds on trying to thwart libel suits against him and his former band members…

“White Trash” is one of the - if not the - last racist remarks the PC movement hasn’t gotten around to publicizing yet. People still use it with reckless abandon, not realizing it’s actually a racist slur. But no worries, the day will come when the usage of this expression will be just as big a no-no as the N-word, and Edgar Winter will have to spend all his retirement funds on trying to thwart libel suits against him and his former band members…[/quote]

As far as I recall, only two people have mentioned the race of the defendants. Quentin was the first; you were the second.

Quentin, these retards raped, stabbed, strangled and utterly degraded a woman for their entertainment. I’ll mock them just as much as I goddamn please. They’re lower than fucking bacteria.

And anyway, if you outlaw the term “poor white trash,” well then we’ll just go on niggardly snickering about them, but just behind their backs. Far better to have it out there, I say.


They’re just trash. Well, far worse, actually. Aren’t there some hungry lions somewhere in the world?

Yuck! Would you eat that?


They look like a bunch of meth heads. The old one scares me silly.