Tired of living in this s***hole

I have a fancy Pixel thing. I think some steam wafting up from the delicious sauce may have clouded my expensive lens.


Hopefully this won’t degenerate into the square pizza.

It does look yummy.


Looks tasty the sauce, would have sautéed it in a frying pan with the pasta before plating, so all the noodles were coated with sauce. But would try it!

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My better half isn’t keen on that.

No need to rub it in… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Put in a couple of eggs and you have shakshuka.

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Did this with leftovers tonight and she’s sold.


After all is said and done though, I know how you Italians tend to feel about chicken in pasta, but I think I’ll just do this with chicken thigh meat or something next time (I do want to, it was good). Maybe the duck I got was just kind of meh.

I mean, it really depends on how u use the chicken. Putting slabs of plain chicken on pesto pasta won’t do it, but using the meat in a nice sauce, can be good. The important is the method and rationale

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Certainly not :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t put chicken in pesto pasta. It’s fine in a tomato sauce, but must be shredded, not cut.

There are two Eurostores in my hometown. One is a Eurostore chain store and the other is called Europalace across the street.
Almost everything I bought from the Chinese guy didn’t work or fell apart after using one or two times. No receipts of course. Fuck me his profit margin must be 400% on the shite he sells. Obviously buying the cheapest possible crap to flog on. Taught me a lesson…


I’ll marinade a chicken breast in pesto and lemon juice, then grill and slice thin, with pesto pasta

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It sounds nice when you say it like that. I was thinking of some local restaurants.

I don’t order pasta in restaurants, mine is always better. So cheap and easy to make. The exception is an occasional lasagne now that i don’t have an oven


Same here! I haven’t done a lasagna in a while. Birds have flown the nest

I used to make a giant pot of pasta sauce, to freeze in smaller containers. From that giant pot, would make 2 lasagnes big enough for 2 people with leftovers, one lasagne went into the freezer and the other into the oven

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“I am a bear of very little brain,” so all I can do is appeal to one who has greater authority than I:

Albert Einstein, “Physik und Realität [Physics and Reality],” Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 221, No. 3, March 1936, p. 315 (PDF document)

Google Translate:


Interesting passage! It seems clear that Einstein is talking about “the totality of sensory experiences”–everything we perceive about the world and reality. He’s amazed that we are able to think about it and grasp aspects of reality by thinking, and recognizes that we will never be able to fully understand how we could be able to apply one small part of reality–our brains and consciousness–to make assessments about larger parts of it. Hence, “The eternally incomprehensible thing about the world is its comprehensibility.” I’d have to look into what Kant said on this, sounds interesting. I don’t fully understand that quote.

It’s literally true that if you believed the universe was comprised of “meaningless gibberish”, you could not say much or anything about it. I had reason to believe I understood what @OysterOmelet meant there (and if I’m wrong I hope he’ll correct me), which in short is that God is necessary for the universe not to be “meaningless gibberish”. Hence my reaction, as I would contest that view!

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Yeah, I guess I should apologize, because by the time I noticed* it was mainly about God, I was already into my little “find-Einstein-quote” project, and I didn’t want it to be wasted effort. :slight_smile:

*or maybe remembered that it was about God (and I think noticing and remembering are getting harder for me to distinguish these days)

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